(This is a rather old photo, but it has a historic background: it actually is the very first digital picture taken from me, in about winter 1987) |
Ham Radio: | DL4MEA |
Location | Vierkirchen-Rettenbach, app. 30km north of Munich |
Grid Loc ASL |
JN58ri 500m |
special interests | VHF, UHF, SHF, EME, homebuilding equipment, mechanics |
QRV in following modes | 144MHz tropo and meteor scatter (rarely) 432MHz, 1296MHz, 2320MHz, 3400MHz and soon also 5760MHz EME (very active) |
This is my RIG: (Nearly every equipment of my radio station is homemade)
144 MHz | RX/TX Preamp PA Antenna Modes |
FT847 (IC275) MGF1302 (W5UN design) GS35b (homemade, converted W6PO style) previously driven by a MRF141G, now when in use with FT847: no driver 2 * 8ele BV-OPT 2WL (4m) 16m agl SSB, CW, Meteorscatter |
1296 MHz |
RX/TX Preamp PA Antenna Modes |
FT847 + DD9DU
transverter ATF35076 in a DJ9BV design (after 13m H2000-Flex cable) TH347 1.5m dish SSB, CW |
2320 MHz | RX/TX Preamp PA Antenna Modes |
FT847 + DB6NT transverter, DJ9BV-Design 2 x MRF21120, about 150W 1.5m dish SSB, CW |
On EME, I am only QRV in traditional modes and not in any digital. I still want do do the QSOs by myself and lot let it done by the computer. I know that sometimes I am loosing new squares, countries or even continents, but my own satisfaction is worth this. Anyway, I feel that some just digital made activation of a band could be done in CW, too. Maybe you think about this and give me a note.
432 MHz | RX/TX Preamp PA Antenna Feed |
FT847 KA8RYT cavety (0.3dB NF) GS35b (homemade) 4.5m dish (f/D=0.32) Loop Feed (CT1DMK design) |
1296 MHz | RX/TX Preamp PA Antenna Feed |
FT847 + DD9DU
transverter NE32584 in a G4DDK design (0.3dB NF) TH347 4.5m dish (f/D=0.32) Round septum polarizer feed with chaparral choke |
2320 MHz | RX/TX Preamp PA Antenna Feed |
FT847 + DB6NT
transverter, G8ACE oven oscillator NE32584 in a G4DDK design (0.3dB NF) 2 x Andrews UMTS PA 4.5m dish (f/D=0.32) Round septum polarizer feed with chaparral choke |
3400 MHz | RX/TX Preamp PA Antenna Feed |
FT847 + DB6NT transverter version 1, G4DDK LO, G8ACE oven NE32584 in a DJ9BV design (around 1dB NF) Toshiba UM2631 (50W) 4.5m dish (f/D=0.32, mesh size inner 3m trapezoid 21mm x 6mm, outer rim 6.3mm square Round septum polarizer feed with chaparral choke (retrieved from a C-Band feed) |
5760 MHz (soon to come) |
RX/TX Preamp PA Antenna Feed |
FT847 + DB6NT transverter, G8ACE oven ATF35076 in a W5LUA design (???dB NF) I was told 20W 4.5m dish (f/D=0.32, mesh size inner 3m trapezoid 21mm x 6mm, outer rim 6.3mm square Round septum polarizer feed with chaparral choke |
For some time, I tracked my grid square standings, but I did not update these since many years. Those given here are outdated. While 50MHz and 144MHz became just consolidated since some missing QSL cards arrived, much more were added on 432MHz, 1296MHz, 2320MHZ and 3400MHz (last two not even yet displayed here) due to my contest and EME activities.
"DXpedition" to Rosenheim, JN67bu
special sample: My first signal on 13cm - Yet another way to do a QSO: DK2DB
on 23cm (sorry, I lost the "DB"):
(click on the
pictures to
get them in high resolution)
Subtitle: What is good for VLF, is also good for SHF... or... who says
CW must always be at 60 lpm?
And... Yes, my 13cm transverter's frequency is instable...
His initial signal (the first "man made" signal on 13cm
I ever received) |
"DK2" on slow speed: each dit is 3sec long |
These are my current and older projects:
Stations that I still am or have participated:
DB0ZKA-8: PR-Mailbox in Augsburg
For about 10 years I operated the Packet Radio Mailbox DB0KCP at my parents home. Then due to several facts I decided to shut it down locally and join it with my friend's digipeating system DB0ZKA in Augsburg, JN58ki. Today I am no longer maintaining it, since my interests have changed.
DB0FAI: High Power Experimental Beacon in Falkenberg/Langerringen
Together with Wilhelm, DL5MCG, I am operating the beacon DB0FAI in JN58ic.
My private address (no secret, because it is available through many databases, too):
Am Rain 24
D-85256 Vierkirchen
Email: [email protected]