↑ Understanding HF Skywave Propagation

A Comprehensive Guide for Radio Hams
by Doron Tal 4X4XM
This evolving guide leverages AI tools to explore HF skywave propagation. It enhances amateur radio activities using tutorials on indices, diagrams, charts, online reports, and banners and includes a table of contents, references, a glossary, a sitemap, and search capabilities.
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↑ Table of contents

Practical Guide

Activity reports
Real-time QSOs
on 11 HF Bands

Recent QSO's
Signal Reports
FT8 activity map depicts
recent band conditions

Real-time HF propagation conditions at a glance

Real-time observations
Real-time propagation charts


Tools & Applications

 Radio blackouts 

Tutorial Chapters

1. HF radio propagation basics
2. Monitoring HF band activity 3. Forecast HF bands conditions
Skywave propagation basics
4. HF propagation modes
5. Impact of the sun (preface)
6. The ionosphere (preface)
Propagation Factors & Conditions
10. Total Electron Content (TEC)
11. Global HF conditions
  11.1 Banners & widgets
  11.2 Solar indices: SSN, Solar Flux
  11.3 Geomagnetic indices K, A, HPo
  11.4 Propagation indices

The Sun and space weather
12 Solar phenomena
  12.1 Quiet sun
  12.2 Active sun
  12.3 Sunspots and solar flux
  12.4 Solar storms
  12.5 The Solar cycle
  12.6 Predicting solar flux
  12.7 Live solar activity
  12.8 Live solar alerts
  12.9 Solar Radio Interference
13. Space weather
  13.1 Space weather scales
  13.2 Solar wind
  13.3 The magnetosphere
  13.4 Geomagnetic activity
  13.5 Geomagnetic storms
  13.6 Space weather observations
  13.7 Space weather reports
  13.8 Geomagnetic forecast
  13.9 Challenges in storm forecasting
14.  Radio blackouts 
15.  Summary 
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↑   Chapter 1. HF Radio Propagation Basics

↑ What is Radio?

Radio is a type of electromagnetic (EM) energy that propagates as waves.

↑ What is an electromagnetic (EM) wave?

An electromagnetic (EM) wave is a disturbance in electric and magnetic fields that propagates through space at the speed of light (~3×10⁸ m/s in a vacuum). These waves are generated by accelerating charges or high-frequency currents and carry energy across distances.

Figure 1.1: A wave characterized by frequency and wavelength

Frequency (f): Cycles per second (Hertz). Wavelength (λ): Distance between successive wave crests. Formula: c = f*λ, where c is light speed.


A comparison between Radio and Light propagation phenomena:

Multipath propagation
Figure 1.2: Radio wave propagation phenomena

Radio waves can travel in different ways between a transmitter and a receiver.

See here an overview of these five wave propagation phenomena.

  Multipath propagation

Figure 1.3: Light Wave propagation phenomena
is quite similar to Radio Wave Propagation.

The key difference between Radio and Light is that light waves are more easily affected by obstacles and atmospheric conditions due to their shorter wavelength.

↑ Additional properties of waves

  • Polarization: Electric field orientation.
  • Rays: Wave propagation direction.
  • Wavefronts: Surfaces of constant phase.
  • Field Intensity: Strength of the wave's field.
  • Power Density: Power per unit area.
  • Path Loss: Signal weakening over distance, caused by free-space loss, refraction, diffraction, reflection, aperture-medium coupling loss, and absorption. It’s also affected by terrain, environment, propagation medium, distance between transmitter and receiver, and antenna height and location.
  • Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR): A measure used to compare the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise. It's calculated as the ratio of the power of the signal to the power of the noise, often expressed in decibels (dB). The higher the SNR, the clearer and more distinguishable the signal is from the noise.
  • Spectrum: a property of waves describing the range of frequencies or wavelengths. Spectroscopy studies the spectra of electromagnetic radiation by measuring its wavelength or frequency with specialized equipment to understand matter's structure and properties.

The electromagnetic spectrum: Radio waves are a subset of the electromagnetic spectrum that has unique applications based on frequency and wavelength. The following display moves from long to short wavelengths, with radio waves on the left side.

Solar Spectrum
Figure 1.4: The electromagnetic spectrum

↑ The radio spectrum shown below goes from low to high frequency (long to short wavelength).

The Radio Spectrum Bands

Figure 1.5: The radio spectrum divided to 11 bands

Table 1: The MF and HF bands assigned to radio amateurs
Frequency Range
160 m 1.800–2.000 Part of MF band
80 m 3.500–4.000 Varies slightly by region
60 m 5.3305–5.3665 Limited availability
40 m 7.000–7.200 Regions 1&3; up to 7.3 MHz in Region 2
30 m 10.100–10.150 CW and digital modes only (WARC band)
20 m 14.000–14.350 Most widely used for DX communication
17 m 18.068–18.168 WARC band
15 m 21.000–21.450 Effective during high solar activity
12 m 24.890–24.990 WARC band
10 m 28.000–29.700 Widest HF band
  ↑ The rebirth of skywave HF radio.

HF radio declined in the 1960s due to ever-changing Ionosphere, interference, and bandwidth limits, leading to the rise of satellite technology.

Between 1965 and 2020, satellite system issues—high costs, outages, and complex infrastructure—revived interest in HF radio. Advances like digital voice, automatic link establishment (ALE), and spread-spectrum have improved HF reliability and affordability, making it popular again for long-distance and emergency communications.

Advantages of Skywave over Satellites:
  • Remote Reach: Skywave covers areas without satellite access.
  • Infrastructure-Free: No infrastructure needed; ideal for emergencies.
  • Cost-Effective: Long-range communication with low-power transmitters.

↑ How does HF radio propagate?
HF radio waves mainly propagate as skywaves, reflecting or refracting off the ionosphere, enabling long-distance communication.
For more details, see Chapter 4: HF Propagation Modes, covering line-of-sight (LOS), ground wave, and skywave propagation.

↑ What are HF band conditions?
HF band conditions refer to the quality of HF signals propagating as skywaves, which are influenced by ionospheric dynamics.

↑ Key Factors Affecting HF Propagation:

  1. Different Ionosphere Regions: The different regions of the ionosphere affect HF waves and change dynamically with the time of day, seasons, solar cycles, and geographic locations.
  2. Each HF band has unique characteristics.
  3. Critical Frequencies: Higher values of foF2, MUF, and OWF suggest better HF propagation, while a higher LUF indicates communication disruptions, especially in the lower HF bands.
  4. Solar Indices (SSN and SFI): Higher values suggest improved HF propagation conditions.
  5. Geomagnetic Indices (A and K): These indices measure Earth's magnetic activity. Higher values usually signal propagation disturbances.
  6. Space Weather: The space conditions that impact HF propagation.
  7. Solar X-ray Bursts: Solar X-ray bursts can cause radio blackouts.

↑ Chapter 2. Monitoring HF Band Activity

Ham radio activity is a reliable indicator of current band conditions. Previously, manually scanning ham bands with analog receivers was time-consuming. Today, advanced tools enable efficient global assessment of various HF bands. By combining multiple methods and tools, you can enhance your understanding of propagation conditions and ensure a more accurate assessment.

Table 2: Tools and Applications for Monitoring HF Band Conditions
Watch Activity Charts 2.1 Real-time ham band activity of all modes DXview
DX clusters
2.2 Tracking digital modes FT8
Listen & Compare Signals 2.3 Tracking Global Beacons NCDXF
2.4 Use various antennas at your station Explanation & example
2.5 Utilize remote receivers WebSDR, KiwiSDR
Social Media and Forums: operators share current band conditions and experiences.

↑   2.1 Real-time ham band activity using the internet

The tools DXView, DXMAPS, and DX clusters all suggest open bands, as shown below:

↑ 2.1.1 DXView map by Jon Harder, NG0E, shows real-time ham activity in the last 15 minutes on 11 ham bands (1.8–54 MHz).

The DXView map shows real-time ham band activity from the last 15 minutes, including Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) levels for SSB, CW, and digital modes. This visual aid helps identify open bands and communication modes. The DXView website offers a walkthrough on interpreting the map and selecting band colors. JavaScript is required for graphics.

Figure 2.1: Real-time Ham Band Activity

While DXView focuses on band openings, the next tool (DXMAPS) focuses on specific contacts, allows users to add their info, visualize propagation paths, and analyze contest performance.

↑ 2.1.2 DXMAPS by Gabriel Sampol, EA6VQ—real-time charts per band

DXMAPS provides real-time charts of reported QSOs (contacts) and SWLs (shortwave listeners) across amateur bands. The tool visualizes propagation paths, helping users analyze band conditions and contest performance effectively. Registered users can send formatted DX-Spots for easier identification. Propagation mode identification is available for high bands, above 28 MHz.

Figure 2.2: QSO/SWL real time information

↑ 2.1.3 DX Clusters are worldwide networked servers that collect messages from active radio amateurs and distribute them to all connected participants. Active radio amateurs or shortwave listeners use DX clusters to get timely information about activities on the amateur radio bands.

Figure 2.3: An illustration of DX Clusters by DALL-E AI Image Generator

Analysis of multiple DX cluster messages can be used as an indicator of propagation conditions and how they are changing. However, it’s not a perfect predictor, and local factors matter.

↑   2.2 Tracking digital modes

Monitoring HF Propagation with WSPR, which is a weak-signal radio communication protocol used for sending and receiving low-power transmissions to test propagation paths on the ham bands. The following are useful links: WSPRnet, WSPR Rocks, WSPR Live.

Monitoring HF Propagation with FT8 is a popular digital mode that automatically decodes weak signals and provides real-time data on HF activity.

  • WSJT-X: A computer program used for weak-signal radio communication between amateur radio operators.
  • PSKReporter: A global signal-reporting network that maps signal transmission and reception in near real time.
  • To monitor propagation conditions:
    1. Use software like WSJT-X to decode FT8 signals.
    2. Upload your reports to PSKReporter to visualize current band conditions.
A PSKReporter chart generated by WSJT-X v2.6.1 software, illustrating global FT8 signal reception.
The following map provides near real-time data on band activity, propagation paths, and weak-signal communication conditions.
PSKReporter demo
Figure 2.4: PSKReporter Chart of Signals Received

The Receiving station

Figure 2.5: Malahite v1.3 DSP Receiver connected to
K-180WLA Magnetic Loop antenna (MLA)

↑   2.3 Tracking Global Beacons

Listening to the NCDXF Beacon Network is beneficial for DX station hunting.

Eighteen worldwide beacons operate on five bands: 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10 meters. These stations use standardized antennas and power levels.

Figure 2.6: NCDXF beacons map

The above is a map of the NCDXF Beacon Network, which operates on the frequencies: 14.100, 18.110, 21.150, 24.930, and 28.200 MHz. Receiving readable signals on these frequencies can indicate open bands.

Beacon IDs are callsigns in CW, followed by a carrier decreasing in four power levels: 100, 10, 1, and 0.1 Watts. If you can hear the weakest 0.1 Watts signal, it suggests good propagation or a low-noise location. The NCDXF website provides further details for operators.

Tune between 28.2 and 28.3 MHz for additional beacons operating full time.

↑ 2.4 Use various antennas at your station to assess HF propagation conditions

Using different antennas at your station helps assess HF propagation conditions by comparing received signal levels and signal-to-noise ratios. Switch between dipoles, verticals, and loop antennas to receive signals from beacons.

Observe variations in signal strength and clarity:

  1. Monitor signal strength from various distant stations on different bands using different antennas (e.g., dipole, vertical, loop).
  2. Compare reception: Note variations in signal strength across different antennas and bands.
  3. Analyze signal quality: Observe signal quality (e.g., fading, noise levels) for each antenna.
  4. Cross-reference data: Compare your observations with online propagation predictions and real-time propagation information.

Example: This activity requires hands-on experience and a basic understanding.

If you consistently receive strong signals from Europe on 20 meters with a vertical antenna, but weak signals with a dipole, it might indicate favorable vertical wave propagation conditions. Conversely, if 40 meters performs better with the dipole, it could suggest better horizontal wave propagation on that band.

By systematically observing these factors, you can gain valuable insights into current HF propagation conditions and optimize your antenna choices for specific bands and destinations.

↑   2.5 Remote receivers, WebSDR and KiwiSDR

WebSDR and KiwiSDR are popular SDR platforms that enable users to listen to radio waves using just a web browser, eliminating the need for a receiver and antenna. Both platforms support multiple users simultaneously and offer real-time spectrum and waterfall visualization. However, they differ in user interface features and specific functionalities. Each platform has unique advantages, making the choice dependent on your specific needs and preferences.

The following example demonstrates the Wideband WebSDR at the University of Twente, Enschede, NL. The visual spectrum and waterfall display enable users to monitor and analyze signals from remote locations.

entire shortwave spectrum
Figure 2.7: Real-time display of the entire LF–MF–HF spectrum

Alternatively, choose a remote receiver from the following WebSDR map:

WebSDR map
Figure 2.8: WebSDR Global Map
Interactive map showing WebSDR locations worldwide. Users can select a WebSDR receiver to remotely monitor HF signals, access live waterfall displays, and tune into specific bands.

Or choose a remote receiver from the KiwiSDR global list, or click the following map:

KiwiSDR map
Figure 2.9: KiwiSDR Global Map
Global map of KiwiSDR receivers, providing access to real-time HF signal monitoring. Users can select stations to explore propagation conditions and compare band activity at different geographic locations.

↑ Chapter 3. HF Propagation Conditions: Forecasting and Prediction

  1. Why Do We Need HF Propagation Forecasting?
  2. Evolution of Forecasting Techniques
  3. How to determine HF propagation conditions
  4. Forecasting vs. Prediction
  5. Forecasting and Prediction

↑ Why Do We Need HF Propagation Forecasting?

HF propagation forecasting enables operators to select optimal frequencies and plan communication times. Key metrics such as foF2 and MUF provide real-time insights into ionospheric conditions, essential for long-distance communication.

↑ Evolution of Forecasting Techniques

Remarkable advancements in space technology, software-defined radio (SDR), and the internet have revolutionized our understanding of radio wave propagation. Before the 1990s, propagation charts and reports were often published in amateur radio magazines. Today, real-time solar indices and computer programs provide accurate, up-to-the-minute propagation data via online tools.

↑ How to determine HF propagation conditions

The MUF, based on ionograms, plays a key role in determining HF propagation conditions.

↑ Forecasting vs. Prediction

The terms forecasting and prediction differ primarily in their time frames and methodologies.

  • Forecasting: Short-term estimations based on real-time data (e.g., "Conditions will improve in the next hour").
  • Prediction: Long-term projections using historical trends (e.g., "Better 40-meter conditions expected next month").

↑ Forecasting and Prediction

Utilizing real-time propagation charts based on measured critical frequency improves long-distance communication, reduces interference, and ensures efficient, reliable use of the HF spectrum.

The quickest methods to forecast HF propagation conditions over the next hour are:

  1. Watch real-time DXView chart
  2. Watch real-time propagation charts.

However, to fully understand propagation conditions, you should gather global physical parameters, such as real-time solar flux (SFI), solar X-ray flux (R), proton solar flux (S), and geomagnetic activity (Kp). Then, combining real-time data with mathematical models allows accurate HF propagation forecasting for different bands, regions, and times.
Online and offline applications and tools can simulate the current ionospheric condition and its effect on band conditions by using mathematical models, recent solar activity data, space weather reports, and real-time ionospheric sensing .

Forecasting and Prediction Summary:

Skywave propagation basics

↑ Chapter 4. HF Propagation Modes

This chapter reviews the primary modes of high frequency (HF) radio propagation.

There are three main modes of HF Radio Propagation:
LOS, Ground wave, and Skywave.

Propagation Modes
Figure 4.1: Simplified illustration of HF Propagation Modes

1. Line of Sight (LOS) propagation: Short-range, direct-path communication above 30 MHz.

  • Line of Sight exists when radio signals pass directly between two stations with no obstacles in between. This mode works well for short-range transmission at higher frequencies, often within a few kilometers of the visual horizon. Signals cannot follow the curvature of the globe.
  • Non-LOS propagation occurs if obstacles exist; radio waves may reflect off conductive surfaces like buildings or mountains.

2. Ground wave or surface wave propagation: Effective below 2 MHz; influenced by terrain and conductivity.

  • AM radio stations use ground wave propagation during the day.
  • Vertically polarized surface waves travel parallel to the Earth's surface and can cross the horizon.
  • Geologic features and RF absorption by the earth attenuate ground wave transmission.
  • Ground waves are effective below 1 MHz over salty seawater or conductive ground but are ineffective above 2 MHz.

3. Skywave (or skip): Long-distance propagation via ionospheric reflection (3–30 MHz).

  • Ionospheric Variability: Ionization density profiles vary in thickness and altitude.
  • Daytime Absorption: The lowest D region absorbs frequencies below 10 MHz, as discussed later about the LUF.
  • Ducting effects: Can occur occasionally.
  • The Skip Distance (Figure 4.1) is a dead zone with no reception between ground wave and skywave. It is calculated using the following formula:

    where Dskip is Skip Distance, h is the height, fMUF is maximum usable frequency, and fc denotes the critical frequency.
  • Special cases:
    • NVIS: Near Vertical Incidence Skywave operates at 2–8 MHz, using low horizontal antennas to address dead zones.
    • Sporadic E: In late spring or early fall, low VHF (30 to 150 MHz) signals can be unpredictably "reflected" back to Earth.

Note: Currently, this site does not cover the following propagation modes:

  • Aurora propagation: an Aurora event may create opportunities for QSOs on high bands 50–145 MHz (6, 4, and 2 meters), while lower bands are disturbed.
  • Backscatter propagation
  • Meteor Scatter propagation
  • Moon Bounce (EME) propagation
  • VHF-UHF-SHF "Scatter Propagation" due to Troposphere irregularities, offering communication between 160 km to 1600 km.

Table 3: Summary of HF basic propagation modes
Mode Range Key Features Frequency Range
Line-of-Sight Short (a few km) Direct signal path with no obstructions Above 30 MHz
Ground Wave Up to 100 km Follows Earth's surface; best over seawater Below 2 MHz; vertical polarization
Skywave Global (1000+ km) Reflects off ionosphere; supports long-distance 3–30 MHz (HF bands)

Among these modes, skywave propagation is the most versatile for HF bands. The upcoming chapters detail the factors affecting skywaves.


↑   Chapter 5. How does the sun affect radio communications?

The Solar EUV radiation creates the ionosphere that bounces HF radio waves, allowing them to propagate beyond the horizon.
Solar EUV create the ionosphere that enables propagation
Figure 5.1: An illustration of ionosphere generation and its effect on radio waves
Highlights covered in the upcoming chapters:
  1. The ionosphere is a conducting region of plasma that refracts and reflects HF radio waves.
  2. Global and regional propagation conditions depend on the sun's position and orientation, i.e., time of day, season, and ionospheric state above different geographical locations.
  3. High solar activity increases ionization in the ionosphere, resulting in better propagation conditions, especially in higher HF bands.
  4. The sunspot number and solar flux correlate with improved global propagation conditions.
  5. Solar storms may also disrupt global communications.

↑   Chapter 6. The Ionosphere (preface)

This chapter serves as an introduction, laying the basis for a deeper study of the ever-changing ionosphere's influence in HF radio communication.

The term "ionosphere" refers to the upper region of the atmosphere.

The ionosphere is always changing, courtesy of NASA Goddard

Video clip: The dance of radio waves within a vibrant airglow.
Solar storms intensify the ionosphere's beauty, while
Earth's weather below adds to the unique destination.

Earth's weather and the space weather both affect the ionosphere, a spectacle of charged particles.

"Ionospheric clouds" move at different speeds and directions, with irregularities in conductivity.

The Ionosphere

Figure 6.1: Ionosphere (Thermosphere) is part Earth's Atmosphere
The Thermosphere is characterized by very high temperatures ranging from 550 to over 1300 degrees Kelvin, due to the solar EUV.

This radiation generates free electrons in the ionosphere. The process is named "ionization".

Figure 6.2: Generation of free electrons

HF radio waves directed from Earth to the ionosphere cause free electrons to oscillate and re-radiate, resulting in wave refractions with a refractive index similar to that in geometrical optics, explained here.

Read explanations in the next chapter.

Propagation Factors and Conditions

↑ Chapter 7. Influence of the ionosphere on radio propagation

The ionosphere refracts HF skywaves, enabling long-distance communication by multi-refractions.

↑ 7.1 Ionospheric Regions and HF Skywaves

Note: The term layers is commonly used, but regions is a more accurate description of the ionosphere's structure.

The D, E, and F regions describe the structure of the ionosphere, despite the fact that ionization density varies with altitude and time across the whole ionosphere.

D-E-F regions Day-night
Figure 7.1: Ionospheric regions illustration

It’s common to present the order of ionosphere regions affecting HF skywaves from the highest region downwards, as follows:

  • The F region, located between 150 and 800 km above the Earth, enables long-distance HF communication in the 3.5 to 30 MHz bands.
  • This collisionless plasma region consists ionized Hydrogen (H+) and Helium (He++) with the highest free-electron density up to 1012 electrons per cubic meter excited by the 10–100 nano-meter EUV. It splits during the day into two sub-regions F1 and F2, which merge and slowly dissipates after sunset.

  • The E region, located between 90 and 150 km above the Earth, dissipates a couple of hours after sunset.
  • This partly collision plasma region consists ions such as O2+, O+ up to 1011 electrons per cubic meter excited by solar radiation 1–10 nano-meter EUV.
    During intense Sporadic E(Es) events (particularly near the equator) it sporadically reflects frequencies in the 50-144 MHz bands.

  • The D region, located 50–90 km above ground, dissipates at sunset.
  • The region's frequent collisions contribute to high radio wave absorption during the day. The D region absorbs and blocks radio frequencies below the lowest usable frequency (LUF) from reaching higher E and F regions. In this region, ultraviolet radiation at 121.6 nm (UVC) excites ions like Nitric Oxide (NO+) up to 1010 electrons per cubic meter. Solar flare bursts (0.1–1 nm X-ray) can produce blackouts for minutes to hours.

The F, E, and D regions differ in gas composition and free electron density. These regions are conceptual rather than rigidly defined. Sometimes there are plasma clouds rich in free electrons. The average electron density affects the critical frequency of each region. Their characteristics change daily, seasonally, and throughout the solar cycle.

Plasma Density and height
Figure 7.2 Typical Distributions of Free Electrons in the Ionosphere

The above graph is based on a review from U.C.Berkeley by Bob Brown Ph.D, NM7M (SK)

Free-electron densities fluctuate throughout the day and night, across seasons, and are influenced by various factors such as sunspots, solar cycle, geomagnetic storms, and lightning storms, all of which can affect radio propagation conditions.

Why does the density of free electrons increase sharply with height between 50 km and 250 km?
The density of free electrons is affected by the balance of two opposing processes: ionization and recombination (the capture of a free electron by a positive ion). The F region gets most of the UV radiation compared to the lower E and D regions, while the rate of electron-ion recombination is much faster in the lowest D region (due to the higher gas density). As a result, the free-electron density of the high-set F region (at noon) is significantly higher than that of the E and D regions. At most, only one thousandth (1/1000) of the neutral atmosphere is ionized.
Table 4: An overview of the ionospheric regions
When Present Minimum
Plasma region Affected
by UV Solar
F  150—800 km HF Super Reflector 15—30 Splits at daytime
into F1 and F2
1011/cubic meter 1012/cubic meter collisionless 10-100 nm H+ He+
E*   90—150 km Medium-Frequency and
Sporadic* VHF Reflector
7—10 Negligible at night 109/cubic meter 1011/cubic meter partly collision 1-10 nm O2+
D    48—90 km Daytime Attenuation
Chaotic Fadeout
2—6 Daytime only 108/cubic meter
109/cubic meter
109/cubic meter
1010/cubic meter
frequent collisions 121.6 nm
N2+ O2+

↑ 7.2 Long and Mid-Range Skywave

The following figure illustrates refractions of skywaves from the F and E ionospheric regions at various angles. The F region "reflects" HF (3–30 MHz) to longer ranges, and the E region sporadically "reflects" VHF (50–160 MHz) to midranges. The left two paths of signals demonstrate higher-frequency radio waves lost in space:

Figure 7.3: Refraction of radio waves in the ionosphere

Long-range skywave propagation typically uses a low transmission angle, which corresponds to a high incident angle.
Transmission angle Incident angle
Figure 7.4: Transmission angle (α) and incident angle (θ)

The highest MUF occurs at the lowest transmission angle. This results in the longest range, implying the transmitted ray is almost horizontal. However, low-angle radiation below 5 degrees can be very difficult to achieve with practical antennas at frequencies lower than 30 MHz.

↑   7.3 Skywave Multi-refractions

The ionosphere bounces skywaves in complex multiple modes
Complex Propagation Modes
Figure 7.5: Complex skywave modes:
F Skip / 1F1E, E-F Ducted, F Chordal, E-F ocasional and sporadic E.
Diagram provided by ASWFC ibid Section 2.4, Fig.2.4.

The diagram illustrates various modes of radio wave propagation in the ionosphere, such as ionospheric tilt, chordal mode, ducted mode, sporadic E, F skip, 1F1E, and 1F1Es1F. It emphasizes how radio waves interact with the E and F regions, depicting their travel paths across long distances.

The free electrons in the ionosphere refract radio waves as they move through the ionospheric regions, where the free-electron density gradually varies; numerous refractions are what create the frequency-dependent reflections of ionosphere skywaves.

↑   7.4 HF Propagation Indicators: Critical Frequencies

The refraction of radio waves in the ionosphere is characterized by their critical frequency. This is the highest frequency at which radio waves reflect back to Earth. Higher frequencies escape into space.

The frequencies foF2, MUF, OWF, and LUF serve as indicators for HF radio propagation conditions.

7.4.1   The Critical Frequency (foF2) is the highest frequency below which a radio wave is reflected by the F2-region at vertical incidence, independent of transmitter power.

vertical incidence
Figure 7.6: Vertical reflection from F2 region

The critical frequency is dependent on the collision frequency of the free-electrons and their density:
where fc is the critical frequency and Nmax is the free electron density.

If the transmitted frequency is higher than the plasma frequency of the ionosphere, then the electrons cannot respond fast enough, and they are not able to re-radiate the signal.

Ionosondes determine the critical frequency, which varies significantly based on location and time.

Statistically, between 2005 and 2007, the global average critical frequency (foF2) varied from 1.8 MHz to 11 MHz, with an average of 7.5 MHz.

  • Day vs. Night and Geographical Locations:
    The critical frequecy varies with latitude and the day due to increased ionization from solar radiation. At night, the MUF decreases.
  • The graph below shows how the critical frequency varies with latitude during the day and night.

    Figure 7.7: foF2 vs. Geographic Latitude, based on Australian Space Weather Service publication.
  • Day Hemisphere: The red curve (F2 region) peaks around 18 degrees latitude, forming an "equatorial anomaly."
    The blue curve (E region) remains relatively flat.
  • Night Hemisphere: The red curve shows a "mid-latitude trough" around 60 degrees latitude. Gradually growing towards the equator.
    The E region dissipates at night.
  • Seasonal Variations: The critical frquency is higher in summer due to the sun being directly overhead and lower in winter.
  • Solar Activity: High solar activity can increase the MUF by enhancing ionospheric ionization.

See links to the online foF2 maps and the recent foF2 measurements at various locations around Australia.

7.4.2   The  Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) is a fascinating concept in skywave propagation. It is the highest radio frequency reflected by the ionosphere at a given incident angle (θ), independent of transmitter power. It is a highly effective indicator for forecasting HF radio propagation conditions.

MUF illustration
Figure 7.8: MUF illustration

The MUF is calculated using the formula:

MUF = foF2 × sec(θ)

  • foF2: Critical frequency of the F2 layer.
  • θ: Angle of incidence relative to the vertical.
  • As a rule of thumb, the MUF is approximately 3-4 times the critical frequency;
    i.e., incident angle θ = 70°-75°; transmission angle α = 15°-20°.

For vertical incidence (θ = 0), MUF equals foF2. For oblique paths, MUF increases with sec(θ).

See the recent MUF charts.

7.4.3   The  Optimum Working Frequency  (OWF) is usually 85% of the MUF.

7.4.4    Lowest Usable Frequency(LUF) is where signal strength rapidly decreases due to daytime D-region absorption.

LUF, also known as the "absorption-limited frequency" (ALF or FL), is a soft frequency limit, unlike the sharp cut-off of the MUF.
Frequencies below the LUF are absorbed by the D region during the day (It does not exist at night, there is no low frequency limit).

Figure 7.9: Daytime Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF)

The LUF is mostly determined by the D region, where there are few free electrons and negligible absorption occurs. The E and F regions contain fewer neutral atoms, resulting in fewer collisions and less energy loss from vibrating free electrons. This allows radio waves to be refracted and reflected rather than absorbed.

During a solar flare, the LUF may rise swiftly. See the recent LUF chart.

Understanding these variations is crucial for effective HF radio communication, as it helps select the optimal transmission frequency.

↑   7.5 NVIS Propagation

NVIS - Near Vertical Incidence Skywave is a unique communication mode using skywaves directed almost vertically.

NVIS provides the solution for the dead zone (between groun dwave and skip). It is the only solution for communication coverage in hilly and/or jungle areas over short distances of a few hundred kilometers.

Figure 7.10: How NVIS provides communications within a hilly area.
  • Typical operating frequencies are 2-4 MHz at night and 4-8 MHz during day.
  • NVIS requires suitable antennas (like a low dipole at hight of 0.1-0.25 wavelengths) to improve vertical radiation and reduce lower-angle radiation, contrary to what is customary for long-range communication.
  • NVIS offers enhanced resistance to fading (constant signal level), and minimal attenuation, making it suitable for low transmit power levels and omnidirectional coverage, allowing flexibility in setup and placement.
  • To avoid skip zones on 40 m band use NVIS when f0F2 is higher than 8.5 MHz. Switch to 80 m if the day is on the downward slope. Optimize antenna radiation pattern for the desired takeoff angle. Optimum NVIS height for horizontal dipoles: 0.18–0.22λ for TX and 0.16λ for RX. courtesy of Chris, N6CTA.

The NVIS map shows the recent global distribution of critical frequency (foF2).

↑   7.6 Gray line Propagation

The "gray line" (US English) is the twilight zone around the Earth separating daylight from darkness. Propagation along this zone is highly efficient because the D region, which absorbs HF signals during the day, vanishes quickly on the sunset side and hasn't formed yet on the sunrise side. Ham radio operators and shortwave listeners can optimize long-distance communications by tracking this twilight zone.

Gray line illustration
Figure 7.11: Ionospheric Regions and Gray Line
The height of the F and D regions
is exaggerated in comparison to Earth dimensions.
Figure 7.12: Online gray line chart
For more information click on the map.

Some radio operators use specialized gray line map to predict when the gray line will pass over their location, as well as the best frequencies and modes of propagation to apply at that time. Overall, gray line propagation is a fascinating and useful phenomenon that has the potential to open up exciting opportunities for long-distance radio communication.

↑   7.7 Ionospheric conditions

The ionospheric conditions vary in 24-hour cycles, seasonal changes, solar activity, and geographical locations.

Figure 7.13 illustrates supplementary information that is not crucial for understanding skywave propagation.

The ionospheric physical conditions are: temperature distribution, free electron density, pressure, density, gas compositions, chemical reactions, and transport phenomena (horizontal and vertical winds), as illustrated below.

Figure 7.13: Ionospheric physical conditions
    Shown on the left figure:
  • Temperatures distribution
    due to low or high solar flux
  • Free electron density
  • Ionic compositions.

  • Not shown on the left figure:
  • Gas pressure and density
  • Gas compositions
  • Chemical reactions
  • Winds: horizontal and vertical

The dynamics in the D region correspond to chemical reactions between the ions O+, N+, and NO+ with N2, O2, and NO.

Conclusion: Chapter 7 examines ionospheric regions, the distribution of free electrons, propagation indicators, and specific propagation modes.
The following chapter discusses regional, diurnal, and seasonal propagation conditions, including online real-time charts.

↑   Chapter 8. Regional HF Propagation Conditions

Regional propagation conditions offer a detailed view of what individual operators may experience, based on observed values of foF2, MUF, and LUF between two locations. Sub-chapters: 8.1 Ionosondes » 8.2 Ionograms » 8.3 Day-night: Diurnal cycle » 8.4 Seasonal phenomena » 8.5 Online charts of MUF, foF2, and LUF

↑   8.1 Ionosonde

The ionosonde, also known as the chirpsounder (developed in 1925), is an "HF radar" that sends short pulses of radio waves into the ionosphere to find the most optimal frequencies for HF communication. It calculates the time it takes for reflected pulses to return and then plots the height (derived from the time delay) versus frequencies to produce an ionogram. An ionosonde sweeps the HF spectrum from 2 to 30 MHz, raising the transmitted frequency (Tx) by about 100 kHz per second and digitally modulating it in 25 kHz increments. Matching receivers (Rx) detect and analyze echo signals, as seen in the next figure.
Figure 8.1: Basic ionosonde types are vertical and oblique

Every 15 minutes, ionosonde stations around the world report real-time data via the internet.

Map of GIRO ionosonde stations
Figure 8.2: Global map of Giro digisondes as of 2017

Some stations aren't always active, and significant regions of the globe are uncovered yet with ionosonde stations, as shown on the above map.

Readings of foF2 from several sites can be combined to build a propagation map for foF2.

↑   8.2 Ionogram

An ionogram is a visual representation of the height of the ionospheric reflection of a specific HF radio frequency. It shows the plasma density distribution in ionospheric regions at various altitudes (48–800 km).

Ionograms typically display two key elements:

  1. Horizontal Lines: These lines indicate the virtual height at which an amplitude-modulated pulse is echoed, varying with the operating frequency.
  2. Vertical Curve: This curve represents the critical frequency.

Typical ionogram
Figure 8.3: A typical ionogram
The ionogram above illustrates the ionospheric E and F2 regions. The red curve shows ordinary refraction, and the green curve shows extraordinary refraction, due to the ionosphere's anisotropic nature causing double refractions (birefringence).

While this provides a simplified explanation, the reality is that the ionosphere is neither uniform nor stable, constantly changing over time. Consequently, researchers developed the Digisonde Directogram to identify ionospheric plasma irregularities.

↑   8.3 Day-night: Diurnal cycle

The diurnal cycle on Earth occurs every 24 hours, with the sun affecting ionosphere characteristics. The figures below illustrate typical diurnal cycle: The E and F regions have larger electron densities during daylight, while the D region disappears at night. The MUF and LUF rise with the sun and diminish after sunset.

Diurnal cycle
Figure 8.4: Typical diurnal cycle
FMUF: F region maximum usable frequency
OWF: optimum working frequency
EMUF: E region maximum usable frequency
LUF: The lowest usable frequency due to D-region.

↑   8.4 Seasonal phenomena — variations and anomalies

Seasonal variations
Intensified solar EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet) radiation leads to higher free-electron densities, especially during the summer months and more intensely near the equator compared to the poles.

Figure 8.5: The dynamics of ionospheric regions at mid-latitudes

As a result, HF propagation conditions on the bands above 10 MHz are better in the summer and closer to the equator, whereas propagation conditions on the bands below 10 MHz are better in the winter and at high latitudes (30° to 60°).

Summer anomalies
Summer anomalies can cause plasma irregularities in the ionosphere's mid-latitude F region in both hemispheres. Seasonal changes significantly impact ionization, with summer frequently bringing instabilities known as mid-latitude spread-F due to increased solar radiation. The Arecibo Radio Observatory in Puerto Rico observed anomalous electron density irregularities during such an event, extending above the ionosphere's stable topside, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 8.6: Electron density anomaly at mid-latitudes

The top figure shows both the E and F regions on the same scale and the bottom figure shows E region in an expanded scale

↑ 8.5 Online real-time propagation charts

The following eight online charts show HF propagation conditions, all based on recent ionosonde measurements:
  1. Online gray line chart ahows MUF at 13 stations with global propagation indices updated every 3 hours; Provided by N0NBH
  2. MUF 3000 Km map: HF propagation conditions at a glance updated every 15 minutes; Provided by KC2G
    There is also an animated version showing the last 24 hours.
  4. Online NVIS Map shows wolrdwide distribution of foF2 provided by KC2G updated every 15 minutes
    The following 3 NVIS maps are updated every 15 minutes by the Australian Space Waether Forecast Center (ASWFC)
  6. Online chart of NVIS (foF2) ASWFC
  7. Online chart of T index foF2 ASWFC
  8. Online chart of the recent foF2 measurements at various locations of Australia, New Zealand and East Antarctica ASWFC
  10. Online chart of the recent LUF Updates only when it detects a solar flare of magnitude M1 or higher; Provided by ASWFC

↑     Online gray line chart showing current MUF at 13 stations and global propagation indices; updated every 3 hours (by Paul L Herrman, N0NBH).
Solar indices anD-regional MUF
Figure 8.7: Grayline map with MUF data and some propagation indices
The above figure shows day-night, 13 local MUF reports, and the Global Indices: SFI, SN, A&K indices, 304Å, Geomag, Sig Noise.

↑    Online MUF 3000 Km Propagation Map updated every 15 minutes

This map was developed between 2018 and 2021 to assist radio amateurs in finding the best times and frequencies for contacts by displaying HF propagation conditions at a glance.

  • This online map shows the estimated MUF, calculated from ionograms.
  • A radio path of 3,000 Km is being considered for unification.

MUF3000 map *** KC2G server does not respond ***
Figure 8.8: Online MUF 3000 Km Propagation Map, by Andrew, KC2G
How to use this map | Additional notes | Animated map

How to use this map? ↑

The colored regions of this map, which are rebounded by iso-frequency contours, illustrate the Maximum Usable Frequency that is expected to bounce off of the ionosphere on a 3000 Km path. The gray line position is also included.

The ham bands are designated by iso-frequency contours: 5.3, 7, 10.1, 14, 18, 21, 24.8, and 28 Mhz.
For example, if a given area on the map is greenish and lies between the contours labeled "10" and "14," the MUF in that location is around 12 MHz.

The raw data is MUF calculated from data collected by ionosondes, which are represented by numbered colored discs that show their location.
A number inside a disc indicates the calculated 3000km MUF from the critical ionospheric frequency, foF2. The information from selected stations is compiled by Mirrion 2 and GIRO, and processed by the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model (produced by a joint task group of COSPAR and URSI.

The MUF along a path between any two locations shows the possibility of long-hop DX between those points on a given band.
For example, if the MUF is 12MHz, then 30 meters band and longer will work, but 20 meters band and shorter won't.
For long multi-hop paths, the worst MUF anywhere on the path is what matters. For single-hop paths shorter than 3000 Km, the usable frequency will be less than the indicated MUF. As one gets closer to vertical, i.e., NVIS, the usable frequency drops to the Critical ionospheric frequency, (foF2, as shown in the next map).

Additional Notes:

  1. The accuracy is insufficient for professional radio services because:
    1. Inaccuracy results from the limited coverage of radio stations. Therefore, the map is based on data interpolation. The algorithm aims to find the MUF (or foF2) at scattered points globally, but achieving accurate extrapolation from few data points is challenging. The guessing process is better in areas close to measurement stations, but uncertainty increases in distant areas.
    2. Stations may provide inaccurate or disagreeing data, leading to peculiar results in an attempt to align measurements. Stations may go off-line or re-appear, causing unexpected changes in the model's global picture due to the limited number of data points initially used.
    3. Real-time ionosonde data sharing has been discontinued by countries like Russia, China, Japan, the US Space Force, and NOAA in recent years. Some ionosondes are only available through NOAA, and if GIRO outages occur, maps on this site may stop updating.
    4. There is uncertainty associated with predicting the ionosphere's state using vertical sounding data.
    5. Geomagnetic storms and blackouts, resulting from elevated X-ray flares and proton ejections, can significantly impact the accuracy of MUF estimation derived from vertical sounding data. This map does not refer to D region absorption or to ionospheric noise. The propagation model is too simple.
    6. The effects of geomagnetic storms and blackouts are implicitly included in the results of ionograms. But it is impossible to predict band conditions for the next few hours. Geospace dynamic models are still being developed.
  3. The "MUF(3000km)" project is the result of research and development by Andrew D Rodland - KC2G, which is based on an earlier work by Matt Smith - AF7TI. WWROF financing and data from ionosonde operators all over the world, provided by GIRO and NOAA made it feasible.
  5. See Acknowledgments.
  6. Read more about this open source project.
  7. Read more about the open source software and models.
  9. Roland Gafner, HB9VQQ, extended the static presentation with an animated map showing the last 24 hours in 15-minute steps. ↑

Figure 8.9: Animated MUF 3000 Km Propagation Map courtey of Roland Gafner, HB9VQQ

↑     NVIS online live map for vertical reflection (critical frequency foF2) provided by Andrew D Rodland, KC2G updated every 15 minutes

foF2 map - if not displayed KC2G does not respond ***
Figure 8.10: Online NVIS Map, by Andrew, KC2G

The colored regions of this map, which are rebounded by iso-frequency contours, illustrate the critical frequency that is expected to bounce off of the ionosphere at near vertical angle. The ham bands (160, 80, 60, 40, 30 ,20m) are designated by iso-frequency contours: 1.8, 3.5, 5.3, 7, 10.1, and 14 Mhz.

foF2, as measured by ionosondes, is the raw data that powers the site.
Colored discs indicate the location of stations. A number inside each disc represents the critical frequency, foF2.

↑  Another NVIS real-time map provided by the Australian Space Weather Service is updated every 15 minutes. It displays contours of the critical ionospheric frequency - foF2. There are a few differences between this map and the KC2G map, mainly due to the choice of frequencies for the contours. The KC2G map highlights ham bands. The following map, however, is designed for commercial use.
foF2 WW Map
Figure 8.11: Online NVIS map courtesy of ASWFC
Click on this online map to view the source page. There is further information.

↑   Online T Index Map - foF2 is provided by Australian Government Space Wheather Services

The T index indicates the highest frequencies refracted from the ionosphere, as measured by ionograms. Higher T index values indicate higher refractable frequencies. Geomagnetic activity frequently depresses the mid-latitude ionosphere, reducing the T index.

This index also measures total electron content, predicting the maximum usable frequency (MUF) for HF radio waves and reflecting ionospheric conditions. It’s derived from observed maximum ionospheric frequencies and has the same scale as sunspot numbers over several solar cycles, making it an "equivalent sunspot number."

The T index corrects anomalies between sunspot number and solar flux and takes into consideration geomagnetic storms that may alter the foF2. Values typically range between -50 and 200, with low values indicating lower HF frequencies and large ones indicating higher frequencies.

T Index Map
Figure 8.12: Online T Index Map courtesy of ASWFC
T Index FAQ | T Index Map | Real-time T Indices | Forecast T indices

↑ The recent foF2 measurements at various locations of Australia, New Zealand and East Antarctica

Current foF2 Plots
Figure 8.13: foF2 Plots courtesy of Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre
Click on this online map to view the source page.

↑ The recent LUF (ALF) chart provided by the Australian Space Weather Alert System

Current LUF
Figure 8.14: LUF plot courtesy of the Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre
Click on this online map to view the source page.

During a solar flare, increased ionization in the D-region of the ionosphere can cause fadeout. The chart shows the LUF (ALF) for typical 1500 Km HF circuits. Communication is rare below the LUF but feasible above it. For shorter circuits, LUF levels may be too high, allowing for slightly lower frequencies. Longer circuits may still experience fadeout at higher frequencies. This real-time chart updates only when it detects a flare of magnitude M1 or higher.


↑ Chapter 9. Ionospheric Dynamics

The atmosphere's different regions interact like a team, influencing one another in intricate ways. Weather patterns in the troposphere and activities from the Sun and Earth's magnetic field also play a role in this system. Atmospheric waves, such as gravity waves (ripples caused by air moving up and down) and planetary waves (large waves influenced by Earth's rotation and heat), along with geomagnetic activity, significantly impact the energy and dynamics in the thermosphere. This chapter delves into how these interactions affect the propagation of radio waves through the sky.


↑   9.1 Sporadic E

Sporadic E (Es) indicates occasional reflections from highly ionized plasma clouds in the lower E region.

Figure 9.1: Reflection from Sporadic E plasma cloud

Operators may use Es for making mid-range contacts on the VHF amateur bands: 50 MHz (6 m), 70 MHz (4 m), and 144 MHz (2 m).

Sporadic E Propagation in 2 minutes courtesy of Andrew McColm, VK3FS

Video clip: Equatorial sporadic E, occurring within ±10° of the geomagnetic equator, is a regular midday phenomenon. In polar latitudes, sporadic E, known as auroral E, can accompany auroras and disturbed magnetic conditions. At mid-latitudes, Es propagation often supports occasional long-distance communication on VHF bands during the approximately six weeks centered on the summer solstice, which normally only propagate by line-of-sight.

↑   9.2 Ionospheric Clouds

All the ionospheric regions consist of plasma clouds as illustrated below:

Ionospheric clouds
Figure 9.2: Ionospheric Clouds or Bubles

The moving plasma clouds or bubbles are traveling disturbances of electron density

How do "ionospheric clouds" affect HF propagation?

The dynamic ionosphere causes signal fading (QSB) over time. Small-scale irregularities in the ionosphere are observed at all levels, with periodic motions attributed to neutral atmospheric waves interacting with ionized components in the upper atmosphere. While understanding is limited, the research promises the ability to predict short-term changes.

Additionally the ionosphereic regions are disrupted by (1) The chaotic solar activity and (2) The tropospheric weather from far below.

What effect does tropospheric weather have on the ionosphere?

Troposphere storms, hurricanes, and strong wind patterns can all temporarily alter the TEC caused by EUV solar radiation.

In other words, the ionosphere and troposphere are coupled by a variety of mechanisms.

For instance, a lightning storm can cause electrodynamic interaction, as shown in the following figure.

The following figure illustrates electrodynamical coupling of the Troposphere with the Ionosphere:


Figure 9.3: Ionospheric clouds due to Troposphere-Ionosphere coupling


Sprites - Transient Luminous Events (TLEs)
Figure 9.4: The different forms of Transient Luminous Events Credit: NOAA

There are other complex mechanisms that couple the troposphere to the ionosphere. We won't go into detail at this point.

In conclusion, "Ionospheric clouds" that develop as a result of the coupling between the troposphere and ionosphere may affect skywave HF propagation.

How are ionospheric clouds or bubbles detected?

The Digisonde Directogram may detect ionospheric plasma irregularities.

Figure 9.5: Digisonde Directogram

It consists of multi-beam ionosondes, which measure echoes coming from various locations.
Seven ionosonde beams (one vertically and six diagonally) are used to generate the ionograms.
The end result is an extended ionogram of plasma clouds as they drift over a Digisonde station.

Figure 9.6: Sample directogram
for Cachimbo station from 12 UT Oct 10 to 12 UT Oct 11, 2002.
Blue color means ionospheric motion from west to east.

↑   9.3 Ionospheric Storms cause fadeouts

Ionospheric storms involve a sudden change in the density of ionized particles, usually due to solar flares. However, solar wind and tropospheric tides can also influence these storms. Below, we explain the ionospheric disturbances: SID, TID, and GRB.

9.3.1 "Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances" (SID) are any one of several ionospheric perturbations resulting from abnormally high ionization or plasma density in the D-region of the ionosphere and caused by solar flares and/or solar particle events (SPE). The SID affects HF skywave signal strengths, with lower frequencies being more heavily absorbed and resulting in a larger decrease in signal strength (see the next figure).

SID effect
Figure 9.7: Fadeout signal strength vs. time
courtesy of Australian Space Weather Service

During a strong SID, the LUF will increase to a frequency higher than the MUF, thus closing the usable frequency window, an event called a fadeout or blackout. The current fadeout (SWF: short-wave fadeout) event, if any, is shown below.

Recent fadeout
Figure 9.8: Online fadeout chart
courtesy of ASW Alert System

9.3.2 "Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance" (TID) is a wave-like structure passing through the ionosphere that alters the altitude and angle of refraction of skywaves. TIDs travel horizontally at 5–10 km/minute, with varying phases, amplitudes, and angles of arrival. Some originate in auroral (polar) zones.

Probing traveling F region ionospheric disturbances

The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) is an international network of 35 HF radars (8 MHz–22 MHz) located in the northern and southern hemispheres.

Figure 9.9: SuperDARN site in Holmwood SDA, Saskatoon, Canada

The SuperDARN are designed to study F region Ionospheric dynamics, instability, disturbances and storms. The research covers geospace phenomena, including field-aligned currents, magnetic reconnection, and mesospheric winds. It tests theories of polar cap expansion and contraction under changing IMF conditions, observing large-scale responses to substorms. The collaboration includes various institutions.

9.3.3 "Cosmic Gamma-ray Bursts" (GRB) may also cause communications disturbances. Measurable effects are rarely observed.

On October 9, 2022, there was a cosmic gamma-ray burst that affected all ionospheric and stratospheric regions. These are intense explosions observed in distant galaxies, the brightest and most extreme events in the universe. NASA describes them as the most powerful class of explosions since the Big Bang. Afterglows are longer-lived and typically emitted at longer wavelengths.

Studies are being done on this phenomenon.


↑   Chapter 10. Total Electron Content (TEC)

What is TEC?
TEC is the total number of free electrons present along a path between two points.

Why is TEC important for HF propagation conditions?
TEC correlates with the critical frequency, foF2, and is therefore implemented in a variety of ionosphere models. Moreover, the total electron content can provide additional information about the structure and dynamics of the ionosphere. It can detect and monitor ionospheric disturbances, such as those caused by solar flares or geomagnetic storms.

Units: 1 TEC Unit (TECU) is the number of free electrons per square meter (x1016) for a shell height of 400 km directly above a certain point. Values in Earth’s atmosphere can range from a few to several hundred TEC units.

How is TEC measured?
Data is gathered from GPS receivers worldwide, observing carrier phase delays in radio signals from satellites above the ionosphere, often using GPS satellites.

The effect of Tropospheric weather:
The troposphere and ionosphere are separate atmospheric regions with distinct functions. However, they do interact through various processes. Tropospheric lightning may induce changes in total electron content and consequently affect HF propagation conditions. Thunderstorms can also worsen the signal-to-noise ratio, in particular in the lower HF bands; i.e., tropospheric weather may affect these conditions, especially in tropical regions. Thus, monitoring and modeling TEC patterns and variations allows us to better understand and prepare for the constantly changing atmospheric conditions.

Online TEC maps follow:
Figure 10.1: Online TEC map courtesy of the German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Figure 10.2: Past TEC variations (animated) courtesy of HB9VQQ

TEC conclusion:
Solar EUV radiation, solar wind, CMEs, and atmospheric disturbances all contribute to TEC fluctuations, which vary with time, location, seasons, geomagnetic conditions, troposphere conditions, and the solar cycle. Data analysis may reveal qualitative patterns for spring, fall, summer, and winter solstices.


↑ Chapter 11. Global Propagation Conditions

Solar activity, ionospheric conditions, and global average ionization levels in the F2 region affect HF radio waves worldwide.

The regional conditions, as explained in Chapter 8, can be very different from the global averages described in this chapter.


↑   11.1 Banners and Widgets

Banners and widgets are visual aids for displaying global propagation conditions using propagation indices. They help radio operators to quickly assess current world conditions and make informed judgments about their operations.

Paul L. Herrman (N0NBH) developed the banners shown below.

Figure 11.1: Calculated conditions

Figure 11.2: The Basic Solar indices
SFI & SN correlate with F2-region ionization.
A and K indicate geomagnetic instability.
See the interpretation of these indices.

Solar-Terretrial Data, N0NBH  
304Å: Solar Radiation @ SEM (Solar EUV Monitor)
Pf - Proton flux | Ef - Electron flux (solar wind)
Aurora F region ionization (polar zones)
Bz - Magnetic field nornal to ecliptic plane ACE
SW - Solar Wind speed
Aur Lat - The lowest Aurora Latitude
Calculated by NOAA
EsEU - Sporadic E Europe every ½ hour
EsNA - Sporadic E N. America every ½ hour
EME Deg - Earth-Moon-Earth attenuation every ½ hour
MUF—Maximum Usable Frequency (MHz) every 15 min.
MS—Meteor Scatter Activity colored bar every 1/4 hour
GeoMag—calculated from K-Index every 3 hours.
Sig Noise lvl—Background noise S-units
due to geomagnetic activity, calculated every ½ hour
Figure 11.3: Propagation conditions indices
Propagation indices displayed with views of the Sun and Earth

Figure 11.4: Solar iamge at 304Ångstrom

Figure 11.5: Earth view from the Moon

↑   11.2 Solar Indices

Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV) radiation creates the ionosphere, especially the F2-region. Since EUV is fully absorbed by the ionosphere, it doesn't reach the ground, making direct measurement impossible for ground-based devices. Before the space age, scientists relied on two indirect markers to gauge the ionization levels of the F2-region. These are the "Solar Indices":

  1. SSN - Sunspot Number is a count of the number of dark spots seen on the sun.
    Higher SSN values correlate with improved conditions on 14 MHz band and above:.
  2. See the recent SSN values.

  3. SFI - Solar flux index refers to the intensity of solar radio emissions at 10.7 cm (2,800 MHz).
    Higher flux correlates with increased ionization levels of the E and F regions, enhancing HF radio propagation conditions.
    The current SFI: Loading solar flux data... SFU (Solar Flux Units); 10-22 Watts per meter² per Hz.

  4. 304Å Index measures the solar radiation strength at 304 Ångstrom (30.4 nm) EUV, emitted primarily by ionized helium in the sun's photosphere. This parameter has two measurements: one from the EVE instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the other from the SOHO satellite (SEM instrument). It accounts for about half of the ionization of the F region in the ionosphere and loosely correlates to the Solar Flux Index (SFI). The background level is typically around 134 at solar minimums and can exceed 200 or more at solar maxima. It is updated hourly.
  5. Solar X-ray flares (1–8 Ångstrom) is measured by instruments onboard GOES satellites.
    Excessive X-ray flares can cause ionization at the D region, leading to communication disruptions and blackouts.

Understanding the Correlation between Sunspots and Solar Flux:

  • Sunspot number records have been traced back to the 17th century but are often subject to interpretation. The solar flux at 10.7 cm wavelength (2,800 MHz) aligns closely with daily sunspot numbers, making both databases interchangeable.
  • See a comparison table between SSN and SFI.
  • The 10.7 cm Solar Flux data is more stable and reliable compared to the Sunspot Number (SSN).
  • Radio telescopes in Ottawa (from February 14, 1947, to May 31, 1991) and Penticton, British Columbia (since June 1, 1991), report solar flux density at 2,800 MHz daily at local noon (1700 GMT in Ottawa and 2000 GMT in Penticton). Corrections are made for factors like antenna gain, air absorption, solar bursts in progress, and background sky temperature.
  • Due to variations in solar radiation globally, even with corrections, consistent results are challenging. Thus, readings from the Penticton Radio Observatory in British Columbia, Canada, are used as a benchmark. These numbers are crucial for predicting ionospheric radio propagation.
  • The 10.7 cm radio flux consists of contributions from the undisturbed solar surface, active regions, and transient enhancements above the daily level. Levels are determined and corrected within a few percent.

↑   11.3 Geomagnetic Indices

Geomagnetic indices measure disturbances in Earth's magnetic field, which can disrupt HF propagation by increasing atmospheric noise and weakening radio signals. These indices are crucial for understanding the potential impacts on all communication systems, satellite operations, and even power grids.

K and A are local indices

K-index: This index represents short-term (3-hour) geomagnetic activity at a specific geomagnetic station. It quantifies disturbances in Earth’s horizontal magnetic field by comparing geomagnetic fluctuations, measured by a magnetometer, to a quiet day. The K-scale is logarithmic, allowing for a more manageable representation of the wide range of geomagnetic activity magnitudes.

A-index: This index averages K values to provide a linearized view of geomagnetic activity. It is important for predicting and understanding the effects of geomagnetic storms on HF communications.

Kp and Ap are global planetary indices

K and A indices measure local geomagnetic activity at a single observatory. A global average of these indices is calculated from 13 mid-latitude geomagnetic observatories, marked as Kp and Ap:

  • Kp: Average of K-indices from 13 observatories, indicating broad geomagnetic activity.
  • Ap: Daily global geomagnetic activity, derived from the Kp index.

* A comparison table between K and A indices.

* See the recent Kp and K indices.

The HPo (GFZ) indices are less commonly referenced.
This higher time resolution can be crucial for predicting and mitigating the impacts of geomagnetic storms on various technologies.

The half-hourly Hp30 and hourly Hp60, developed at GFZ (German Research Center for Geosciences), offer improved time resolutions compared to the three-hourly Kp. Together with the linear versions Ap30 and Ap60, they are collectively known as the HPo index, providing near-real-time data from about 13 geomagnetic observatories.

↑   11.4 A review of the Propagation Indices

HF propagation indices are essential tools for amateur radio operators to evaluate and predict radio wave propagation conditions. The key indicators include the Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF), Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF), and ionospheric noise levels. These indicators are correlated with solar indices such as the Sun Spot Number (SSN), Solar Flux Index (SFI), and X-ray flares, as well as geomagnetic indices like the A and Kp indices. Understanding all these parameters is crucial for accurately estimating HF propagation conditions.

Interpretation of the propagation indices

Table 5: The correlation between SSN and SFI
MUF< 15 MHz> 21 MHz> 24 MHz> 28 MHz> 50 MHz
High solar indices SSN and SFI correlate with good HF propagation conditions.
Table 6: The correlation between K and A values
HF Propagation conditionsBestAveragePoorBAD
Geomagnetic activity index (log-scale)K0123456789
Geomagnetic activity index (linear)A 0  4  7  15 27 48 80132207400
High geomagnetic indices K and A indicate disturbed HF propagation conditions.
The current Kp index

Solar X-Ray flares may cause Radio blackouts

Table 7: Solar flare interference comparison
Band conditionsBestAveragePoorBAD
Solar flare scale A  B  C MX
Radio-blackout scaleR0R1R2R3R4R5
Real-time solar flare: relayed by ASWFCenter

Figure 11.6: The recent solar flares (GOES)
relayed by New Jersey Institute of Technology
*** QRZCQ server is down ***
Figure 11.7: The observed indices of propagation conditions
over the last 30 days, provided by QRZCQ
Please note the correlation between the acronyms in the title (SF, SN, AI, KI, XR)
and the names of the relevant indices given below the graph:
SF:=Flux index; SN:=Spot number; AI:=A index; KI:=Kp index; and XR:=X-Ray index.

The Sun and Space Weather

↑ Chapter 12. Solar phenomena

This chapter classifies solar events into quiet and active types. Both types affect space weather and HF HF skywave propagation conditions.


↑   12.1 Quiet sun

The sun emits Electromagnetic Radiation across a wide spectrum from Gama-rays to ELF (extreme long radio waves).

Ionosphere formation is due to Solar EUV
Figure 12.1: The solar electromagnetic spectrum

The Extreme Ultra Violet EUV generates the ionosphere.

EUV spectrum of the whole Sun
Figure 12.2: The EUV spectrum of the whole Sun
This EUV spectrum was measured by the prototype SDO/EVE instrument flown aboard a rocket on 2008 April 14, during solar minimum between cycles 23 and 24.
Ref: ibid. Solar UV and X-ray spectral diagnostics, Fig. 11 on page 25 of 278.
Peak (He II) EUV radiation at a wavelength of 30.4 nm is the most important solar emission contributing to half of the Ionospheric F region ionization.
Lyman series-alpha Hydrogen-spectral-line at a wavelength of 121.6 nm ionizes Nitric Oxide (NO) at the D-region causing mostly absorption of HF bands below 10 MHz.

↑   12.2 Active Sun

Solar activity is driven by the eleven-year periodic reversal of the sun's magnetic field. There is a helical dynamo in the sun's core and a chaotic dynamo near the surface.

    The main solar phenomena associated with HF radio propagation on Earth are:
  • Sunspots: last from a few days to a few months; the number of spots varies in 11-year solar cycle: a deterministic chaos;
  • Solar flux at 10.7 cm: a measurable indicator of solar activity;
  • Solar flares: radiation bursts that last from tens of seconds to several hours;
  • Solar wind propels energetic particles. See classification chart for proton flux;
  • Coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

Chapter 13 explains the space weather driven by solar activity.

↑   12.3 Sunspots and Solar Flux

  • Sunspots are darker, cooler areas on the Sun's surface with intense magnetic activity.
  • More sunspots lead to increased solar radiation, including the 10.7 cm wavelength known as solar flux.
  • Higher sunspot numbers indicate higher solar flux levels, enhancing ionization in Earth's upper atmosphere and improving HF radio wave propagation.
    Conclusion: more sunspots » higher solar flux » better HF communication.
  • Sunspots vary in shape, size, and duration, lasting from hours to months.
  • The average number of sunspots changes throughout the solar cycle.
Left: Sunspots in visible light         Right Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV 30.4 nm)
Compare Sunspots and Flares
Figure 12.3: Two images of the Sun (February 3, 2002)
by Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite
courtesy of European Space Agency and NASA.

Q. What is the reason for analyzing sunspots in both visible and ultraviolet light?

A. Visible light is what we see with our bare eyes. Magnetic disturbances are only detectable in EUV light.

↑   12.4 Solar storms (X-ray flares and particle events)

Solar storms disrupt HF communication with radio fadeouts and blackouts caused by flares and solar energetic particles (SEPs), which increase ionization in the D-region.

Flares mainly impact the equatorial regions.

SEP mainly causes Polar Cap Absorption (PCA).

In severe cases, tens of decibels of attenuation can obstruct most transpolar HF radio transmissions. Flares may cause short blackouts lasting minutes to hours, while PCA events typically last 24 to 48 hours.

For centuries, people have been observing sunspots without knowing what they are. We now understand that these are symptoms of solar storms.

Figure 12.5: Solar storms consist of solar flares associated with CMEs

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) often appear as twisted ropes. Figure 12.8 presents the model connecting solar flares with CMEs.

(A) The "solar flares" are bursts of (soft X-ray and EUV, 0.1–1 nm) radiation.

solar flare
Figure 12.6: A Solar flare courtesy of NOAA, May 2023
  1. Solar flares enhance the ionization of the ionosphere, specifically the D-region at 50-90 km altitude.
  2. The enhanced D region absorbs HF radio, causing radio signals to fade out. These events are known as blackouts.
  3. Solar flares can last from tens of seconds to several hours.
  4. Solar flares classification: A, B, C, M, or X on a logarithmic scale.
  5. The recent solar flares
  6. The current solar flare
  7. The D region absorption model is used as a guide to understand the possible fadeout events.

(B) Solar Energetic Particle Events (CME, SEP, and SPE):

  1. A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a significant ejection of plasma mass from the sun's corona into the heliosphere, following solar flares. The magnetic fields of CMEs merge with the interplanetary magnetic field.
    Click to see illustration how CME may reach Earth
    Figure 12.7: LASCO C2 image, taken 8 January 2002 shows coronal mass ejection (CME)
    captured by SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Credit: NASA / GSFC / SOHO / ESA
  2. CMEs release large amounts of matter into the solar wind and interplanetary space, primarily consisting of electrons and protons.

    Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) occur alongside solar flares. Pre-eruption structures require magnetic energy, while post-eruption structures form magnetic flux ropes and prominences.

    Figure 12.8: Model of solar flares and CMEs; enhanced diagram following Fig 1. of Shibata et al.

    Types of CMEs:
    * Halo CMEs: Appear as a halo around the Sun; often directed towards or away from Earth.
    * Partial Halo CMEs: CMEs: Cover part of the Sun; less impactful than full halos.
    * Narrow CMEs: Confined to a narrow width; less likely to impact Earth directly.
    * Fast CMEs: Travel faster than 500 km/s. They can cause significant geomagnetic storms.
    * Slow CMEs: Travel slower than 500 km/s. Generally have a lesser impact.
    Each type can affect Earth's magnetosphere differently, potentially causing geomagnetic storms and disruptions.

    Solar flares and CMEs spontaneously, disrupt the solar wind and damaging systems both near-Earth and on its surface.

    The next chapter explains how space weather observations provide warnings of approaching CMEs.

  3. Solar energetic particles (SEPs), including electrons, protons, and alpha particles, are ejected from the Sun at high speeds as part of the solar wind. Upon reaching Earth, they interact with Earth's magnetosphere. Guided by Earth's magnetic field, the charged particles are attracted to the north and south magnetic poles, causing auroras.
  5. Solar Proton Event (SPE) occurs when the Sun emits protons that accelerate to high energies during a solar flare or coronal mass ejection (CME). These protons travel towards Earth through the solar wind or CME and are guided by interplanetary magnetic field lines.
  7. The current solar wind heading Earth.

Sunspots, unlike flares and CMEs, are statistically predicted.
Sub-chapter 12.5 discusses the Solar Cycle.
Sub-chapter 12.6 presents long term prediction for Radio Flux at 10.7 cm.

↑   12.5 The Solar Cycle

Sunspots change in eleven year cycles. There are many sunspots during solar maximum and few during solar minimum.

Figure 12.9: Solar Cycle: Minimum (2019) to Maximum (2024) courtesy of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

Visible light images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory showcase the Sun's appearance at solar minimum (left, Dec. 2019) and solar maximum (right, Aug. 2024). During solar minimum, the Sun often appears spotless. Sunspots, linked to solar activity, are used to track the solar cycle's progress.

Sunspot Number Progression since 1750
Figure 12.10: Solar Cycle Sunspot Number Progression
Source: The International Space Environment Service (ISES)

Video clip: An animated overview of the Solar Cycle; published by NASA in May 2013

Solar magnetic flips are associated with solar maximum, when the number of sunspots is near its maximum, but it is often a gradual process that can take up to 18 months. The reversal will most likely take three to four months to complete.

The sunspot cycle begins when a sunspot appears on the sun's surface at roughly 30 degrees latitude. The formation zone then travels toward the equator. At its peak intensity, the sun's global magnetic field reverses its polar regions, as if the positive and negative ends of a magnet were flipped at each of the sun's poles.

There have been 24 (11-years) solar cycles since 1749. The magnetic field of the sun totally flipped every 11 years or so. In other words, the sun's north and south poles switched places. After two reversals (22 years), the solar magnetic field returns to its former orientation. This is known as "Hale cycle".

Understanding the complex interactions between solar magnetic fields, sunspots, and the solar cycle is crucial for comprehending the Sun's dynamic behavior and its impact on Earth, specifically HF propgation conditions.

The Current 25th Cycle began in 2020. The number of sunspots observed far exceeds predictions.

July 2024 marked the peak of Solar Cycle 25, with a monthly average sunspot number of 196.5, a new high. The last time this occurred was in December 2001. Despite predictions of a similar cycle size to previous cycles, Solar Cycle 25 exceeded these expectations.

Sunspot Number Progression
Figure 12.11: Sunspot Number progression during solar sycles 24 and 25 up to Dec 2024
Source: The International Space Environment Service (ISES)

Online chart of the recent 30-day sunspot numbers
The Recent Sunspot Number Progression
Figure 12.12: EISN - Estimated International Sunspot Number

Solar flux like sunspot number can be also used to show the observed and predicted Solar Cycle.
Sunspot Number Progression
Figure 12.13: Solar Flux progression during solar sycle 25 up to Dec 2024
Source: The International Space Environment Service (ISES)

  1. Solar Cycle Notable Events

    More than 150 years ago, the most intense geomagnetic storm was recorded on 1-2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10.
    This event is known as the Carrington Event.

    SSN progression 1845-65
    Figure 12.14: The Carrington Event

  2. Sunspot cycles can vary, meaning they are not identical.
    Comparison of the recent Solar Cycles by Jan Alvestad:
    The current 25th solar cycle is significantly stronger than the previous 24th cycle, but weaker than the three preceding cycles (21st-23rd).
    Comparison of Solar Cycles
    Figure 12.15: Comparison of the recent Solar Cycles

  3. North-South Sunspot Asymmetries

  4. Previous research has found north-south asymmetries for solar activity. These data point to some decoupling between the two hemispheres during the evolution of the solar cycle, which is consistent with dynamo theories. So yet, only little data are available for the two hemispheres independently for the most important solar activity metric, sunspot numbers. Below see an example:

    Figure 12.16: Sunspot Asymmetries

    Hemispheric Sunsopt Number 1950-2021 provided by SIDC - Solar Influences Data Analysis Center, Royal Observatory of Belgium

↑   12.6 Predicting Solar Flux

The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center forecasts the monthly sunspot number and 10.7 cm radio flux. The Sunspot Number represents the count of visible sunspots on the solar surface, while the 10.7 cm Radio Flux measures solar radio emission at 2,800 MHz. These predictions use a blend of observational data, analytical methods, and AI techniques.

There are two recommended sources:
  1. Predicted sunspot number and Radio Flux at 10.7 cm are provided by NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

    This is a multi-year (2022-2040) forecast of the monthly Sunspot Number and the monthly F10.7 cm radio flux.

    The Predicted values are based on the consensus of the Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Panel.

  3. 27-Day Outlook of 10.7 cm Sun Radio Flux and the Earth Geomagnetic Indices
    prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center.
  4. The 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table , issued Mondays by 1500 UTC, is a numerical forecast of three key solar-geophysical indices; the 10.7 cm solar radio flux, the planetary A index, and the largest daily K values. A complete summary of weekly activity and 27-day forecasts since 1997, plus an extensive descriptive, are online as the weekly.

  5. 3 Day Geomagnetic and Aurora Forecast by SolarHam.
    SolarHam website relays data and images from various sources.

↑   12.7 Live Solar Activity Online

Near real-time views of the Sun shown below were taken by SOHO telescope at four EUV wavelengths, each associated with a different color of the sun disc. Brighter areas show higher levels of solar surface activity, i.e. higher Solar Flux Index.
Images of the solar activity at several wavelengths

SOHO 17.1nm

SOHO 19.5nm

SOHO 28.4nm
Helium II

SOHO 30.4nm
Figure 12.17: Real-time SOHO images at EUV
by EIT (Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope)
Solar Images courtesy of NASA, Solar Data Analysis Center
Click on a thumbnail to view a larger image (opens a new window).
Sometimes you may see the text "CCD Bakeout" instead of the images.
For a technical explanation, read NASA CCD Bakeout explanation.

The Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) is an instrument on the SOHO spacecraft, used to obtain high-resolution images of the solar corona. The EIT is sensitive to EUV light at different wavelengths: 17.1, 19.5, 28.4 nm produced by ionized Iron, and 30.4 nm produced by Helium. The four images show the intensity distribution at these wavelengths, originating in the solar chromosphere and the transition region.

The average and local intensity may vary by orders of magnitude on time scales of minutes to hours (unpredictable solar flares), days to months (predictable solar rotation), and years to decades (predictable Solar Cycle).

The ionospheric free-electron density varies over similar magnitudes and time ranges as the EUV radiation.

↑   12.8 Live Solar Alerts Online

Extreme solar events like X-ray flares and high energy protons may affect space weather and HF radio propagation.

Links to Live Solar Alerts Online
Solar X-ray flares (bursts of X-ray and EUV radiation)   Solar wind (stream of protons)
Recent Flares

Larger than C8
Current flare

Forecast flare

  Solar Wind

Rice univ.
Proton Flux


↑ 12.9 Solar Radio Interference

  1. Solar flares and CMEs emit radio waves at various frequencies.
    • These emissions come in bursts.
    • These bursts disrupt space weather and interfere with communication systems.
    • The spectrum of radiation spans from a few kHz to several GHz.
    • Different sunspot cycles can produce distinct radio burst distributions, especially at 245 MHz.
    • Predicting future solar events is challenging due to gaps in data archives, leading to underestimated burst rates.
    • The temporal variations in the maximum solar radiation intensity at different frequencies, particularly at 245 MHz, help estimate the flow velocity in the solar corona during coronal mass ejections.
  3. Solar radio emissions may indicate complex processes.
  4. Below, see multi-frequency (VHF-SHF) radio bursts superimposed on a persistent background characterizing solar flares:

    Solar Radio Emission
    Figure 12.18: Multi-Radio-Frequency Observations of the Sun
    Picture Source: Patrick McCauley Mccauley.pi, CC BY-SA 4.0; Author: Peijin Zhang 2022

↑   Chapter 13. Space Weather

Space weather
Figure 13.1: Space Weather Environment.

Space weather refers to conditions and events in space, primarily caused by solar activity affecting Earth and its environment. These include solar flare, solar wind, coronal mass ejection (CME), and geomagnetic storms, impacting technology and communication systems in orbit and on the surface.

Understanding space weather is crucial for predicting its impact on HF radio propagation and other technologies.

Wikipedia describes space weather as "a branch of space physics and aeronomy, or heliophysics, concerned with time-varying conditions within the Solar System, emphasizing space surrounding the Earth."

13.1 Space Weather Scales
13.2 Solar Wind Impact on Earth and HF Propagation
13.3 Earth's Magnetic Field Governs The Magnetosphere
13.4 What is Geomagnetic Activity?
13.5 Geomagnetic Storms disrupt HF Communication
13.6 Space Weather Observations
13.7 Space Weather Reports
13.8 Geomagnetic forecast
13.9 Challenges in Geomagnetic Storm Forecasting

↑   13.1 Space Weather Scales

The NOAA R-S-G scales categorize three types of events, assessing their severity and likely consequences with numbers (0–5):
  1. R0-5: Radio Blackouts.
  2. S0-5: Solar proton flux within the solar wind .
  3. G0-5: describes geomagnetic activity.
Table 9 shows the latest three days of space weather observations.

↑   13.2 Solar Wind Impact on Earth and HF Propagation

The solar wind is the fundamental driver of space weather. It is a stream of charged particles emitted by the sun's corona into outer space. These particles interact with Earth’s magnetosphere and magnetic field, significantly affecting skywave propagation and triggering auroras around the Earth’s poles.

Solar Wind
Figure 13.2: The solar wind interacts with Earth’s magnetosphere causing auroras.

The illustration above shows the solar wind reaching the magnetosphere, compressesing the magnetic field on the side facing the sun while elongating it on the opposite side.

The solar wind can vary greatly in speed, density, temperature, composition, and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). These variations are influenced by solar activity, such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) or coronal holes. Although predicting exact changes in the solar wind is challenging, there is some correlation with sunspots and solar flares.

The Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) is the magnetic field carried by the solar wind. It interacts with Earth’s magnetosphere, and when aligned with Earth’s magnetic field, it can cause magnetic reconnection events, leading to geomagnetic storms.

The solar wind can reach Earth within 20 to 30 minutes after a solar storm begins (relativistic electrons) and up to four days later (heavier charged particles). Read an extended explanation here.


↑   13.3 Earth's Magnetic Field Governs The Magnetosphere

Earth's magnetic field governs the magnetosphere, the region enveloping our planet. This field protects us from the adverse effects of solar particles, X-ray flares, and cosmic radiation, all of which influence geomagnetic conditions and, in turn, significantly impact HF skywave propagation.

Earth's Magnetic field

Figure 13.3: Earth's Magnetic field—the geomagnetic field.

The orientation of Earth’s magnetic field is composed of two variables:
1. Earth's axis is tilted 23.5° to the ecliptic plane
2. Earth's magnetic field is tilted 11° relative to the Earth's axis.

Earth's Magnetosphere
Figure 13.4: The magnetosphere is a "magnetic bubble" that surrounds Earth.
Its shape depends on the solar wind and the orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field. Click on the figure above for additional explanations.


↑ 13.4 Geomagnetic Activity

Geomagnetic activity refers to disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field caused by solar wind and other solar phenomena. These disturbances can range from minor fluctuations to major geomagnetic storms, often associated with auroras.

The following public domain images show auroras near the polar regions, known as the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) and Southern Lights (Aurora Australis). These phenomena occur when charged particles from the solar wind interact with Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, exciting atoms and molecules to emit light.

Figure 13.5: Rare Red Aurora caused by oxygen at altitudes above 150 km.

Figure 13.6: Green Aurora caused by oxygen at altitudes of about 100 to 150 km.

Figure 13.7: A horizontal view of colorful auroras.
Purple and Blue caused by nitrogen molecules, usually appearing at lower altitudes of 90 to 100 km.

↑ 13.5 Geomagnetic Storms disrupt HF Communication

Geomagnetic storms are significant disturbances in Earth’s magnetosphere caused by solar wind shock waves or coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun that disrupt HF communication and trigger auroras:

  1. Geomagnetic storms are more frequent during periods of high solar activity.
  2. Geomagnetic storms occur one to four days after a CME.
  3. These storms alter the normal conditions of the magnetosphere and ionosphere.
  4. High absorption levels in the lower HF bands near the equator can cause a complete fadeout of HF signals.
  5. There are two main effects on radio communications: storms can reduce the MUF in equatorial regions, worsening conditions for HF bands, while increasing the MUF in polar regions, improving low VHF contacts.

Table 8: The correlation between Geomagnetic activity, Ap, Kp indices, and HF propagation conditions

Geomagnetic activityG0-5G012345
Disturbance (3-h log. scale)Kp0123456789
Disturbance (24-h linear sacle)Ap 0  4  7  15 27 48 80132207400
HF Propagation conditions BestAveragePoor BAD

Geomagnetic Storm Dynamics

Figure 13.8: Geomagnetic Storm Dynamics courtesy of Kakioka Magnetic Observatory, Japan
This is a typical morphology of sudden-commencement type magnetic storms (horizontal force variation).

A geomagnetic storm has three phases: initial, main, and recovery. The initial phase involves an increase in the Disturbance Storm Time (Dst) index by 20 to 50 nano-Tesla (nT) in tens of minutes. The Dst index estimates the globally averaged change of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field at the magnetic equator based on measurements from a few magnetometer stations. Dst is computed once per hour and reported in near-real-time.

What causes geomagnetic storms?

Solar magnetic storms trigger geomagnetic storms, which become more intense when the sun’s magnetic field reverses polarity approximately every 11 years. This process is associated with various solar phenomena, including sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). A CME is a shock-wave of highly charged particles emitted by the sun.

When a CME enters the magnetosphere, it causes a Geomagnetic Storm

Figure 13.9: Interaction Between Earth's Magnetosphere and Solar Activity

Major magnetic storms may block HF propagation (3–30 MHz) by modifying the distribution of free-electrons in the ionosphere.

↑ 13.6 Space Weather Observations

Monitoring space weather involves a combination of space observations, ground-based measurements, and computer models:

    Space observatories: Satellites play a crucial role in predicting space weather and its impact on HF radio propagation:
    1. ACE (Advanced Composition Explorer): Provides real-time data on solar wind and geomagnetic storms, giving up to an hour's advance warning of space weather events that can impact Earth.
    3. GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites): Tracks solar flares and other space weather phenomena, aiding in timely alerts and mitigating potential impacts on HF propagation and space technology.
    5. DSCOVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory): Monitors real-time solar wind, providing early warnings for geomagnetic storms.
    7. SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory): Delivers detailed images of the sun divided into four spectral bands.
    9. SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory): Monitors solar activity and space weather.
    11. STEREO (Solar and Terrestrial Relations Observatory): Consists of STEREO-A (Ahead) and STEREO-B (Behind), which orbit the Sun near the stable Lagrange Points L4 and L5 to provide a 3D view of solar phenomena from multiple perspectives.
    13. The Parker Solar Probe significantly contributes to the prediction of space weather. By flying closer to the Sun than any previous spacecraft, it collects unprecedented data on the solar wind and the Sun’s corona.

Several satellites (SOHO, ACE, and DSCOVR) monitor the hazardous Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). These sattalites are positioned at the L1 Lagrange point, where Earth’s and Sun’s gravitational forces balance.

Space Weather Illustration

Figure 13.10: Monitoring Space Weather

The Lagrange Mission monitors hazardous CME headed toward Earth.
Credit: European Space Agency. Baker, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO AGU - Advanced Earth and Space Science; Titles added by webmaster (4x4xm)

On the right side (of the above picture), you may see an illustration of the Magnetosphere, which protects Earth from Solar Wind. The magnetosphere is a part of a dynamic, interconnected system that responds to solar, planetary, and interstellar conditions. It is disturbed when solar wind interacts with the space environment surrounding Earth.

The Lagrange point L1 allows a sattelite to maintain a constant line with Earth as it orbits the Sun.

Figure 13.11: A satellite trapped at the L1 point
of the Sun-Earth-Moon gravitational system.
Published by Space Weather Live

    Ground-based observatories:
    1. Ionosondes measure the ionosphere’s electron density profile by transmitting radio waves and analyzing the returned signals. They help determine the ionospheric regions’ height and density, crucial for predicting HF radio wave propagation.
    3. Magnetometers measure geomagnetic fluctuations, providing data on the Earth’s magnetic field. They help monitor geomagnetic storms and disturbances that can affect HF propagation by altering the ionosphere’s structure.
      See examples of terrestrial magnetomeres.
    5. Radio telescopes detect solar radio emissions, which can indicate solar flares and other disturbances. By monitoring these emissions, scientists can predict space weather events that might impact HF radio communication.

Ground-based observatories, combined with satellite data, provide a comprehensive picture of space weather conditions affecting HF propagation.

↑   13.7 Space Weather Reports

For example see bellow seven online reports:
  1. Space Weather Nowcast by Serge Y. Stroobandt, ON4AA, will open a new window
  2. The current global / planetary Kp index Europen Space Weather Service
  3. The recent 3 days of Space Waether R-S-G Scales NOAA SWPC services
  4. The current K-index in Australia Austrlian Space Weather Service
  5. The recent 8-day UK — K indices and the "global" Kp British Geogolgical Survey
  6. The recent geomagnetic activity over the United States NOAA
  7. The current Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Rice Space Institute

↑ Kp index Nowcast provided online by The GFZ
German Research Centre for Geosciences

Figure 13.12: Kp index online overview

↑Table 9: The last 3-days Space Weather courtesy of NOAA SWPC
Scales ObservedUnitsResult
R0-5Solar X-rayFlare ClassRadio blackouts
S0-5Solar proton fluxpfu *Polar Cap Absorption
G0-5 Geomagnetic Activity Kp index Propagation disrtubances
* Proton flux unit (pfu) = protons/cm²/second/steradian
3-days R-S-G

Figure 13.13: Space weather online overview


The K-index at different regions vs Kp

↑ Real-time K index near Australia provided by ASWFC
Real-time Australia K index

Figure 13.14: The current Australia K index map


↑ The recent 8-day UK
K indices and the "global" Kp
provided online by British Geogolgical Survey

site maybe down


The global Kp

site maybe down

Figure 13.15: The recent K index map over the UK

↑ The recent geomagnetic activity over the United States

K-indices and the "planetary" Kp provided online by NOAA, SWPC
based on US Geomagnetic Observatories:

  1. Boulder, Colorado
  2. Fredericksburg, Maryland
  3. College, Alaska

NOAA K-index

Figure 13.16: 3-hour K-indices for the last 7 days over the US

The last 30 days A-indices over the US provided online by NOAA

NOAA A-index

Figure 13.17: Daily A-indices for the last 30 days over the US

↑ The Rice Space Institute’s provides "real-time dials" showing the current solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field as measured by ACE.

Figure 13.18: Online report of the Solar wind
sw speed sw density sw pressure SW temperature
Speed x100 km per second Density of charged energetic particles per unit volume Pressure
The force per unit area required to stop the solar wind flow; nP = nano pascals
Proton's Temperature

The background color reflects the status of the magnetosphere and ionosphere:
no disruptions, potential disruptions, and severe disruptions.

Figure 13.19: Online report of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) as measured by ACE Magnetometer.
IMF magnitude IMF Clock IMF Azimuth IMF Convection
Nano TeslaPotential danger to high altitude aircraft in the polar regionsImpact on Magnetosphere InteractionsVoltage Across the Polar Cap x10 Kv


↑   13.8 Geomagnetic Forecast

Forecasting geomagnetic activity relies on solar and space weather observations. It is crucial for protecting power grids, communication systems, and satellites from solar storms. Knowing upcoming geomagnetic activity can help radio amateurs plan their operations effectively.

See below two products provided online by NOAA SWPC, Geomagnetic Activity Forecast and Plasma Density and Radial Velocity Prediction:
Geomagnetic Forecast provided online by NOAA SWPC
Ap Index: Daily global geomagnetic activity, derived from the Kp index.
Geomagnetic Activity % probabilities: Observed / Estimated / Predicted
Kp Index Forecast: Predicts geomagnetic activity every 3 hours.
This report helps predict space weather impacts on Earth, such as disruptions to communication and navigation systems.

Figure 13.20: Prediction of Plasma Density and Radial Velocity provided online by NOAA SWPC

This illustration shows NOAA's prediction of plasma density and radial velocity from a CME originating from the Sun. The left panels depict the spatial distribution, while the right panels display time series data for Earth and STEREO A, which is useful for understanding space weather's impact on Earth. The center of the spatial distribution plot represents the Sun. The plane of events is the ecliptic plane, the imaginary flat surface that Earth and other planets orbit around the Sun. This data visually represents how plasma density and radial velocity from a CME are distributed around the Sun and throughout the solar system over time. It helps predict how space weather might affect Earth and other celestial objects.

↑   13.9 Challenges in Geomagnetic Storm Forecasting

Geomagnetic storm predictions are often inaccurate because only about 12% of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) actually reach Earth, leading to frequent (~88%) false warnings of potential storms. Historical data shows that only a few solar storms, like the Quebec storm in 1989 and a series of storms in 2003, matched the intensity of the Carrington Event. In 2012, a powerful CME narrowly missed Earth.

Physics Girl highlighted a similar event in April 2022, where a solar storm missed Earth by just 9 days.

A video clip

Some CMEs exhibit a consistent magnetic field direction, while most show changing field directions during their passage over Earth. Generally, CMEs impacting Earth's magnetosphere will have an IMF orientation that favors geomagnetic storm generation at some point.

The CME's ability to cause geomagnetic disruptions is determined by the magnetic structure of the embedded flux rope. However, existing forecasting capabilities are limited due to a scarcity of remote-sensing techniques for predicting CME deformation, rotation, and deflection.


↑ Chapter 14. Radio blackouts or fadeouts

What are radio blackouts? A radio blackout or fadeout is a sudden signal loss induced by solar X-Ray flares, as explained here.

Flare alarm

Flare alarm


near future
Figure 14.1: Current and predicted fadeouts as reported online by ASWFC

During a blackout event, the drop in signal heavily affects the lower HF bands:
SID effect
Figure 14.2: Typical Fadeout signal strength vs. time, courtesy of ASWS

Table 10: Correlation between band conditions, radio blackout scale, and solar flare class
Band conditionsBestAveragePoorBAD
Radio-blackout scaleR0R1R2R3R4R5
Solar  Flare  Class  A  B  C MX

* The last significant radio blackout occurred on May 11, 2024.

The current D region absorption

X-ray flares and proton flux elevate D region absorption, affecting HF communications. The D-RAP model discussed below helps understand HF radio degradation and blackouts by providing graphical and text information on global HF propagation conditions. Electron density in the D region, which can vary within minutes, directly influences the Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF). The D-RAP model uses empirical relationships to compute HF absorption and Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) based on space weather parameters.

Prediction Model

The D region absorption Prediction (D-RAP) Model (by SWPC-NOAA) analyzes how solar phenomena affect HF radio communication, as illustrated below:

Figure 14.3: The predicted attenuation of skywaves (from 3 to 35 MHz)
due to D region absorption by flares or SEP
Click on the figure to view an animation over the last eight hours.

* Search the term "Blackout" at NOAA website.

↑ Chapter 15. Summary

Skywave propagation review

  1. Global skywave communication depends on the ionosphere's ionization and operating frequency.
  2. Chaotic solar activity may affect skywave propagation conditions.
  3. Today's technology enables better predictions of skywave propagation conditions.

Forecasting HF radio propagation: practical techniques

  1. Use weak signal digital modes (FT8, JT65, WSPR) to probe the communication conditions.
  2. Utilize PSKReporter for real-time feedback and strategy adjustments.
  3. Monitor real-time MUF (Maximum Usable Frequency) charts to achieve optimal communication.
  4. Stay adaptable: switch bands or modes as conditions change.

Key concepts

  1. HF Radio Propagation Basics: Understanding the core principles of HF radio waves and ionosphere interactions.
  2. Skywave Propagation: How radio waves reflect off the ionosphere for long-distance communication.
  3. Critical Frequency: The Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) influences communication quality.
  4. Solar Effects: Solar phenomena influence radio communications by altering ionosphere behavior.
  5. Solar X-Ray Flares: Communication can be impacted when the sun is directly overhead.
  6. Solar Wind and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs): These events disturb communication conditions.
  7. Solar Storms: These storms particularly affect the D-region, suddenly disrupting propagation.
  8. Space weather and Geomagnetic activity: Geomagnetic storms and other space weather events alter communication reliability.
  9. Radio Blackouts or Fadeouts: Sudden signal loss induced by solar flares.
  10. Forecast Models: Radio wave propagation relies on solar indices (SSN, SF), geomagnetic indices (K, A), operating frequency, time of day, and season.
  11. Accuracy of Forecasting: Forecasting solar flares and geomagnetic storms often lacks accuracy.
  12. Geospace Dynamic Models: These models are still being developed to forecast geomagnetic storms and blackouts, implicitly included in the results of ionograms.
  13. Real-time charts: The most effective approach to quickly assess current propagation conditions, even though the accuracy is insufficient for professional radio services.

The essay ended before fully exploring the topic!


↑    Last but not least:

The world is changing as the radio amateur spectrum is being sold off to commercial users since few amateurs operate SHF and above.

We did, however, gain new narrow bands in the short, medium, and long wave bands. It may not be enough, but it opens up new avenues for communication improvement that do not rely on commercial infrastructure.

If you have comments, questions or requests please e-mail.

73 de Doron, 4X4XM


↑ References   Links to external references open in a new tab.

The references below are organized by topic, as follows:
  1. A list of websites with online data and images relayed on this site
  2. Monitor Band Activity of Radio Amateurs Real-time watching of worldwide hams' activity
  3. Electromagnetic Waves BasicsRadio propagation
  4. Propagation via Ionosphere PropagationIonospheric Intro & ModelRegionsMUF-OWF-LUFSeasonal & AnomaliesProbing Ionosphere
  5. NVIS unique mode of a skywave
  6. Gray line
  7. Propagation Indices
  8. Observations of Terrestrial magnetometers, The Sun, Space weather, TEC Total Electron Content, MUF from ionosondes, Propagation Charts
  9. Solar Phenomena
  10. Space Weather Phenomena Geomagnetic storms & Aurora–Impact on HF radio Propagation
  11. Space Weather Agencies & Services
  12. Forecasting and prediction
  13. Tools and Applications for analyzing and forecasting HF propagation
  14. Supplementary references
  15. Misc. references

  1. Online data and images are relayed on this site from these services:
    1. ASWFC – Space Weather Service (SWS)↑ | Australian Space Weather Alert System↑
    2. British Geological Survey↑
    3. DLR – German Aerospace Center↑
    4. ESA – The European Space Agency Network↑
    5. NASA Solar Data Analysis Center↑
    6. NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC)index↑
    7. Rice Univ. Space Institute↑
    8. New Jersey Institute of Technology NJIT↑
    9. The Royal Observatory of Belgium↑
    10. hamqsl.com, Paul L Herrman, N0NBH↑
    11. prop.kc2g.com, Andrew D Rodland, KC2G↑
    12. hb9vqq.ch, Roland Gafner, HB9VQQ↑
    13. hf.dxview.org, Jon Harder, NG0E↑
    14. qrzcq.com, QRZCQ↑
    15. solen.info, Jan Alvestad, retired from FMC Kongsberg Subsea AS, Norway↑
    16. spacew.com, Solar Terrestrial Dispatch↑
  3. Monitor HF Band Activity of Radio Amateurs ↑ Real-time watching of worldwide hams' activity

      Software-Defined Radio (SDR) is a technology where analog hardware components are replaced by software.

    1. SDR - Software Designed Radio Wikipedia
    2. Special SDR receivers

    3. Malakhite DSP portable SDR radio receiver (Russian) Russian hamforum
    4. Malahit DSP1 and DSP2 clone receivers: A YouTube playlist featuring demonstrations and explanations Doron, 4X4XM
    5. BELKA SDR Pocket RX 10 KHz - 31 MHz: A YouTube playlist featuring demonstrations and explanations Doron, 4X4XM
    6. There are two worldwide networks of remote public SDR receivers↑

    7. WebSDR list of public stations
    9. KiwiSDR map of public stations

    Activity Charts and DX Clusters

    1. Curation of 51 DX clusters nodes @DXZone Amateur Radio Internet Guide DXZone
    2. DXMAPS Gabriel Sampol, EA6VQ
      A video demo of DXMaps OfficialSWLchannel,
      This website displays maps and lists of recent QSOs on various ham bands (from LF to UHF) that may indicate real-time propagation conditions.
    3. DXWatch custom DX filter Spot Search and Create Your Filter DXWatch—Felipe, PY1NB
    4. Live DX Spot Reports (auto-refreshes every 60 seconds) QRZ Ham Radio
    5. The Holy Cluster Israeli Association of Radio Communication, the IARC
    6. Real-time Ham Band Activity Map Jon Harder, NG0E
    7. Sites for Checking Signal Propagation and Band Activity South Pasadena Amateur Radio Club (W6SPR)
    8. HamDXMap : MUF, foF2, live radio frequencies weather Christian Furst, F5UII
      Map for amateur radio uses (HamRadio) : In the shape of a terrestrial world globe, the MUF and Aurora Borealis layer. This gives the distances and directions of antennas between amateur radio stations, the position on the Maidenhead Locator grid.
    9. Real-time propagation and band conditions QRZ online
    10. F5LEN Webcluster F5LEN
    11. HA8TKS DXcluster HA8TKS
    12. SK6AW DXcluster | Condex SK6AW
    13. Reporters of digital modes

    14. Display Reception Reports PSKReporter
    15. Using PSK Reporter Website as a Propagation Tool eHam.net
    16. HF Signal Propagation Reporter, PSK/JT65/FT-8/CW/JT9 HamRadioConcepts KJ4YZI
      APRS-ISAutomatic Packet Reporting System-Internet Service
    18. Find Real-time Contacts, DX Cluster, Spotter Network, APRS  HamRadioConcepts KJ4YZI
    19. VHF Propagation Map APRS-IS real-time radio propagation from stations operated near 144 MHz
    20. WSPR - Weak Signal Communication Software ↑

    21. Weak Signal Communication Software Joe Taylor, K1JT
    22. WSPR - Weak Signal Propagation Reporter ↑

    23. Weak Signal Propagation Reporter WSPR Network
    24. Spots per hour for the last 14 days WSPR Network
    25. WSPR Rocks — An alternative map VK7JJ
    26. WSPR Live: Tools for the analysis of WSPR spot data.
    27. Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Wikipedia
    28. WSPR - An Introduction for Beginners | WSJT-X Ham Radio Ham Radio DX, 7-Jan-2022
    29. WSPR Explained: How to Get Started With One-Way Ham Radio ExtremeTech
    30. Average propagation conditions: The recent WSPR reports on 80–10m Ham Bands up to 60 days WSPR Rocks
    31. Beacons

    32. NCDXF Beacon Network see above ↑
    33. International Beacon Project NCDXF
    34. Beacons IARU
    35. International Beacon Project (IBP) Wikipedia
    36. Worldwide List of Beacons (1.8–28 MHz) RSGB
    37. High Frequency Beacons and Propagation VU2AWC
    38. Amateur Radio Propagation Beacon Wikipedia
    39. Ham Radio Beacon List Google
    40. Types of Radio beacon HF Underground
    41. Investigating Radio propagation using beacons HF Underground
    42. Beacon monitoring programs DXZone
    43. Detect Changes in Propagation Conditions using RBN, WSPR, PSKR etc.

    44. Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) | History | Online Activity
    45. Reverse Beacon Network on graph online HA8TKS
    46. Ham Radio Reporting Networks are useful to assess radio propagation conditions. HamSCI
    47. Using the WSPR Mode for Antenna Performance Evaluation and Propagation Assessment on the 160-m Band 2022 Jurgen Vanhamel et al.
    48. Ionospheric Sounding Using Real-time Amateur Radio Reporting Networks (2014) Nathaniel A. Frissell, W2NAF et al.
    49. Reverse Beacon Networks – PSK Reporter And WSPR 2013 Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC
    50. Interpreting WSPR Data for Other Communication Modes 2013 Dr. Carol F. Milazzo, KP4MD
  5. Electromagnetic Waves Basics ► Radio Propagation

      Electromagnetic Spectrum

    1. The Electromagnetic Spectrum spans from 3 Hz (Radio Waves) to 3x1024 Hz (Gama rays) Wikipedia
    2. The entire radio spectrum spans from 3 Hz to 3x1012 Hz (100,000 km to 1 mm) Wikipedia
    3. The shortwave radio spans from 3 MHz to 30 MHz (100 m to 10 m) Wikipedia
    4. Basic EM wave properties

    5. Absorption Wikipedia
    6. Attenuation Wikipedia
    7. Diffraction Wikipedia
    8. Fading / Shadowing Wikipedia
    9. Electric field Wikipedia
    10. Electromagnetic Radiation Wikipedia
    11. Field Strength / Field Intensity Wikipedia
    12. Interference Wikipedia
    13. Path Loss / Path Attenuation Wikipedia
    14. Polarization Wikipedia
    15. Power Density Wikipedia
    16. Radio Propagation (see below)
    17. Reflection of EM waves Wikipedia
    18. Refraction Wikipedia
    19. Scattering Wikipedia
    20. Spectrum
    21. Wave Behaviors NASA Science
    22. Radio Propagation

    23. Basic Radio Wave Propagation (PPt Presentation) Nor Hadzfizah Mohd Radi
    24. Introduction to RF Propagation John S. Seybold
    25. Critical frequency Wikipedia
    26. High Frequency 3 and 30 megahertz (MHz) Wikipedia
    27. Radio EM Wave Reflection Electronics-Notes
    28. Radio Propagation from Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) to Far infrared (FIR) Wikipedia
    29. Radio Wave Propagation Fundamentals Chapter 2 KIT.edu
    30. Radio Propagation Tutorial Basics Electronics-Notes
    31. HF Propagation Tutorials & Plates Hamwaves - Serge Stroobandt, ON4AA
    32. Ionospheric Radio Propagation A youtube playlist Doron, 4X4XM
    33. Propagation Overviews

    34. The Rebirth of HF Rohde & Schwarz
    35. Course Overview: Atmospheric Effects on Electromagnetic Systems Naval Postgraduate School
    36. All-In-One Overview: There is nothing magic about propagation José Nunes – CT1BOH (2021)
    37. Overview: Understanding HF / VHF / UHF / SHF Propagation (PDF) Paul L Herrman N0NBH
    38. High Frequency Communications – An Introductory Overview - Who, What, and Why? Bill Foose @ HIARC meeting
    39. Propagation of Radio Waves Basu, VU2NSB principles and methods
    40. Propagation Modes↑

    41. Line-of-sight propagation (LOS) Wikipedia
    42. Non line-of-sight propagation Wikipedia
    43. Ground Wave

    44. Ground Wave Propagation Wikipedia
    45. Ground Wave Propagation Tutorial Electronics-Notes
    46. Ground wave MF and HF propagation ASWFC Part of key topics within ionospheric HF propagation
    47. Ground Wave Propagation (Tutorial) BYJU’S Tuition Center
    48. Skip zone Wikipedia
    49. Skywave / Skip

    50. Skywave or Skip Propagation Wikipedia
    51. Skywaves & Skip Zone Electronics-Notes Key topics within ionospheric HF propagation
    52. Path length and hop length for HF sky wave and transmitting angle ASWFC
    53. Complex Propagation modes↑

    54. Complex propagation modes of HF sky wave ASWFC
    55. Atmospheric Ducting Wikipedia
    56. Tropospheric Ducting Wikipedia
  7. Propagation via the ionosphere ↑
            PropagationRefractive IndexIonospheric IntroModelRegionsMUF-OWF-LUFSeasonal & AnomaliesIonosphere Probing

      Ionospheric Propagation

    1. HF Progagation: The Basics - QST, December 1983 Denis J. Lusis, W1JL/DL
    2. The HF Bands for Newcomers (An Overview), ARRL (2007) Gary Wescom, N0GW
    3. An Introduction to HF propagation and the Ionosphere (1999 - 2009) Murray Greenman, ZL1BPU
    4. Introduction to HF Propagation (33 pages presentation, Nov 2018) Rick Fletcher, W7YP
    5. An introduction to HF Propagation (2022) Sean D. Gilbert Mipre, G4UCJ
    6. The Ionosphere June 2024 Andrew McColm, VK3FS
      The ionosphere, generated by solar radiation, plays a crucial role in radio communication with the D, E, and F2 regions outlined in this video.
    7. The Ionosphere Part 2 Aug 2024 Andrew McColm, VK3FS
      Ionized oxygen atoms in the E region are critical to good DX in the 50–144 MHz bands. EUV and activity from our sun affect the MUF and LUF in the 3–30 MHz bands.
    8. Propagation of radio waves explained Jean-Paul Suijs, PA9X
      Radio waves; Earth’s atmosphere (from Troposphere to Ionosphere); Main Propagation modes; Ionospheric regions; Solar Activity; Sunspots and Solar Flux; Solar Wind; Earth’s Geomagnetic Field; Solar flares; Coronal holes; CME; The 27-day cycle; The sunspot cycle; The Earth’s seasons; How HF propagation is affected by solar activity: Flares, Coronal holes, CME; Unique propagation effects: Sporadic-E, Backscatter, Aurora, Meteor scatter, Trans-Equatorial, Field Aligned Irregularities.
    9. When is the best time to make an HF contact? Propagation Prediction tools Ria's Ham Shack Ria Jairam, N2RJ, 7 April 2022
      When is the ideal time to make HF contact with a specific region of the world?
      A general talk of about 18 minutes, without demonstrations or definitions of basic concepts.
    10. Ionospheric propagation Basics Electronics-Notes
    11. Introduction to Ionospheric HF Radio Propagation ASWFC
    12. Understanding HF Propagation Rohde Schwarz
    13. Understanding HF Propagation Steve Nicols, G0KYA, RSGB
    14. Radio Propagation 101 - Why should you be interested in propagation? Dan Vanevenhoven
    15. Ward Silver On Radio Wave Propagation Ham Radio Crash Course
    16. The Ionosphere, Shortwave Radio, and Propagation MIT Film & Video Production club
    17. The Effects Of The Ionosphere On Radio Wave Propagation An Excellent Presentation made more than 86 years ago!!! Art Bodger
    18. Ionospheric Propagation University of Toronto
    19. Regional and Long Distance Skywave Communications Ken Larson, KJ6RZ
    20. Transequatorial Radio Propagation CO8TW
    21. Ionospheric Research

    22. Welcome to the Ionosphere NASA Goddard
    23. Ionization (basics) Wikipedia
    24. Plasma (basics) Wikipedia ↑
    25. Plasma recombination Wikipedia ↑
    26. The Ionosphere UCAR
    27. Ten Things to Know About the Ionosphere NASA
    28. Ionosphere Electronics-Notes
    29. Refractive index (Optics) Wikipedia The refractive index of the ionosphere↑
    30. Birefringence (Optics) Wikipedia Double refraction due to unisotropic ionosphere↑.
    31. Refractive Index of Ionosphere Calculator Calculator A to Z
    32. The refractive index and the absorption index of the ionosphere Research notes
    33. Ionosphere and Radio Communication Saradi Bora, Kamalabaria College, North Lakhimpur, Assam, India
      The ionospheric refractive index P.126
    34. Refractive index of ionosphere Plasma Physics
    35. Ionospheric Radio Wave Propagation Richard Fitzpatrick, University of Texas at Austin
    36. The Complex Refractive Index of the Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere Ernest K. Smith, University of Colorado
    37. Ionospheric model

    38. Ionosphere (basics) Wikipedia
    39. Introduction to the ionosphere Anita Aikio. Dept. Physics, University of Oulu, Finland
    40. Ionospheric model Wikipedia
    41. Ionospheric Radio (book 1990) Kenneth Davies
    42. Ionospheric Regions

    43. Mesopause Wikipedia ↑
    44. Distribution of ionospheric free-electrons Bob Brown, NM7M (SK), Ph.D.
    45. The Ionosphere and the Sun Naval Postgraduate School
    46. Layers of Ionization Wikipedia
    47. Ionospheric D, E, F, F1, F2 Regions Electronics-Notes
    48. D-layer Wikipedia
    49. Ionospheric D-region Britannica
    50. D region absorption of radio signals Ham Radio School
    51. Day vs Night Ionospheric Layers Northern Vermont University Lyndon Atmospheric Sciences
    52. E-region Wikipedia
    53. Sporadic E propagation Wikipedia
    54. Sporadic E-region ScienceDirect
    55. Sporadic E Propagation in 2 minutes Andrew McColm, VK3FS
    56. Sporadic E Propagation Andrew McColm, VK3FS
    57. Sporadic E propagation (Es) Andrew McColm, VK3FS
    58. Understanding Sporadic E Propagation for VHF DX Ham Radio DX
    59. Understanding Sporadic E Rohde Schwarz
    60. F-region Wikipedia
    61. MUF, OWF, and LUF - Explanation of the concepts; see below How is MUF determined?

    62. HF Radiation - Choosing the Right Frequency Naval Postgraduate School
    63. MUF Maximum usable frequency Wikipedia
    64. Critical frequency, MUF, OWF, and LUF Electronics-Notes
    65. How to use Ionospheric Propagation? Electronics-Notes ↑
    66. Ionospheric variations

    67. Sunspot Number and critical frequencies and Time (Years and Seasons) ASWFC
    68. Season Rollover – Why do shortwave frequencies have to change? Neale Bateman, BBC
    69. The Seasonal Behavior of the Refractive Index of the Ionosphere over the Equatorial Region Turkish Journal of Science & Technology
    70. Ionospheric anomalies

    71. Persistent anomalies to the idealized ionospheric model Wikipedia
    72. Effect of Seasonal Anomaly or Winter on The Refractive Index of in Height of The Ionospheric F2-Peak International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences
    73. Major upwelling and overturning in the mid-latitude F region ionosphere David Hysell et all, Nature
    74. Ionosphere Probing Principles | Ionosondes | Ionograms | Stations | Charts | R & D

    75. Radio Techniues for Probing the Terrestrial Ionosphere (book 1989) R.D. Hunsucker
    76. Introduction To Ionospheric Sounding (2006) Bruce Keevers, National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA
    77. Principles - Theoretical and Methodolical Aspects

    78. Chirping Explained - Passive Ionospheric Sounding and Ranging Peter Martinez, G3PLX
    79. Chirp reception and interpretation (2013) Pieter-Tjerk de Boer, PA3FWM
    80. Software-Defined Radio Ionospheric Chirpsounder For Hf Propagation Analysis (2010) Nagaraju, Melodia (NYSU); Koski (Harris Corporation)
    81. International Reference Ionosphere model IRI
      IRI, an international project, established a Working Group in the late 1960s to create an empirical standard model of the ionosphere. It is sponsored by the Committee on Space Research COSPAR and the International Union of Radio Science URSI
    82. Ionosondes ↑

    83. Ionosonde Wikipedia
    84. Introduction to Ionospheric Sounding for Hams Dr. Terry Bullett. W0ASP - University of Colorado
    85. Ionosonde HF Underground
    86. Ionosondes' station map May 2017 Global Ionosphere Radio Observatory (GIRO)
    87. DIDBase Fast Station List IonoWeb Portal
    88. Digital Ionogram DataBase Global Ionosphere Radio Observatory (GIRO)
    89. Updated DIDBase Inosondes' Station list GIRO web portal
    90. Station Map: Global Digisonde Stations LDI
    91. DIGISONDE®: Simultaneous Ionospheric Observations Around The Globe Lowell Digisonde International (LDI)
    92. Ionograms ↑

    93. Ionogram Wikipedia
    94. Understanding HF Propagation and Reading Ionograms  Bootstrap Workbench
    95. Ionogram Information Hamwaves - Serge Stroobandt, ON4AA
    96. Digisonde Directogram UMass Lowell Space Science Lab website, MA, US
    97. Mirrion 2 - Real Time Ionosonde Data Mirror NCEI, NOAA
    98. Ionogram Data Info GIRO, UML
    99. The Defence Science and Technology Group High-Fidelity, Multichannel Oblique Incidence Ionosonde (2018) DOI AGU
    100. Remote sensing of the ionosphere Google Search
    101. Ionosondes and Ionograms R & D

    102. Small Form Factor Ionosonde Antenna Development 7-8-2014 Tyler Erjavec, The Ohio State University
    103. Ionospheric Density Irregularities, Turbulence, and Wave Disturbances during the Solar Eclipse over North America 21 August 2017 14-12-2017 Rezy Pradipta, Endawoke Yizengaw, and Patricia H. Doherty
    104. Modeling Amateur Radio Soundings of the Ionospheric Response to the 2017 Great American Eclipse Nathaniel A. Frissell, W2NAF et al.
    105. Ionosonde Data 19-7-2020 Larisa Goncharenko
      Stratosphere-to-ionosphere couplings; Pole-to-pole Observations; Sudden Stratospheric Warming induce global disturbances
    106. Probing ionospheric disturbances by Auroral Radar Network ↑

    107. Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) Wikipedia
    108. Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) JHU/APL
    109. First Observations of Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Using Automated Amateur Radio Receiving Networks (2022) Nathaniel A. Frissell, W2NAF et al.
  9. NVIS a unique mode of a skywave: real-time map↑, explanation↑
    1. Understanding NVIS  Rohde Schwarz
    2. HF NVIS  Military HF Radio
    3. NVIS Wikipedia
    4. NVIS Propagation: Near Vertical Incidence Skywave Electronics-Notes
    5. Near-Vertical Incidence Sky-Wave Propagation 36 pages Presentation for radio hams Gerald Schuler, DU1GS / DL3KGS
    6. Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) W8BYH, Fayette ARES
    7. Near Vertical incidence Skywave Propagation NVIS Antennas  80, 60, 40m bands KB9VBR Antennas
    8. NVIS Overview  David Casler, KE0OG
    9. Ham Radio NVIS for Regional Communications  Radio Prepper
    10. NVIS - Near Vertical Incidence Skywave What is it? advantages; antennas; links Jim Glover, KX0U (ex WB5UDE)
    11. Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) Ham Radio School, W0STU
    12. NVIS propagation Dave Lawrence, VA3ORP (2007)
    13. NVIS explained - part 1, part 2, part 3 NCSCOUT NVIS explained citing the above 3-parts publication AmRRON
    14. NVIS Antennas Dale Hunt, WB6BYU
    15. NVIS Extended Research Papers

    16. Mastering HF Communication: Decoding Space Weather Data Final practical notes about NVIS. Chris, N6CTA
    17. Radio communication via NVIS propagation: an overview Telecom Sys (2017) DOI, Ben A. Witvliet, Rosa Ma Alsina-Pagès
    18. Analysis of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Ionospheric Modes for NVIS Digital Communications Channels Sensors (Basel)
    19. NVIS HF signal propagation in ionosphere using calculus of variations Geodesy and Geodynamics, Umut Sezen, Feza Arikan, Orhan Arikan
  11. Gray line Propagation ↑
    1. Grey Line HF Radio Propagation Electronic Notes
    2. Identifying Gray-Line Propagation Openings DXLab
    3. Gray line Propagation G0KYA
    4. Gray-line Propagation Explained Radio Hobbyist
    5. Round the world echoes G3CWI
    6. An introduction to gray-line DXing Rob Kalmeije
    7. Grey line Map Doug Brandon, N6RT @ DX QSL Net
    8. Gray line Map DXFUN

  13. Propagation Indices (Indexes) include Solar Indices and Geomagnetic Indices
            They are used as indicators of Global Propagation Conditions↑
    1. Circular of Basic Indices for Ionospheric Propagation ITU
    2. Beginner's Guide for Radio Propagation Indexes May 2024 Greg Lane, N4KGL
    3. Beginners Guide to Propagation Forecasting Ed Poccia, KC2LM
    4. Understanding HF propagation reports Amateur Radio views and reviews for Beginners Rich, VE2XIP
    5. Solar Index and Propagation Made Easy - HF Ham Radio The Smokin Ape
    6. Solar-induced Indices: SFI, SN, A, K, Kp Electronics-Notes
    7. Global Indices - Glossary of Terms HamQSL, Paul L Herrman, N0NBH
    8. What exactly are the key Indicies? Andrew McColm, VK3FS
    9. Making sense of Solar Indices Andrew McColm, VK3FS
    10. What are Solar Flux, Ap, and Kp Indices? Andrew McColm, VK3FS
    11. Focus on Solar Indices↑

    12. The history of the 10.7 cm solar flux Government of Canada
    13. The 10.7 cm solar radio flux K. F. Tapping, AGU
    14. Penticton/Ottawa 2,800 MHz Solar Flux NOAA
    15. Focus on Geomagnetic Indices↑

    16. Planetary K-index NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
    17. K-index – Definition & Detailed Explanation Sentinel Mission
    18. K-index Wikipedia
    19. Hp30 and Hp60 vs. Kp index GFZ (German Research Center for Geosciences)
  15. Observations
                Terrestrial | SolarSpace weatherTECMUFPropagation Charts

      Current Geomagnetic Activity (Magnetometer stations)

    1. US Geomagnetic Observatories U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
    2. Current Global Geomagnetic Activity British Geological Survey
    3. Recent 7 days: K and A indices by station NOAA
    4. K-index distribution — low, middle and high latitude Space Weather Live
    5. The Kp index Space Weather Live
    6. Solar Observations↑

    7. Solar Flare Forecast ASWAS: Australian Space Weather Alert System
    8. CME - Corona Mass Ejection, monitored by LASCO Chronograph NOAA SWPC
    9. Current Sunspot Regions Space Weather Live Belgium
    10. Solar Data Analysis Center - serves Solar Images, Solar News, Solar Data, and Solar Research NASA
    11. Solar Resource Page Mark A. Downing, WM7D
    12. Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) Wikipedia
    13. Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope Wikipedia
    14. Solar Demon Flare Detection running in real time on SDO/AIA Royal Observatory of Belgium
    15. Current Solar Images Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
    16. Solar UV and X-ray spectral diagnostics Giulio Del Zanna, Helen E. Mason - Living Reviews in Solar Physics (2018) 15:5
    17. Sun In Time AIA (Atmospheric Imaging Assembly), relays SDO images courtesy of NASA
    18. SDO Mission NASA - The Solar Dynamics Observatory
    19. SDO guide NASA
    20. Highlights From SDO's 10 Years of Solar Observation NASA
    21. The Active Sun from SDO: 30.4 nm NASA - The Solar Dynamics Observatory
    22. EVE Overview Solar Phys. - The Solar Dynamics Observatory
      The EVE project (real-time high-resolution EUV measurements) was designed to improve understanding of the evolution of solar flares
      and extend the related mathematical models used to analyze solar flare events.
    23. Solar storms and space weather

    24. Dr. Tamitha Skov - Space Weather Woman; Wikipedia, Youtube channel, facebook, Homesite
      Dr. Tamitha Skov is a space weather physicist that reviews solar storms and anlyzes how they affect spacewetaher. She specializes in forecasting and analyzing space weather processes in the heliosphere and exosphere. Her work extends to both traditional media and social platforms. As a credentialed space weather forecaster, she helps the public understand the effects of space weather.
    25. Monitor Solar Active Regions - search by date Peter Thomas Gallagher, Irland
    26. Space Weather Observations

    27. Current Space Weather Parameters Solar Wind, X-ray flares, Auroral Storm Potential, Current Magnetic Indices Solar Terrestrial Dispatch
    28. R6 Army MARS: Consolidated Solar Weather Real-time Terrestrial indices due to Solar Weather Region 6 Army MARS
    29. ACE Solar Wind in the last 24 hours ACE—NOAA SWPC

    30. Solar wind (particles reaching Earth measured by ACE and GOES)
    31. GOES: Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Wikipedia
    32. GOES: Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Network NASA
    33. Solar Proton Flux from 6 hours to 7 days GOES—NOAA SWPC
    34. Near-Earth solar wind forecast (EUHFORIA) provided by ESA
    35. Real-time forecast of Solar Energetic Proton Events Prof. Dr. Marlon Núñez (Universidad de Málaga, Spain)
    36. Forecasting Solar Energetic Proton events (E > 10 MeV) Prof. Dr. Marlon Núñez (Universidad de Málaga, Spain)
    37. Solar wind Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS): Four Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft, flying in a tetrahedral formation, detect charged particles and magnetic fields in space, helping scientists understand how solar wind interacts with Earth’s magnetosphere. This mission, involving Rice University, studies magnetic reconnection, acceleration, and turbulence in space.
    38. Magnetospheric Multi Scale (MMS) See real-time dials, see index Rice University
    39. Magnetic reconnection Wikipedia
    40. Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Wikipedia
    41. Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission NASA
    42. Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) NASA, Goddard Engineering and Technology Directorate
    43. Index of NOAA images

    44. Space weather prediction center: index of images NOAA
    45. Recent Days Geomagnetic Indices

    46. Recent 3 days: X-ray, proton flux, and geomagnetic activity NOAA
    47. Latest events (recent Solar Watch) GOES Lockheed Martin Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory (LMSAL)

    48. X-Ray flares—EM Radiation
    49. Solar flare alarm ASWFC
    50. Space Weather Alerts, Watches and Warnings SWPC, NOAA
    51. Recent GOES X-ray Flux up to 3 days GOES, NOAA SWPC
    52. Recent flare @ 13.1 nm wavelength NOAA SWPC
    53. X-ray flares recent 6 Hours GOES Relayed by New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)
    54. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory - SOHO ESA & NASA
    55. Views of the Sun taken by SOHO and the Yohkoh soft-Xray telescope at various EUV wavelengths
    56. X-Ray Flares review of the last 3 days from SDO, SOHO, GOES, and STEREO Relayed by Spaceweather-live, Belgium
    57. Recent month solar observations

    58. Recent Month Sunspot Number SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium
    59. Recent Month Daily Sunspot Number MET Malaysia
    60. Recent Month Solar Activity Plot Australian Space Weather Service
    61. Recent month Solar and geomagnetic data—Table copied from Institute of Ionosphere, Kazakhstan Solen-Jan Alvestad
    62. Reviews and comparisons of past Solar observations

    63. May 2024 Solar storms Wikipedia
    64. Geomagnetic storms May 2024 Duckduckgo
    65. Solar Terrestrial Activity Reports Solen-Jan Alvestad
    66. What does the sun’s X-ray flux tell us? Earthsky
    67. The aurora and solar activity archive (select month and year) Space Weather Live
    68. RHESSI: The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) is a retired project that watched solar flares daily from 2002 to 2023. NASA
    69. Notable "List of solar storms" Wikipedia

    70. Real-time TEC - Total Electron Content (calculated) ↑

    71. Total Electron Content (TEC) Wikipedia
    72. TEC - Recent theories, methods and models
    73. Near-real-time TEC maps ESA - Europen Space Weather Service
    74. Animated TEC maps Roland Gafner, HB9VQQ
    75. TEC at Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center ESA
    76. One-hour Forecast Global TEC Map DLR (ESA)
    77. Station list DLR (ESA)
    78. Archive of TEC DLR (ESA)
    79. North American TEC NOAA
    80. Near real-time global TEC Map ASWFC
    81. Global Ionosphere Map (GIM) SpringerLink
    82. Real-time Ionograms

    83. Recent ionograms (Cyprus) University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
    84. Animated ionograms Latest 24-Hour GIRO
    85. Ionosonde stations connected to NOAA NGDC, NOAA
    86. Real-time ionogram near your location Hamwaves - Serge Stroobandt, ON4AA
    87. Real-time MUF estimations using ionograms at different locations

    88. Ionosonde station list UML - University of Massachusetts Lowell
    89. GIRO - Instrumentaion GIRO, UML
    90. About GIRO UML, Center for Atmospheric Research
    91. Real-time foF2 - Plots for Today, Yesterday and the past 5 days (more than 100 links to Inonosonde stations)NOAA
    92. HF Propagation Charts from Critical Frequency Data

    93. Current foF2 (NVIS) Propagation Map updated every 15 minutes Andrew D Rodland, KC2G
    94. Current MUF 3000 Km Propagation Map updated every 15 minutes Andrew D Rodland, KC2G
    95. Ionospheric Maps - Current foF2 Plots (Global) ASWFC
    96. Hourly Area Predictions (HAP) Charts of selecteD-regions ASWFC
    97. Current foF2 Plots (Asia & Australia) ASWFC
    98. Amateur Radio Usable HF Frequencies & Forecast refreshed every 20 minutes Remarkable Technologies, Inc.
    99. Global HF Propagation Andy Smith, G7IZU

  17. Solar Phenomena ↑

      Solar Physics

    1. Solar Physics (Heliophysics) Youtube playlist
    2. Heliophysics Wikipedia
    3. Heliophysics NASA
    4. Heliophysics and amateur radio: citizen science collaborations . . . Nathaniel A. Frissell, W2NAF et al.
    5. Heliosphere Wikipedia
    6. Exosphere Wikipedia
    7. Chromosphere Wikipedia
    8. Solar transition region Wikipedia
    9. Transition region NASA
    10. Quiet Sun Radiation

    11. Solar Radiation / Sunlight Wikipedia
    12. Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Wikipedia
    13. Solar Wind

    14. Solar Wind Phenomena NOAA
    15. Solar Wind Wikipedia
    16. Active Sun

    17. Overview of Solar phenomena Wikipedia - Sunspots (Solar Cycle), flux (SF), solar wind, particle events, flares, CME
    18. Links to types of Solar storms Wikipedia
    19. Sunspots ↑

    20. Sunspots Wikipedia
    21. Sunspot Number ASWFC
    22. The Lifetime of a Sunspot Group ASWFC
    23. Effective sunspot number: A tool for ionospheric mapping and modelling URSI General Assembly 2008
    24. Coronal Holes

    25. Coronal hole Wikipedia
    26. Coronal Holes NOAA
    27. What is a Coronal Hole? ASWFC
    28. Solar Cycle ↑

    29. Carrington Event Wikipedia
    30. Solar Cycle Wikipedia
    31. Solar Cycle ASWFC
    32. Solar Cycle Progression NOAA
    33. Solar maximum Wikipedia
    34. Solar minimum Wikipedia
    35. Progression of solar cycle 25 Helio4Cast
    36. Sunspot number series: latest update SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium
    37. The Sun Has Reached the Solar Maximum Period October 15, 2024 NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
    38. North-South Asymetry of Monthly Hemispheric Sunspot Numbers SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium
    39. Understanding the Magnetic Sun NASA
    40. The Solar Dynamo

    41. The Sun as a Dynamo High Altitude Observatory @ NCAR (2001-2008)
    42. The Solar Dynamo: Plasma Flows Tom Bridgman @ NASA, August 19, 2008
    43. The solar dynamo begins near the surface 2024 Geoffrey M. Vasil et al, Nature
    44. Evolution of Solar and Stellar Dynamo Theory Paul Charbonneau & Dmitry Sokoloff @ Space Science Reviews, Springer 2023
    45. An overlooked piece of the solar dynamo puzzle 2019 HZDR
    46. The Solar Dynamo: The Physical Basis of the Solar Cycle and the Sun’s Magnetic Field 2017 Credible Hulk
    47. The Solar Dynamo: Toroidal and Radial Magnetic Fields 2008 NASA
    48. Understanding the solar dynamo Paul Bushby, Joanne Mason @ Astronomy & Geophysics 2004
    49. Solar Storms ↑

        Solar X-ray Flares ↑
    50. Classification of X-ray solar flares or solar flare alphabet soup Spaceweather.Com
    51. Radio blackout R-scale NOAA
    52. Solar flare Wikipedia
    53. Solar flares (radio blackouts) NOAA SWPC
    54. Solar Radiation Storm NOAA SWPC
    55. Solar Radiation Storm Space Weather Live
    56. Understanding how solar flares affect radio communications Barrett Communications, Australia
    57. Hot-plasma ejections associated with compact-loop solar flares Kazunari Shibata et al. Astrophys. J. Lett. 451 L83 (1995)
    58. X-ray and gamma-ray emission of solar flares 2019 Alexandra Lysenko, Dmitry Frederiks, Rafail L. Aptekar
        Solar Particle Events ↑
    60. Solar Particle Event (SPE) Wikipedia
    61. Solar energetic particles (SEP) Wikipedia
    62. Solar Strom S-scale NOAA
    63. Solar Proton Events Affecting the Earth Environment: Historical list, 1976 - present NASA
    64. Next-Generation Solar Proton Monitors for Space Weather Eos
    65. The Difference Between CMEs and solar flares NASA
    66. CME ↑

    67. What is Coronal Mass Ejection Wikipedia
    68. Coronal Mass Ejections - CME NOAA
    69. Coronal mass ejection orientation Google search
    70. Particle Precipitation

    71. Particle Precipitation ScienceDirect
    72. Particle Precipitation in the Earth and Other Planetary Systems: Sources and Impacts Frontiers
    73. Energetic particle precipitation Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Univ. of Colorado
    74. Cosmic rays vs. sunspot numbersCosmic ray intensity is lower when solar activity is high.

    75. Periodic Variations of Cosmic Ray Intensity and Solar Wind Speed to Sunspot Numbers (2020) Hindawi - Collaborative work
    76. Cosmic Rays 2016 NOAA
    77. Cosmic Rays and the Solar Cycle 2005 University of Delaware
    78. Solar Radio Emissions

    79. Solar radio Wikipedia
    80. Radio bursts from the Sun Wikipedia
    81. The Effect of Solar Radio Bursts on GNSS Signals Science Direct
    82. Solar radio emission as a disturbance of radio mobile networks at 2.6GHz (June 2022)
    83. Solar Radio Burst Statistics and Implications for Space Weather Effects at 8 bands:
      245, 410, 610 MHz; 1.4, 2.6, 4.9, 8.8, 15.4 GHz (2017) O. D. Giersch, J. Kennewell, M. Lynch
    84. Radio ’screams’ from the Sun (below 10 MHz) warn of radiation storms (2007) ESA
    85. Distributions of Radio emissions at 245 MHz during flares (2005) Researchgate
    86. Multi-wavelength analysis of CME-driven shock and Type II solar radio burst band-splitting (2001) Shirsh Lata Soni, et al
    87. An analysis of solar noise outbursts and their application to space communication (1971)

  18. Space weather phenomena ↑
          Definition & concepts | Impact on HF radio Propagation | Geomagnetic storms & Aurora | Prediction | SID TID | Space Weather Agencies & Services
      Space Weather Definition and Concepts
    1. Space Weather Wikipedia
    2. Five Questions About Space Weather and Its Effects on Earth, Answered NASA
    3. What Is Space Weather? NOAA
    4. What is Space Weather? ASWFC
    5. Solar-terrestrial science Canadian Space Agency
    6. Definition of Space Weather Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil
    7. Answering five key questions about space weather NASA
    8. Space Weather Naval Postgraduate School
    9. Space Weather Highlights AGU
    10. Space Weather Scales Explanation | PDF format NOAA
    11. The Space Weather Forecast Explained British Geological Survey
    12. Solar storms: a new challenge on the horizon? November 2023 Counsel of the European Union
    13. A Media Primer for the Solar Cycle and Space Weather NESDIS
    14. The Impact of Space Weather on Radio Communication

    15. Space Weather Indices * Comparison tables * ASWFC
    16. How does Space Weather impact HF radio communication? NOAA
    17. Space Weather and Radio Communications ASWFC
    18. Ionospheric conditions - Space Weather Space Weather Canada
    19. Mastering HF Communication: Decoding Space Weather Data August 2023 Chris, N6CTA
      The article explains how radio amateurs can use real-time space weather data to optimize HF communication. In particular it mentions the Hp30 index, MUF , f0F2, and eSFI. These metrics are crucial for selecting the right frequency bands and forecasting propagation conditions. It provides practical insights and essential links to help enthusiasts determine the best conditions for different types of HF operations, including high-band DX, low-band DX, and NVIS operations. Additionally, it includes tips on antenna optimization to enhance HF communication effectiveness.
    20. The Sun and HF radio propagation Electronic Notes
    21. Space Weather and Propagation (A presentation 2019) Martin Buehring, KB4MG
    22. Solar Activity and HF Propagation (A presentation) Paul Harden, NA5N © QRP-ARCI – 2005
    23. Ionospheric Disturbances and Their Impacts on HF Radio Wave Propagation URSI
    24. Effect of magnetic storms (substorms) on HF propagation: A review D. V. Blagoveshchenskii
    25. The Impact of Geomagnetic storms on Radio Communication

    26. Geomagnetic storm G-scale NOAA
    27. Geomagnetic storms Maine Emergency Management Agency
    28. A presentation: Solar Activity and HF Propagation Paul Harden, NA5N © QRP-ARCI – 2005 Pages 85-88 focus on the impact of geomagnetic storms on HF propagation
    29. The impact of geomagnetic storms on HF propagation Bing Search
    30. Space weather impact on radio wave propagation Feb 2023 Norbert Jakowski, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics
    31. Monitoring and forecasting of ionospheric space weather - effects of geomagnetic storms 2002 J. Lastovicka, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Republic
    32. Effect of magnetic storms (substorms) on HF propagation: A review D. V. Blagoveshchenskii, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy volume 53, pages 409–423 (July 2013)
    33. Effect of Weak Magnetic Storms on the Propagation of HF Radio Waves Kurkin, V. I. ; Polekh, N. M. ; Zolotukhina, N. A. (Feb 2022)
    34. HF Propagation during geomagnetic storms at a low latitude station Physics & Astronomy International Journal 2020
    35. Enhanced Trans-Equatorial Propagation following Geomagnetic storms Oliver P. Ferrell, Nature volume 167, pages 811–812 (1951)
    36. Geomagnetic storms↑

    37. Geomagnetic storms Wikipedia
    38. Geomagnetic storms NOAA
    39. Geomagnetic storms dynamics

    40. The Disturbance Storm Time (Dst) Index NOAA
    41. Geomagnetic storm overview Kakioka Magnetic Observatory, Japan
    42. Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) in Equatorial Region Jusoh M. Huzaimy
    43. Evolution and Consequences of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Heliosphere (April 2022) Wageesh Mishra, Insia
      9 Different phases of a typical geomagnetic storm are shown. The sudden commencement, initial, main and recovery phases are characterized by a sudden rise, constant, fast decrease, and slow recovery in the horizontal components of Earth's magnetic field, respectively.
    44. Compare Geomagnetic storms during solar maximum vs. solar minimum Finn Soraas
    45. Classifying and bounding geomagnetic storms based on the SYM-H and ASY-H indices (2024) Armando Collado-Villaverde, Pablo Muñoz & Consuelo Cid
    46. Distribution and Recovery Phase of Geomagnetic Storms During Solar Cycles 23 and 24 Wageesh Mishra et al
    47. Geomagnetic storm main phase effect on the equatorial ionosphere over Ile–Ife as measured from GPS observations (2020) Ayomide O. Olabode, Emmanuel A. Ariyibi
    48. Book: Ring Current Investigations The Quest for Space Weather Prediction (2020) Vania K. Jordanova, Raluca Ilie, Margaret W. Chen
    49. Notable geomagnetic storms

    50. 5 geomagnetic storms that reshaped society USGS.gov
    51. High-Frequency Communications Response to Solar Activity in September 2017 as Observed by Amateur Radio Networks AGU
    52. Influence of 31 August – 1 September, 2019 ionospheric storm on HF 2 radio wave propagation Yiyang Luo et al
    53. Strong geomagnetic storm reaches Earth, continues through weekend May 2024 NOAA
    54. Aurora

    55. Aurora Wikipedia
    56. Astronomy Picture of the Day Search Results for "aurora" NASA
    57. Aurora NOAA SWPC
    58. The Science, Beauty, and Mystery of Auroras NOAA SWPC
    59. The Auroral E-region is a Source for Ionospheric Scintillation EOS
    60. The auroral E-region ionization and the auroral luminosity Omholt, A. (1955)
    61. Auroral Effects on the Ionospheric E-Layer Omholt, A. (1965)
    62. Diffuse Auroral Electron and Ion Precipitation Effects on RCM-E Comparisons With Satellite Data During the 17 March 2013 Storm JGR Space Physics 2019 - Chen, Lemon, Hecht, Sazykin, Wolf, Boyd, Valek
    63. Impacts of Auroral Precipitation on HF Propagation: A Hypothetical Over-the-Horizon Radar Case Study Joshua J. Ruck, David R. Themens
    64. Auroral Propagation RSGB
    65. Radio Auroras Ham Radio Engineering: GM8JBJ
    66. Aurora Event Propagation Gregory A Sarratt, W4DGH
    67. Using Auroral Propagation for Ham Radio Electronics notes
    68. Auroras & Radio Propagation including Auroral Backscatter Electronics notes
    69. Aurora Prediction North Pole NOAA
    70. Aurora Prediction South Pole NOAA
    71. Tonights Static Viewline Forecast Aurora Prediction North Pole NOAA
    72. Tomorrow Static Viewline Forecast Aurora Prediction North Pole NOAA
    73. 3 Day Geomagnetic and Aurora Forecast SolarHam, Kevin, VE3EN
    74. At what Kp index can I see aurora? Doron, 4X4XM
    75. The Magnetosphere Wikipedia
    76. Magnetosphere (MS) NASA
    77. Interplanetary magnetic field IMF Wikipedia
    78. The Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) - Sun’s magnetic field, B(t)x,y,z, Earth’s magnetosphere Space Weather Live
    79. Relating 27-Day Averages of Solar, Interplanetary Medium Parameters, and Geomagnetic Activity Proxies in Solar Cycle 24
    80. Do Intrinsic Magnetic Fields Protect Planetary Atmospheres from Stellar Winds?
    81. Investigation of the relationship between geomagnetic activity and solar wind parameters based on a novel neural network (potential learning)
    82. Ionospheric Storms ↑

    83. Ionospheric storm Wikipedia
    84. Ionospheric Disturbances ↑

    85. Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (SID) Wikipedia
    86. Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (SID) Draft: WFD (23 March 2014) William Denig, National Centers for Environmental Information-NOAA
    87. Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances An overview National Centers for Environmental Information-NOAA
    88. Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SIDs)
    89. Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs), ASWFC
    90. Polar Cap Absorption (PCA) events ASWFC
    91. Gamma-ray burst Wikipedia
      Gamma-ray bursts are the most intense explosions in the universe, observed in distant galaxies, with longer-lived afterglows and longer wavelengths emitted.
    92. Evidence of an upper ionospheric electric field perturbation correlated with a gamma ray burst (GRB), Mirko Piersanti et al, November 2023
      Analyzing the October 9, 2022, gamma-ray burst (GRB221009A).
    93. See also Cosmic rays
    94. Disturbance of Geophysical Fields and the Ionosphere during a Strong Geomagnetic Storm on April 23, 2023 V. V. Adushkin, A. A. Spivak et al
  20. Space weather agencies and their services
    1. World Meteorological Organiztion WMO
    2. ISES: The International Space Environment Service; ISES 23 members
    3. A list of 14 International Service Providers NOAA
    4. European Space Agency - Space Weather Service (ESA)
    5. NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) services:
    6. Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) Wikipedia
    7. American Commercial Space Weather Association of 19 companies ACSWA
    8. Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre ASWFC | Alert System 2022
    9. Belgium: Solar Influence Data Analysis Center (SIDC) Royal Observatory of Belgium
    10. Brazil: The Embrace Program Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil
    11. Britain: (BGS; MOSWOC; UKMO) Meteorological Office | Geological Survey↑
    12. Canada: Space Agency (CSA) | Space Weather (SWC)
    13. Chaina: National Space Science Center (NSSC)
    14. Germany The GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ
    15. Japan: Space Weather Forecast National Institute of Information and Communications Technology NICT, ISES, RWC
    16. Korea: Space Weather Center RRA/KSWC
    17. South Africa: National Space Agency (SANSA) SANSA
    18. Taiwan: Space Weather Operational Office Central Weather Administration (CWA)

  22. Forecasting and prediction

      Forecasting and Prediction of Solar Activity

    1. Predicted long term sunspot number and Radio Flux at 10.7 cm NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center ↑
    2. 27-Day Outlook of 10.7 cm Sun Radio Flux and the Earth Geomagnetic Indices NOAA ↑
    3. Solar Flare Forecast ASWFC
    4. Solar flare probabilities SolarHam, Kevin, VE3EN
    5. Solar Synoptic Map
    6. Weekly Highlights and Forecasts of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
    7. Sun news activity, Solar flare, CME, Aurora EarthSky
    8. Flashes on the Sun Could Help Scientists Predict Solar Flares Jan 17, 2023 NASA
    9. We can now predict dangerous solar flares a day before they happen 30 July 2020 Jonathan O’Callaghan, Newscientist
    10. A tech-destroying solar flare could hit Earth within 100 years 16 October 2017 Leah Crane, Newscientist
    11. Space Weather Prediction

    12. Space weather: What is it and how is it predicted? SpaceCom
    13. Space Weather Forecasting

    14. Space weather forecast NOAA
    15. Radio Communications Dashboard SWPC NOAA ↑
    16. Past, Current, and 3-day forecast of R-S-G ASWFC
    17. Space Weather Forecast Discussion SWPC NOAA
    18. How to Improve Space Weather Forecasting (2020) Eos, AGU
    19. How to Assess the Quality of Space Weather Forecasts? (2021) Eos, AGU
    20. HF Radio & Space Weather Dashboard Ismael PELLEJERO IBAÑEZ, EA4FSI
    21. Forecast Geomagnetic Activity

    22. 3-Day Geomagnetic Forecast (text) NOAA
    23. Importance and challenges of geomagnetic storm forecasting Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
    24. Low-accuracy Geomagnetic Storm Predictions

    25. Is a solar flare the same thing as a CME? EarthSky
    26. The Difference Between CMEs and solar flares NASA
    27. Solar Storms: Odds, Fractions and Percentages NASA
    28. Near Miss: The Solar Superstorm of July 2012 NASA
    29. Coronal Mass Ejections: Models and Their Observational Basis P. F. Chen
    30. Blackout↑ and SID↑

    31. Communications blackout Wikipedia
    32. Radio blackout R-scale NOAA
    33. D region absorption Prediction (D-RAP) SWPC NOAA
    34. A dynamic collection of propagation information gathered from many different sources Doug Brandon, N6RT
    35. Propagation Links eHam.net Team

  23. Tools and Applications for analysis, prediction, and forecasting HF propagation

    Apps Categories: Real-time Activity / Band Monitoring, real-time maps & Charts, Prediction Software, Mathematical models, etc.

      Mitigation Techniques

    1. Space weather effects on communications systems June 2020 Mark MacAleste, CISA–Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
      Effects, Operational Impacts, Mitigations, and Research Gaps for Communications Systems
    2. Forecast tools

      Online Activity and Band Monitoring

      Gathering information of real-time activity on the ham bands
    3. Real-time Ham Band Activity Map Jon Harder, NG0E
    4. Analyzing Propagation From Active DX Stations Band Activity by (1) Time of Day, (2) Continent DXLab
    5. Radio Propagation Maps Based on established contacts; Choose a propagation map from the menu Andy Smith, G7IZU
    6. Online tools, charts and raw data

      Real-time HF Propagation Tools

    7. HF-START - HF Simulator Targeting of All-users, Regional Telecommunications NICT, Japan
      HF-START - High Frequency Simulator Targeting for All-users’ Regional Telecommunications - is HF propagation simulator that is developed to meet the needs of space weather users for, but not limit to telecommunications: real-time info, web tools, about
    8. HF Propagation Tools Hamwaves - Serge Stroobandt, ON4AA
      Real-time online dashboard of solar activity influencing HF propagation on Earth.
    9. Real-time HF propagation space weather Hamwaves - Serge Stroobandt, ON4AA
      Real-time online dashboard of solar activity influencing HF propagation on Earth.
    10. Propagation Banners

    11. Add Solar-Terrestrial Data to your Website HamQSL , Paul L Herrman, N0NBH
    12. Real-time Maps & Charts

    13. MUF 3000 Km Map based on Real-time measurements Andrew D Rodland, KC2G ↑
      * Read more about the MUF (3000 km) project
      * Read a review titled: "Developing an Open-Source HF Propagation Prediction Tool".
      Roland Gafner, HB9VQQ, provides an animated map view of the last 24 hours in 15-minute steps.
    14. HamDXMap for the DXer, radio propagation concepts Christian Furst, F5UII
    15. Prediction Software

    16. An Open-Source IRI-based Nowcasting Tool for Ionospheric Electron Density and HF Propagation Andrew D Rodland (2022 Harvard Abstracts)
      An overview of the software and the models behind prop.kc2g.com, a website using the IRI-2016 model, conditioned on near-real-time ionosonde data, to provide global maps of MUF(3000) and foF2. While primarily designed for radio amateur use, this system is useful for nowcasting of F region ionospheric density and mesoscale low elevation HF propagation characteristics.
    17. The Advanced Stand Alone Prediction System (ASAPS) ASWFC
      Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre offer three software products to predict HF propagation:
      1. GWPS - designed for HF operators working in defence and emergency services
      2. ASAPS Kernel - The Advanced Stand Alone Prediction System designed for government, defence and emergency services
      3. Consultancies - designed for industry, defence and emergency services
    18. S/N HF Propagation Forecast Calculator for the current month DL0NOT
    19. "Proppy"

    20. Proppy Online - HF Propagation Prediction James Watson, M0DNS
    21. Proppy HF Circuit Prediction: NCDXF/IARU Beacons James Watson, M0DNS
    22. Proppy HF Circuit Prediction: RadCom's monthly propagation predictions James Watson, M0DNS
    23. "DR2W"

    24. DR2W - Predict Propagation Conditions DK9IP (Winfried), DH3WO (Wolfgang), DJ2BQ (Ewald), ZS1AO/DJ2HD (Mathew)
      A Long-term forecasting cannot take into account unpredicted ionospheric and magnetic disturbances or anomalies.
    25. "VOACAP"

    26. VOACAP Primer James (Jim) Coleman, KA6A
    27. VOACAP Online Application for Ham Radio Jari Perkiömäki, OH6BG / OG6G
      VOACAP forecats monthly average of the expected reliability with diurnal and seasonal variations.
      A Long-term forecasting cannot take into account unpredicted ionospheric and magnetic disturbances or anomalies.
    28. VOACAP Quick Guide Jari Perkiömäki, OH6BG / OG6G
    29. VOACAP Shortwave Prediction Software Rob Wagner VK3BVW
    30. How to use VOACAP - Part 1: Overview, Part 2, Part 3 Jari OH6BG & OH7BG Raisa
    31. VOACAP DX Charts VOACAP
    32. VOACAP Charts for RadCom VOACAP
    33. RadCom online Propagation Prediction Tools RSGB
    34. "IOCAP"

    35. Ionospheric Characterisation Analysis and Prediction tool (IOCAP) SANSA
    36. IOCAP Application Introduction Video SANSA
      The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) created i/o cap Primary Work Surface, an operational HF communication solution.
      It's a modern, user-friendly HF frequency prediction tool that's simple to use and accurate. In a software program, it blends space weather research and practical HF experience.
    37. Misc.

    38. DX Toolbox - Shortwave / Ham Radio / HF Radio Propagation Black Cat Systems
      This is a software application that provides a range of tools for HF radio operators, including propagation forecast based on the Solar Terrestrial Dispatch (STL) model. It also includes a real-time solar data display and a gray line map.
    39. HF Propagation (Google Play) Android Package Kit
    40. HF Propagation (Microsoft Apps) Stefan Heesch, HB9TWS
    41. Proplab-Pro v3: Review eHam Manual spacew.com
      Proplab-Pro 3.2 (Build 45, March 2023) Three-dimensional ray-tracing ionosphere; can run as standalone; not free.
    42. PROPHF v1.8, HF Propagation predictions Christian, F6GQK
    43. W6ELProp (2002) Sheldon C. Shallon, W6EL
      Predicts skywave propagation between any two locations on the earth on frequencies between 3 and 30 MHz
    44. HamCAP (VOACAP interface) by Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA. Rated 8.93 by DxZone
    45. The Propagation Software Pages A collection of links AC6V
    46. HF Propagation Software Review

    47. Review of HF Propagation analysis & prediction programs Research Oriented Luxorion
      Amateur propagation programs, accessible via the internet, provide graphical solutions and simulate ionospheric effects using near-real-time data or well-known functions, achieving high accuracy.
    48. Review of Propagation prediction programs - VOACAP-based Luxorion
      VOACAP, a US government-funded HF propagation prediction engine, has been continuously improved over since the 1980s.
    49. Predicting and Monitoring Propagation DXLab
      * Solar terminator display and prediction - shows gray line at any specified date and time.
      * Propagation prediction - provides a graphical view of openings by frequency and time using your choice of the included VOACAP, ICEPAC, and IONCAP forecasting engines.
    51. PropView DXLab
      PropView forecasts LUF and MUF between two locations over a 24-hour period using VOACAP, ICEPAC, and IONCAP engines. It can specify locations via latitude/longitude entry or DXCC prefix entry. PropView can build schedules for the IARU/HF beacon network and monitor the NCDXF/IARU International Beacon Network. It interoperates with Commander and DXView for automatic monitoring and location display.
    52. RF prop, Radio Propagation & Diffraction Calculator, W6ELProp, PropView, HamCAP DxZone
    53. Radio Propagation Forecasting (2019) Basu, VU2NSB Beacons, VOACAP, CCIR and URSI Models
    54. HFTA - High Frequency Terrain Assessment

    55. Introduction to HFTA - High Frequency Terrain Assessment Nashua Area Radio Society, N1FD
    56. Operating Instructions for HFTA, Version 1.04 (2013) ARRL
    57. HF Terrain Analysis Using HFTA (2015) Stan Gibbs, K0RV
    58. HFTA and Take Off Angles ~ 01/20/2021 RATPAC Amateur Radio
    59. Maximizing Performance of HF Antennas with Irregular Terrain Jim Breakall, WA3FET
    60. Introduction to HFTA – high frequency terrain assessment and more | Request an Azimuthal Map Tom, NS6T
    61. Space weather models

    62. Mathematical Models of Space Weather NASA
    63. Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF)
    64. Ionospheric models

    65. Evaluation of various models for HF propagation prediction SANSA Space Science
    66. Comparison of observed and predicted MUF(3000)F2 in the polar cap region Radio Science AGU (2015)
      Comparison of ICEPAC, VOACAP, and REC533 models reveal diurnal and seasonal variations. Summer diurnal variation is not represented by the VOACAP or ICEPAC models. REC533 surpasses VOACAP during the winter and equinox months. ICEPAC performs poorly during periods of low solar activity.
    67. HF radio wave propagation ionosphere models Google Search
    68. Solar activity ionosphere models Google Search
    69. What can we expect from a HF propagation model? Luxorion
      Mathematical models and numerical procedures simulate dynamic processes in HF radio propagation, considering interactions between the Sun's and Earth's surfaces, sun, space weather, ionosphere, and atmosphere.
    70. ITU-R Directory ITU
      Software, Data and Validation examples for ionospheric and tropospheric radio wave propagation and radio noise
    71. ITU-R P.533 model
      This is an ITU table links to Software, Data and Validation examples for ionospheric and tropospheric radio wave propagation and radio noise in a wide range of propagation conditions. The ITUR HF Prop experimental software, was written by G4FKH and HZ1JB, and is based on the ITU-R P.533 method.
      It uses a probabilistic approach to estimate radio coverage with algorithms that are supposed to be more accurate than other similar programs.
    72. Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM) model
    73. Advanced D region Ionosphere Prediction System (ADIPS)
    74. Ionosphere modeling Google Search
    75. Semi-Empirical ionosphere models Google Search
    76. Full Wave ionosphere models HF propagation Google Search
    77. Ray-tracing models

    78. Ray Tracing ionosphere models HF propagation Google Search
    79. VOACAP–Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program is a professional hf system performance prediction tool
      VOACAP predicts monthly average expected reliability, considering diurnal and seasonal variations, but does not account for unpredicted ionospheric and magnetic disturbances or anomalies.
    80. General information on the ICEPAC propagation prediction model Jari Perkiömäki, OH6BG
    81. ITUR HF Prop
      Prediction of HF circuits based on Recommendation ITU-R P.533 model - an improved (2017) point-to-point propagation prediction tool, based on an ITU engine, developed by Gwyn Williams, G4FKH.
    82. Ionospheric models that simulate a neural network

    83. Neural Network Ionospheric Model (NNIM)
    84. Hybrid ionospheric models

    85. Application of Machine Learning Techniques to HF Propagation Prediction Richard Buckley, William N. Furman - Rochester, NY

  25. Supplementary references

      Our hobby

    1. Amateur Radio Wikipedia
      The name of the hobby Amateur Radio or Ham Radio refers to a non-commercial communication, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation,
      radiosport, contesting, and emergency communications activity that may use radio transmitters and receivers.
    2. Radio Amateur Wikipedia
      Radio Amateur or Radio Ham is the person usualy a licensed operator who communicates with other radio amateurs on amateur radio frequencies.
    3. Amateur radio station Wikipedia Read about different types of stations used by amateur radio operators.
    4. History of Amateur Radio Wikipedia
    5. Etymology of ham radio Wikipedia
    6. Why is it called ham radio? Field Radio
    7. Status Summary of Radio Amateurs & Amateur Stations of The World 2000 IARU (archived)
    8. Number of radio amateurs by country from 2000 to 2022 Ham Radio DX, VK7HH, Hayden P Honeywood
      The IARU officially reported worldwide figures for hams in 2000. The statistics for 2022 are an estimate based on a prior pattern of growth.
    9. Shortwave listening (SWL) Wikipedia
    10. The HF Bands assigned for Radio Amateurs

    11. Amateur Radio Band Characteristics Ham Universe
    12. Ham Radio Bands DXZone
    13. WARC bands Wikipedia
    14. Ham radio propagation websites

    15. Historical charts of past events eSFI (Solar-flux-index) and eSSN(Sunspot-number) courtesy of Andrew D Rodland, KC2G.
    16. Live Ionospheric Data Paul L. Herrman, N0NBH presented by Meteorscan.com
    17. Solar Weather Info HFQso.com - Palmetto Tech Network LLC
    18. Sun data and propagation—The last 36 hours—The last 30 days—WSPEnet—DxCluster QRZCQ
    19. Solar Conditions & Ham Radio Propagation (indices) W5MMW
    20. SolarHam—Real-time Space Weather—Latest Solar Imagery and Alerts SolarHam, Kevin, VE3EN
    21. Live Solar Events—Radio Reflection Detection Andy Smith, G7IZU
    22. The Basics of Radio Wave Propagation Edwin C. Jones, MD, PhD (AE4TM) Knoxville, TN
      That page provides an overview of radio wave transmission processes, including a glossary of solar and propagation terms.
    23. Communication Modes and Techniques

      Signal Processing and Communication

    24. Analog transmission Wikipedia
    25. Analog to digital converter Wikipedia
    26. Data communication Wikipedia
    27. Digital to analog converter Wikipedia
    28. Modulation Wikipedia
    29. Radio Wikipedia
    30. Signal transmission Wikipedia
    31. FT8

    32. FT8 Wikipedia
    33. FT8 Frequency Chart: Navigating the Digital Mode Landscape Thehamshack, Jerry L Withers, KD7OKK
    34. Digital Voice (DV)

    35. Digital Voice the Easy Way 2023 QST
    36. FreeDV: Open Source Amateur Digital Voice 2023FreeDV
    37. A Guide to Digital Voice on Amateur Radio April 2021 Andrew McColm, VK3FS
    38. How to Use FreeDV Digital Voice Over HF Ham Radio Dec 2020Ham Radio Crash Course
    39. Using FreeDV To Talk On Digital HF 80M Oct 2019 Tech Minds
    40. RSGB 2018 Convention lecture: FreeDV - Digital Voice for HF and other low SNR channels Sept 2019 RSGB
    41. Digital Voice on HF 2013 G4ILO
    42. Will digital voice (on HF) ever be a thing? 2018 Dan, KB6NU
    43. International Digital Audio Broadcasting Standards: Voice Coding and Amateur Radio Applications 2003 QEX
    44. Practical HF Digital Voice June 2000 G4GUO, G4JNT , QEX
    45. Automatic link establishment (ALE)

      Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) is a feature that enables a radio station to select the best frequency to establish a connection with another HF radio station or network of stations. It replaces traditional prediction techniques and reliance on trained operators.

    46. Automatic link establishment (ALE) Wikipedia
    47. Youtube clips about ALE:
    48. Free and paid software for ALE:
    49. Automatic Link Establishment Overview 2018 COMMS Working Group
    50. HF Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) 2009 Kingston Amateur Radio Club
    51. ALE HF Network Ham Radio Amateur Radio 2007 Bonnie Crystal, KQ6XA, HFLINK
    52. ALE - The coming of Automatic Link Establishment, QST 1995 Ronald E. Menold, AD4TB
    53. Spread Spectrum

    54. Spread Spectrum Wikipedia
    55. Frequency-hopping spread spectrum Wikipedia
    56. Technological concepts

    57. Satellite Wikipedia
    58. Lagrange points (Google Search) ↑
    59. The Lagrange Mission Wikipedia ↑
    60. Scientific answers to radio amateurs' questions:

    61. Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation HamSCI
      HamSCI promotes collaboration between researchers and radio operators, supports the development of standards and agreements, and advances projects with the following goals: * Advance scientific research through amateur radio. * Encourage the development of new technologies. * Provide educational opportunities for amateurs and the public.
    62. High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program HAARP Wikipedia
    63. Benefits of the HAARP Project for Radio Hams
    64. Study of HF Radio Propagation Using HAARP and the Ham WSPR Network (2018) Citizen Space Science, Fallen
    65. HF Propagation Research 1958-1990

    66. Basic Radio Propagation Predictions for September 1958, Three Months in Advance National Bureau Of Standards
    67. Ionospheric Radio Propagation 1965 (replaced an obsolete pubication of 1948) Kenneth Davies, National Bureau Of Standards
    68. An Introduction to Ionosphere and Magnetosphere 1972 isbn: 9780521083416 J. A. Ratcliffe
    69. Solar-Terrestrial Prediction Proceedings | Solar-Terrestrial Prediction Proceedings 1979 Richard F. Donnelly, Space Environment Lab, NOAA
    70. The Earth's Ionosphere (book 1989) Plasma Physics and Electrodynamics Michael C. Kelley
    71. Ionospheric Radio (book 1990) Kenneth Davies
    72. Special articles by Bob Brown, NM7M (SK), Ph.D. U.C.Berkeley

    73. The Little Pistol's Guide to HF Propagation (1996) Bob Brown
    74. HF Propagation Tutorial Bob Brown (SK), NM7M
    75. The AI tools used to improve the presentation of this website

    76. Initial chats with ChatGPT 3.5, since April 2023
    77. Quillbot, since August 2023
    78. ChatGTP 4o, since May 2024
    79. Copilot Microsoft, since June 2024
    80. Gemini Google, since November 2024
  27. Misc. References

      Physical concepts

    1. Definition of Physics Wikipedia
    2. Radio Waves NASA
    3. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR or S/N) Wikipedia
    4. Flux Wikipedia
    5. Storm What are storms? Wikipedia
    6. Physical Coupling Wikipedia
    7. Collision frequency Wikipedia
    8. Collision frequency Physical Chemistry
    9. Spectroscopy Wikipedia
    10. Spectroscopy: A YouTube playlist featuring demonstrations and explanations Doron, 4X4XM
    11. Lyman series-alpha hydrogen radiation at a wavelength of 121.6 nm [nm = nano-meter 10-9meter] Wikipedia
    12. Geophysical concepts

    13. The atmosphere of Earth Wikipedia
    14. Definition of Aeronomy UMich
    15. Earth's magnetic field Wikipedia ↑
    16. Geomagnetism what is it? Measuring instruments

    17. Origin of Earth’s Magnetic Field Earth.com
    18. Sustaining Earth’s magnetic dynamo Nature
    19. Understand Earth's geomagnetic field through the dynamo effect principle (video) Britanica
    20. Magnetometer Wikipedia
    21. Magnetometers A Comprehensive Guide
    22. Magnetometry D. Waller & B. E. Strauss
    23. Astromonomical concepts

    24. The Solar System Wikipedia
    25. Geometrical concepts

    26. Ecplictic Plane | Plane of the Solar System Wikipedia
    27. Geometrical Optics Wikipedia ↑
    28. Secant Trigonometry term Wikipedia ↑
    29. Deterministic Chaos ↑

    30. Deterministic Chaos The Exploratorium, 1996
    31. Deterministic Chaos Principia Cybernetica 2000
    32. Concepts: Chaos New England Complex Systems Institute
    33. HF Propagation - Novel Research and Analysis

    34. Short and long term prediction of ionospheric HF radio propagation J. Mielich und J. Bremer (2010)
    35. Spread-F occurrences and relationships with foF2 and h′F at low and mid-latitudes in China (2018) Wang, Guo, Zhao, Ding & Lin (Chaina)
    36. Long-Term Changes in Ionospheric Climate in Terms of foF2 Jan Lastovicka (2022)
    37. Ionospheric Monitoring and Modeling Applicable to Coastal and Marine Environments Ljiljana R. Cander and Bruno Zolesi (2019)
    38. Statistically analyzing the ionospheric irregularity effect on radio occultation M. Li and X. Yue, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 3003–3013, 2021
    39. Analysis of Ionospheric Disturbance Response to the Heavy Rain Event Jian Kong, Lulu Shan, Xiao Yan, Youkun Wang - Remote Sens. 2022, 14(3), 510
    40. A simplified HF radio channel forecasting model E.V. Moskaleva, N.Y. Zaalov, Advances in Space Research
    41. Ionospheric current Upper Atmospheric Science Division of the British Antarctic Survey
    42. Radio Propagation Prediction for HF Communications (2018) Dept. of Appl/ Physics & Tel., Midlands State Univ., Gweru, Zimbabwe
    43. The influence of high latitude off-great circle propagation effects on HF communication systems and radiolocation M. Warrington, A.J. Stocker, N. Zaalov (2002)
    44. Analyzing the current ionospheric conditions Google search
    45. Recent Theories, Methods and Models

    46. Develop ionosphere computer models to enhance HF radio propagation Military Aerospace 2022
    47. Recommendation: Ionospheric Characteristics And Methods Of Basic MUF, Operational MUF AND Ray-Path Prediction ITU-R P.434-6 (1995) ITU
    48. Recommendation: Propagation Factors Affecting Frequency Sharing In HF Terrestrial Systems (1994) ITU
    49. Recommendation: HF propagation prediction method ITU 2001
    50. Investigation of Two Prediction Models of Maximum Usable Frequency for HF Communication
      Based on Oblique- and Vertical-Incidence Sounding Data (2022)
      atmosphere MDPI
    51. ITM Processes

    52. Terrestrial Atmosphere ITM (Ionosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere) Processes NASA Visualization (2018)
    53. Detection of Rapidly Moving Ionospheric Clouds H. Wells, J. M. Watts, D. George (1946)
    54. Three-dimensional simulation study of ionospheric plasma clouds S. Zalesak, J. Drake, J. Huba (1990)
    55. Nonlinear 3-D Simulations of the Gradient Drift and Secondary Kelvin–Helmholtz Instabilities in Ionospheric Plasma Clouds 2003 Almarhabi et al)
    56. Articles about "Ionospheric Plasma Bubbles" Google search
    57. Articles about "Ionospheric Plasma Clouds" Google search
    58. Vertical Coupling (Troposphere - Ionosphere)

    59. Sprite (lightning) Wikipedia
    60. ICON - Ionospheric Connection Explorer Wikipedia
    61. Upper-atmospheric lightning Wikipedia
    62. Transient Luminous Events: Lightning above our atmosphere AccuWeather
    63. NASA ScienceCasts: Observing Lightning from the International Space Station NASA
    64. Severe Weather 101: Lightning Types NOAA
    65. Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) SKYbrary
    66. Investigations of the Transient Luminous Events with the small satellites, balloons and ground-based instruments Safura Mirzayeva 2022 Master Thesis
    67. Solar cycle changes to planetary wave propagation and their influence on the middle atmosphere circulation (1997) Arnold & Robinson
    68. Electrodynamical Coupling of Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere: An Overview (2011) A. K. Singh, Devendraa Siingh, R. P. Singh, Sandhya Mishra
    69. A review of vertical coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere system:
      Effects of waves, sudden stratospheric warmings, space weather, and of solar activity
      (2015) Erdal Yiğit, Petra Koucká Knížová, Katya Georgieva, William Ward
    70. Electrodynamical Coupling of Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere: An Overview (2020) Prof. Ashok K. Singh et al, University of Lucknow
    71. A Review of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Wave Phenomena Related to Tropospheric-Ionospheric Coupling Mechanisms (2012) NASA
    72. TEC variations detected over southern Africa due to lightning storms M M Amin, Inggs, P J Cilliers; South African National Space Agency
    73. Future Ionospheric Insights

    74. In-space measurements could enhance high-frequency radio capabilities April 2022 DARPA
    75. Next-decade needs for 3-D ionosphere imaging May 2023 Frontiers
    76. 3-D Characterization of Global Ionospheric Disturbances During the 15 January 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption January 2025 Changzhi Zhai et al
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