↑ HF Propagation Widget

By Doron Tal, 4X4XM

HF propagation prediction widget can be found on many amateur radio websites. It may assist radio hams in determining which bands are open during the day and night. The SN, A and K indices, and other indices are used to generate the data.

A banner showing global propagation conditions

banner courtesy Paul L Herrman, N0NBH

This kind of banners ignore many factors, such as your location, the DX location, the characteristics of your station, and the DX station. Even if 15m is labeled as Poor, you will be able to hear something on the band. See a review of a similar widget showing global hf conditions.

The Understanding HF Propagation Project provides radio amateurs with a detailed overview and tutorials on several aspects of HF propagation.

If no flags are displayed, it means that the s01.flagcounter.com server is down!