Robert Tyrakowski
Car Garage Entrance control
With 4 Lidar Sensors and 4 * 72 LED Strips
Garageneinfahrskontrolle mit 4 Lidar Sensoren und 4 LED Streifen
DAB+ Radio board
with only 3 Controls and Speech Output for Guidance
DAB+ Radio mit Sprachausgabe und nur 3 Bedienelementen
Home Automation
IDT(ZMD) ZWIR4512 6LoWPAN Network
Energy Counter Simulator
with 3 times S0 - Outputs
Simulator für Energiezähler mit 3 * S0-Ausgängen
Improvement of solar electricity self-consumption .
Verbesserung des PV-Stromeigenverbrauchs
LINK Bikescout
How to keep a biker group together, without stress ?
Wie Fahrradgruppe ohne Stress zusammenhalten ?LINK NHV-Display
2*20 char RGB LCD-Display controller for I²C host
Multicolor 2*20 Char I²C LCD-Display mit TastaturLINK MVLOG
Micro Controller powered Data Logger for Mastervolt's Mini Grid Converter Soladin 600 and Windmaster 500
Datenlogger für Mastervolt's 230V-Wechselrichter Soladin 600 und
Windmaster 500LINK
VBIM- Serial - I²C
New state of the art Beam Direction Display as a replacement of the old proven VBI-360 TTL hardware.
Joint Venture Ham project by W3FRG and DK7NTLINK Humidity Sensor Controller
Controller for two humidity sensors to get two dewpoints and both relative and absolute humidities.
Controller für zwei Feuchtesensoren zum Ermitteln zweier Taupunkte und der relativen und absoluten Luftfeuchtigkeit.LINK CSV-Viewer by Ingo Wendler
Exiting tool to display csv coded logger data files
Vielseitiges SW-Tool zum Darstellen von csv LoggerdateienLINK 5 * 4...20 mA Converter Interface
Interface for up to 5 * 4..20 mA Sensors. Can be integrated in a logger system or may work self-conatined.
Schnittstelle für bis zu 5 * 4...20 mA Sensoren. In Loggersystem integriebar oder freilaufend.LINK Temperature Sensor Replacement
Interface to cheat temperatur sensor controller
Temperatursteuerungen überlisten.LINK Heat-Meter Readout Simple interface to read an Allmess Heat Meter via RS232 or via TTL,
using M-BUS Software Layer. No M-BUS hardware components needed.
Interface zum Auslesen von Allmess Wärmemengenzählern über RS232 oder TTL Ebene mittels M-BUS Software Layer Instruktionen.
Keine M-Bus Hardwarekomponenten nötig!LINK TSIC-Conditioner Simple interface for up to 16 high precision IST TSic 206/306/506
temperature sensors by ZMD and/or S0 AC power meter cannels.
Interface für bis zu 16 hochgenaue IST TSic 206/306/506 Temperatur-
sensoren von ZMD oder/und S0 Stromzähler kanäle.LINK Joint Venture Ham project by W3FRG and DK7NTVBI PLUS-MultidirectionalInterface between SteppIR Antenna Controller and
VBI-360 Beam Indicator.
YO3DMU's PstRotator now supports VBI-Display
Published in the German HAM Radio Periodical "Funkamateur" 12/2010
LINK Hände weg von Billig-Akkus!
Keep away from cheap batteries!LINK
Pyranometer Amplifier
Amplifier for a solar irradiation meter
Verstärker für solares GlobalstrahlungsmessgerätLINK
GPSL GPS-Landing GPS aided landing for RC model aircraft
GPS Unterstützung bei der Landung von RC ModellflugzeugenPublished in the German Modelsport Magazine "Aufwind" 3/2008 (Mai-Ausgabe)LINK RCSLS - Servo Switch (MSP430Fxxxx)
Servo signal decoder - Sequential logic system (RCSLS) , Code exampleLINK
RFMLF for RC model air plains 3 in 1
- Battery power monitor (lowest voltage value memory)
- Battery power empty warning via radio
- Lost and Found monitoring if aircraft escaped
Battery Powered 433MHz Tracking TransmitterLink Ericsson Cell Phone Display GA628 Link Ethernet Connection for LPC2106 (ARM7) Link
Antenna Analyzer for short wave HAM'sPublished in the German HAM-Radio Magazine Funkamateur 10/2005Link Controller for Nokia 7650 cell phone
LCD Display. Now with C-Source Code176 *208 pixel, 4096 colors
Link GPS Signal Repeater for indoor Link Huge LED Antenna Direction Display Link TV based Receiver for a Standard
Frequency Generator
Published in the GermanHAM-Radio Magazine CQ-DL 11/1998.Link GPS based Receiver for a Standard
Frequency Generator
Published in the German HAM-Radio Magazine CQ-DL 07/2000Link Mini Outdoor GPS Receiver GPSRX2
Published in the German HAM-Radio Magazine Funkamateur 07/2002Link GPS/TV-CRO
High Precision GPS/TV Controlled Reference Oscillator
Universal Disciplined Standard Frequency Generator for TV and GPS based
Published in the HAM Radio Magazine CQ-DL 9/2001 and 10/2001, the
periodical of the German Amateur Radio Club ( DARC).Link CALLMACHINE
An unusual electronic keyer
Published in the German HAM-Radio Magazine Funkamateur 07/2010.
Published in the German HAM-Radio Magazine CQ-DL 03/1999.Link Fx-Gnome A small and power saving frequency readout
Published in the German HAM Radio Magazine CQ-DL 11/2001Link I2C-LCD I2C/RS232 to Standard LCD Converter Link Embedded Visual Basic Programs for
Pocket PC and helpful hints for PPC
Join the web sites of my friends:
- DL6NCI Lorenz
- DB6NT Michael - 10 GHz Transverter and other GHz stuff
Wichtige Hinweise!Important Hints!