The first 25 years. Years 1987-2002.

1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994
1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 |2000 | 2001 | 2002


International YL2000:
A busy year that was dominated by the planning and lead up to International YL2000 which was held at the Gardens Pavilion in Hamilton September 29 - October 1st. A total of 165 registrations included 95 DXers from Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and United States of America who all received a specially produced Programme booklet.

Cathy ZL2ADK welcomed all to New Zealand and Hamilton in particular and introduced Dennis Young ZL2BFI who presented the new WARO banner in memory of his late wife Dawn ZL2AGX. NZART President Alan Wallace ZL1AMW introduced ACT Member of Parliament Dr. Muriel Newman, who has Communications as one of her portfolios, and she performed the Official Opening.

Without the obvious skills of the YL2000 organising committee comprising Carol ZL2VQ, Cathy ZL2ADK, Jill ZL2DBO, Biny ZL2AZY and Bev ZL1OS such a project would not have been possible and the membership appreciate their total commitment. Many other members added their special skills to enhance the international gathering of YLs.
Bev ZL1OS and OM Graeme ZL1ALG prepared the WARO homepage, the all important database for keeping track of everyone and produced numerous other artistic items on their computer system;
Carolyn Sarten ZL2JP organised the Awards and contest;
Pat Williams ZL1LD was chief quiltmaker for the raffles;
Trish Cron ZL1VTC produced the NZ WARO banner;
Jacqueline Goodenough ZL1JAQ subsequently produced a commemorative photograph album following the event, and many others contributed in many ways to the largest DX event ever held in New Zealand.

ZM6YL was allocated for the period August 1 to October 15 for the YL2000 Award and was used extensively during this time.

November-December Break-In contained 3 pages of memories from the eventful weekend while the cover displayed a selection of photographs from various contributors. The December Bulletin carried an extensive account of the gathering with comments and thoughts of some of those people attending. To be congratulated is Bulletin Editor Joline Beale ZL1UJB a relatively "young" member of WARO who produced such a comprehensive account of the International YL2000 meeting that members who were unable to be present got the feeling they really were part of all the action. There was a marked increase in DX membership following the weekend in Hamilton and many travellers were also quite overwhelmed by the beauty and wonders of our country as they toured at their leisure.

AGM was in Upper Hutt this year where it was announced that the NZ WARO Achievement Award recipient for 2000 was Carol Gaudin ZL2VQ. It was decided that the presentation of the Myrtle Earland Memorial Rose Bowl would be made to her during the International YL2000 gathering in Hamilton.

Debby Morgan ZL2TDM the first NZART General Secretary to become licensed whilst in office.

Silent Keys:
Win Parr ZL1BBN - licensed in 1964 and became a silent key in April.

Joan Cummins ZL1AJC - licensed in 1980 with ZL1TMP as the first callsign issued to her and followed by ZL1BSZ when she obtained her full licence. Later she applied for the callsign ZL1AJC which were her own initials. Joan passed away at Matariki Hospital in Te Awamutu during December.

ZL1CS Collin Shaw - very much part of the life of WARO for a long time. 'Official photographer' from the inaugural meeting in 1962 and it was due to his dedication and enthusiasm that we have such an excellent photographic record of our first 30 years. Collin produced all the WARO stationery, certificates, contest winner banners and anything else required from his printing 'office'. Together with Vicki he also worked on various designs for WARO emblems and badges and donated a WARO Contest Cup in 1977. First Patron of WARO a position he held from 1981-1990. In November 1991 President Carol ZL2VQ presented him with a plaque and certificate in recognition of his many years service as WARO Patron and invaluable support as our photographer and printer.

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