U.S.A. Awards
48 Hour 100 Nation Award
Appalachian Trail Award Keystone Trails Association
ARRL Awards DXCC, WAS, WAC, etc
ARRL Certificate of Code Proficiency
Beaches On The Air (BOTA)
CHurches and CHapels On The Air (CHOTA)
Collins Collectors Association:
- Tall Ship Award
- Ship of the Line Award (Worked All Eras - CCAWAE) - Gold
- Worked All Eras (WAE)
- Worked All States (CCA WAS) Award
- Membership and Net awards
Connecticut Counties Award Candlewood ARA
Contest Links
CQ DX Award
CQ DX Field Award
CQ DX Marathon Award
CQ iDX Field Award
CQ WAZ Awards Program
CQ WPX Awards Program
CQC Communicator Award Colorado QRP Club
CQC Gold Star Award Colorado QRP Club
Fred Fish Memorial Award
Great Lakes Award Michigan Amateur Radio Alliance
Jersey Devil Award Burlington County RC
K1BV's Awards Directory
Metro DX Gold Certificate Metro DX Club
NODXA Award Northern Ohio DX Association
Northern California DX Club Awards
Parks On The Air (POTA)
Pennsylvania "67" Challenge work all 67 PA counties - Holmesburg ARC
Pennsylvania Keystone Award Harrisburg Radio Amateur's Club
QRPp Low Power Award by EFT
Red Stick Award Baton Rouge ARC
Special Event Certificates
SWL - Short-Wave Listener Callsign Certificate by KC5JK
Texas Century Club Award - TXCC Northwest ARS
The Bill Seabreeze Rover Recognition Award Mt. Airy VHF Radio Club
The Little Bay Award L'Anse Creuse ARC
The Pathfinder Certificate & Plaque Alaska VHF-Up Group
The 'Six On Six' Award Also by Mark WN3SIX
The Sourdough Certificate & Plaque Alaska VHF-Up Group
Triple Play WAS (Worked All States) ARRL Awards Program
United States Prefix Award
U.S. Counties Award Program (USA-CA)
U.S. Islands Award Program
Washington Totem Award Western Washington DX Club
Worked All Arkansas Award ARKANhams
Worked All California Counties Award - WACC by NCCC
Worked All Colorado Counties Award (WACCO) Pikes Peak ARA
Worked All Colorado Counties (QRP) Colorado QRP Club
Worked All of Colorado/Worked Colorado Award 50 MHz & Up
Worked All Florida Counties Award Florida Contest Group
Worked All Georgia Award LaGrange ARC
Worked All Louisiana Parishes Award Baton Rouge ARC
Worked All Maine Award (WAMA) Pine State ARC
Worked All Massachusetts Counties Award Nashoba Valley ARC
Worked All New Hampshire Award (WANHC) WQ2H Repeater Group - starts July 14, 2023
Worked All New Jersey Award (WANJ) Morris RC
Worked All of 'EM Award Southeastern VHF Society - all grids EM00 thru EM99 6M & Up
Worked All Ohio State Parks Award Portage County Amateur Radio Service (PCARS)
Worked All Oklahoma Award by OKDXA
Worked All South Dakota Counties Award Prairie Dog Amateur Radio Club
Worked All States' Islands Award - WASI USi Awards Program
Worked All Virginia Award - WVA Rappahannock Valley ARC
Worked All Wisconsin Counties Award West Allis RC
Worked Indiana State Parks Award - WISP INPOTA
Worked US Territories Award (WUST) Metro DX Club, Morris, IL
Worked USi Club Award USi Awards Program
Worked Vermont Award Central Vermont ARC
World Wide Flora & Fauna - KFF
YL/OM Awards
CQ Awards Checkpoint List Worldwide list of checkpoints for your CQ awards