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Short Term Awards

1 August - 30 September 2024
Diplom '250 Jahre Caspar David Friedrich'  DARC OV Greifswald (DL0HGW)

29 July - 4 August 2024
80th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising  Dobrzycki Shortwave Radio Club SP9CJM and SO8DAN

13 - 14 July 2024
IIxHQ Speed Award  A.R.I.

1 July - 31 December 2024
'100 Years On The Air' Memorial Award  LKK (Lviv Shortwave Club)

1 July - 31 August 2024
IOTA-60 Diploma 2024  EDR Special Event

1 - 8 July 2024
13 Colonies Special Event  The US Original 13 Colonies Amateur Radio Society

1 - 7 July 2024
World Wide Award Sprint 2024  The HamAward Team

15 June - 31 December 2024
440 years of Arkhangelsk  Arkhangelsk regional devision of SRR

14 June - 14 July 2024
Short Term Awards for the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship  German Amateur Radio Club (DARC)

3 June - 2 July 2024
900 years of Christianization of Western Pomerania  Radio Club SP1KZE, Chojna

1 - 28 June 2024
80th Anniversary of the Normandy Landing - GB8DDY  Rushyhill Radio Society (MN0UGP)

1 - 16 June 2024
65th anniversary of SP DX Club

31 May - 30 June 2024
80th Anniversary Liberation Of Rome Award  ARI Colli Albani (IQ0HV)

30 May - 3 June 2024
Dead Sea Expedition - 440 Meters Below Sea Level  Certificate for 3 bands

May 30 2024
42nd anniversary of the Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands Award  URVAG, Regional Section URE Valle de Guimar

20 - 26 May 2024
International Kite Festival Award  ARI Trapani (IQ9TP)

20 - 24 May 2024
Sholokhov Spring Festival 2024  Miller DX Club

12 May - 24 June 2024
75LUFT Diplom / Award  DARC Ruhrgebiet (L33)

8 May - 26 July 2024
Olympic Torch Relay Challenge  ARV84

3 - 12 May 2024
EUrope Day On The Air  EA Digital Federation

3 - 5 May 2024
5.5 China Amateur Radio Festival  Chinese Radio Amateurs Club (CRAC)

1 May - 30 November 2024
100 years of Radio Belgrade  Beogradski radio-amaterski klub (YU1ANO)

1 May - 31 October 2024
Special Award 'OE20SOTA'  Sylvia, OE5YYN

1 May - 31 August 2024
25 Years of Poland in NATO  EmComm Emergency Net in Krosno (SP8KSR)

1 - 31 May 2024
GPDX 30th Anniversary Award & Trophy  Portuguese DX Group (GPDX)
The GB6WW Award  Radioarena International Group

27 April - 27 July 2024
Marconi 150 Award  Guglielmo Marconi's 150th Anniversary Celebrations

27 April - 26 May 2024
87th Ice Hockey World Championship  radio clubs OK5T and OK5Z & friends

20 - 22 April 2024
Kartini Award 2024  Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia (ORARI)

19 - 25 April 2024
50th Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution (25 April 1974)  Rede dos Emissores Portugueses (REP)

18 April 2024
5P0WARD Award (World Amateur Radio Day)  EDR Head Quarters
"RAC Get On The Air on World Amateur Radio Day" Certificate  Radio Amateurs of Canada

17 - 22 April 2024
Diploma: World Amateur Radio Day 2024  Federation of Radio Amateurs of Cuba

15 April - 15 May 2024
Diploma II3GM Marconi sul Grappa  ARI Montegrappa (IQ3RP)

15 - 30 April 2024
SZ0WARD Award (World Amateur Radio Day  Radio Amateur Association of Greece (R.A.A.G)

13 - 21 April 2024
100 years of Hellenic Democracy  SX100D

7 - 9 April 2024
6D2SOL - Total Solar Eclipse  La Asociación de Radio Aficionados de la República Mexicana A. C.

1 - 30 April 2024
30° ARI Milazzo Anniversary Award  A.R.I. Milazzo
75 Years NATO/OTAN Award (PA75NATO, PA75OTAN)  PI4CC crew
Award Guglielmo Marconi  Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani
UBA WARD 2024 Award  Union royale belge des amateurs-emetteurs (UBA)
URE - 75th Anniversary  Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE)
World Amateur Radio Day - TC3WRD  TRAC Izmir

25 March - 7 April 2024
World Autism Awareness Day (II2AUT) Diploma  A.R.I. Sezione di Sondrio

18 March - 31 December 2024
50 Jahre RACS - HB50VC  Radio Amateur Club Swissair (HB9VC)

15 - 22 March 2024
Certificate TC18M (Naval Victory of 18 March 1915)  GiTRAD and TRACSWAT

4 - 10 March 2024
120 Years Of The Arrival of Italian Settlers in Capitán Pastene - Chile  A.R.I. Carpi Section - Modena ITALY / Radio Club Traiguén, CHILE

1 March - 30 April 2024
75 Years Amateur Radio Legislation in Germany  DARC Team SES

1 - 15 March 2024
International Women's Day Certificate  Radio Club La Rioja, LU1SF

22 - 28 February 2024
III Diploma día de Andalucía  Celebrate Andalusia Day

16 February - 31 May 2024
95 Years of Amateur Radio Activity in Arad County  C.S. Radioclub Admira

16 February 2024
5th Anniversary Certificate  YL GROUP Argentina (contact eMail: [email protected])

1 February - 31 December 2024
60 years OV Gemünd G22 Diploma  DARC OV Gemünd G22

1 - 29 February 2024
Commemorate February 6 2023 EarthQuake  TC6EQ - Turkiye Special Activity Team (TADX)

20 - 28 January 2024
34th Anniversary of LUSAT  AMSAT Argentina Asociacion Civil

12 - 16 January 2024

1 January - 31 December 2024
Abtei Brauweiler Diploma  DARC OV G40 Pulheim
All Bulgarian Saints Award 2024  Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP)
Diplom 60 Jahre RRDXA  Rhein Ruhr DX Association
DL50WAF Diploma  Clubstation F01 Bad Arolsen (DL0AH)
'Discovering Marconi' Award - 2024  A.R.I. Radio Club of Fidenza (ITALY)
Falu Radio Club 100-Year Jubilee Award
Jubiläums-Diplom DIG 55  55th birthday of the Diplom Interessen Gruppe (DIG)
'RK ZAGREB 100' Award  Radio Club Zagreb (9A1ADE)
USi 30th Anniversary Award  United States Islands Awards Program (USi)

1 January - 31 May 2024
100FK – the Hamradio Event 2024  Foundation of the German Funk-Kartell 100 Years ago

1 - 31 January 2024
World Wide Award 2024  Hamaward Team

4 December 2023 - 30 June 2024
25 Years Of Chojnice County Award  Klub Lacznosci LOK SP2KFQ

1 - 31 December 2023
"Merry 2023 Xmas" pennant  Valerijus, LY2QT

4 - 12 November 2023
Certificados Dia de la Tradición 2023  Radio Club QRM Belgrano (LU4AAO)

15 - 30 September 2023
Certificado Primavera 2023  Radio Club La Rioja (LU2BB)

8 - 9 July 2023
WRTC 2022 Competition Award  World Radiosport Team Championship

2 - 25 July 2023
230th Anniversary of Vaucluse Department  Radio Club ARV84 F5KPO

1 - 7 July 2023
13 Colonies Special Event  KU2US

25 May - 12 July 2023
"95th Anniversary of the Red Tent" Award  II1ITR

1 - 5 May 2023
5.5 China Amateur Radio Festival  Chinese Radio Amateurs Club (CRAC)

22 April 2023
International Marconi Day (IMD)  Cornish Radio Amateur Club

14 - 30 April 2023
IARC 75  Israel's 75th Independence Day

20 March - 20 June 2023
Centennial Italian Air Force Award  A.R.I.

1 - 31 March 2023
Memorial EA2IF Guru (SK)  SOTA activity

21 - 29 January 2023
Certificado 33 Anos LUSAT LO-19  AMSAT Argentina (LU7AA)

1 January - 31 December 2023
All Bulgarian Saints Award 2023  Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP)
MARCONI was here! Award  A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club

1 - 31 January 2023
WRTC 2023 Award - Worked All WRTC Stations

1 January 2023
2023 First Day DX Commemorative Diploma  Ecuador DX Club