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Welcome ! TORONTO - ONTARIO - CANADA   Grid FN03GP72rj   CQ Zone 04   ITU Zone 04
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Radio Amateurs of Canada Contest Club Ontario - CCO FISTS CW Club #6196 Grupo Argentino de CW #658 North American QRP CW Club #0004 Straight Key Century Club #2292 Strange Radio Team - SRT #375 WorldWide Flora & Fauna
Labelled With ICRA Safe For All Ages
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CO6DE - San Juan De Los Yeras, VC, Cuba
IOTA NA-015, CQ 08, ITU 11, WW Loc. EL92WH
Eny - CO6DE
Eny -CO6DE

VA3RJ - Official North America Checkpoint
North America Checkpoint for WLOTA
World Lighthouses On The Air - WLOTA

VA3RJ - Official Canadian Checkpoint
The World Lighthouse Foundation
The World Lighthouse Diplom - TWLHD

All Croatia Islands Award - ACIA

VA3RJ - Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of program WCA for Canada.

VA3RJ - National Co-Ordinator for VEFF - Canada (WorldWide Flora & Fauna).

Elecraft Builder and Repair For Hire
Elecraft Builder & Repair - Canada
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If you are tuning around the bands looking for some DX, and you happen to hear an old friend, take a few minutes to say hello. The DX will always be there tomorrow. Your old friend might not be.....

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