K3L Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse LH-1087
Logbook - August 2001
SY7LH Alexandroupolis lighthouse Logbook -
2000, 2001 and 2002
NOTE: For easier browsing press CTRL-F, and type
in the information you are looking for. This will enable search to find page contents
Listing is by Calendar Date of operation (Day/Month).
CLHA = Croatia Lighthouse Award DFB = Brazil Lighthouse Award DFP =
Portuguese Lighthouse Award DLS = Danish Lighthouse Society DPLF = French Lighthouse
Award FEA = Spanish Lighthouse Award RLHA = Russian Lighthouse Award WAIL = Italian
Lighthouse Award WLH = The World Lighthouse Diploma - TWLHD WLOL = Amateur Radio Lighthouse
Society - ARLHS WLOTA = World Lighthouses On The Air
QSL: H/c-Home Call; (d/B)-Direct or
Bureau; (d)-Direct Only; (B)-Bureau Preferred; (e)-Email Request
01/01-31/12 VI60IOTA: Australia - Main Island WLOTA 1520 QSL M0OXO's OQRS
01/01-31/12 XF3AB: Del Carmen Island WLOTA 1499 QSL EA5GL (d/B)
01/01-31/12 ZC4GW: Cyprus (UK Sovereign Bases) WLOTA 0892 QSL MW0BRO (d), eQSL
01/02-31/12 DP9GLHN: Norderney Island WLOTA 1621 QSL DJ9IN (d/B)
01/04-30/11 8J2TCM: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/04-29/09 8J2TKI: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/04-31/12 8J4WRC: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/04-31/12 8J4Y70A: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/04-30/11 8J20NICT: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/04-31/12 8J100UYE: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
21/04-31/12 8J1Z: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/05-31/10 8J2KONAN: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/05-30/11 8N4HKR: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/06-31/12 8J5TOSA: Shikoku Island WLOTA 2329 QSL JARL Bureau
01/06-31/12 8N170HM: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/06-30/09 IK1MNF/IA5: Isola d'Elba WLOTA 0609 QSL H/c (d/B), LOTW, eQSL.cc
03/06-31/12 8J1KISTC: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
18/06-31/12 DU3/F4EBK: Luzon Island WLOTA 0081 QSL F4EUO (d/B)
30/06-30/11 8N7Y5JH: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
15/08-15/09 FO/F1SMB: Tahiti Island WLOTA 0885 QSL LOTW preferred, H/c (d/B)
23/08-16/09 9M61S: Borneo Island WLOTA 0152 QSL direct (QRZ.com)
23/08-15/09 E51EME: Rarotonga Island WLOTA 0971 QSL ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
24/08-16/09 VO1/DC8TM/P: New Foundland (main) WLOTA 0345 QSL H/c (d/B), LOTW, eQSL.cc
24/08-16/09 VO1/DF3TS/P: New Foundland (main) WLOTA 0345 QSL H/c (d/B), LOTW, eQSL.cc
29/08-15/09 SW8YA: Nisos Thasos WLOTA 4186 QSL HA1YA (d/B)
01/09-31/09 3G7CW: Isla Grande de Chiloe WLOTA 0750 QSL CE7DE (d), LOTW
01/09-31/09 3G7RLN: Isla Grande de Chiloe WLOTA 0750 QSL CE7DE (d), LOTW
01/09-30/09 GX4BJC/A: England - Main Island WLOTA 1841 QSL M5DIK (d/B), eQSL.cc
01/09-15/09 IM0C: Isola di San Pietro WLOTA 2989 QSL IK5WWA (d/B), LOTW
01/09-30/09 MX1SWL/A: England - Main Island WLOTA 1841 QSL M5DIK (d/B), eQSL.cc
01/09-30/09 MX1SWL/P: England - Main Island WLOTA 1841 QSL M5DIK (d/B), eQSL.cc
01/09-31/09 SV9/DF4WC: Nisos Kriti - Crete Island WLOTA 1400 QSL H/c (d/B), LOTW
04/09-19/09 3D2YY: Viti Levu Island WLOTA 1977 QSL OH7O, LOTW, QRZ.com
08/09-31/12? ZL4/VE6TC: Stewart Island WLOTA 2756 QSL H/c (d/B), LOTW, eQSL.cc
09/09-06/10 SV8/ON5CT: Nisos Samos WLOTA 4163 QSL ClubLog, LOTW, eQSL.cc
10/09-17/09? 5W0BP: Upolu Island WLOTA 1944 QSL LOTW preferred
10/09-17/09 8P9BW: Barbados Island WLOTA 0999 QSL LOTW Only
10/09-17/09 V4/WE9G: Saint Kitts Island WLOTA 1164 QSL H/c, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
11/09-23/09 3D2MA: Vanua Levu - Island WLOTA 0694 QSL VK3BDL (d/B)
11/09-16/09 MJ/TA1HZ: Jersey Island (main) WLOTA 0818 QSL H/c (d - SAE)
13/09-15/09 MJ/OT9Z: Jersey Island (main) WLOTA 0818 QSL ON8ZL (B), OT9Z (d), ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
14/09-29/09 VI7POL: Australia - Main Island WLOTA 1520 QSL VK5PAS (d), LOTW
15/09-21/09 5B/S55DX: Cyprus Island WLOTA 0051 H/c (d/B), LOTW, eQSL.cc
16/09-20/10 4V1SAVANNAH: Haiti Island - Main Island WLOTA 0343 QSL N2OO (d), LOTW
16/09-18/09 K4WA/P: Amelia Island WLOTA 3048 QSL H/c (d - SASE)
17/09-17/09 IR1DCI/IS0: Porto Torres WAIL SA-015, WLOL SAR-033, WLOTA 1608 QSL IK1GPG (d/B)
18/09-06/10 5H1WX: Mafia Island WLOTA 3543 QSL I8KHC (d/B), ClubLog OQRS
18/09-18/09 IR1DCI/IS0: Porto Conte WAIL SA-033, WLOL SAR-046, WLOTA 1608 QSL IK1GPG (d/B)
18/09-01/10 V47JA: Saint Kitts Island WLOTA 1164 QSL W5JON (d), LOTW
19/09-24/09 DU1/AB3MY: Luzon Island WLOTA 0081 QSL H/c (d/B), LOTW
19/09-23/09 OX/OZ2I: Greenland WLOTA 0072 QSL H/c (d), ClubLog OQRS, LOTW, eQSL.cc
20/09-20/09 IR1DCI/IS0: Gran Torre lighthouse WAIL SA-039, WLOTA 1608 QSL IK1GPG (d/B)
21/09-22/09 XP2I: Greenland WLOTA 0072 QSL OZ2I (d), ClubLog OQRS, LOTW, eQSL.cc
22/09-26/09 MS0NYM: Lewis and Harris Island WLOTA 2075 QSL G0UOK (d)
23/09-23/09 IR1DCI/IS0: Capo Sant Elia WAIL SA-008, WLOL SAR-019, WLOTA 1608 QSL IK1GPG (d/B)
25/09-25/09 IR1DCI/IS0: Capo Bellavista WAIL SA-006, WLOL SAR-008, WLOTA 1608 QSL IK1GPG (d/B)
28/09-29/09 CR3W: Ilha Da Madeira WLOTA 0053 QSL DL5AXX (d/B), ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
28/09-28/09 IR1DCI/IS0: Capo Testa lighthouse WAIL SA-001, WLOL SAR-021, WLOTA 1608 QSL IK1GPG (d/B)
28/09-07/10 TO2DX: La Reunion Island WLOTA 1812 QSL OM2DX (d/B)
29/09-26/10 GB2NZ: England - Main Island WLOTA 1848 QSL M0OXO's OQRS
29/09-02/10 KH2/JH3DJX: Guam Island WLOTA 0064 QSL H/c (B)
29/09-26/12 ZM100DX: New Zealand (North Island) WLOTA 0069 QSL M0OXO's OQRS
01/10-31/10 SV9/SX80FF: Nisos Kriti - Crete Island WLOTA 1400 QSL LOTW or eQSL.cc Only
03/10-10/10 5W0TE: Upolu Island WLOTA 1944 QSL ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
09/10-14/10 JW6VM: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA 0125 QSL LA6VM (d/B)
09/10-14/10 JW7XK: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA 0125 QSL LA7XK (d/B)
09/10-14/10 JW9DL: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA 0125 QSL LA9DL (d/B)
12/10-13/10 JW5X: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA 0125 QSL LA5X (d/B)
12/10-20/10 ZL4AA: New Zealand (South Island) WLOTA 0342 QSL M0OXO's OQRS
14/10-20/10 G2SZ: England - Main Island WLOTA 1848 QSL M0OXO's OQRS
15/10-31/10 ZL7IO: Chatham Island WLOTA 1627 QSL ZL3IO (d/B), LOTW
16/10-30/10 YJ0VV: Efate Island WLOTA 1051 QSL N4VGE
20/10-25/10 ZF2XX: Grand Cayman Island WLOTA 1042 QSL AE6Z (d), LOTW
21/10-03/11 JD1BQP: Chichi Shima WLOTA 2269 QSL JP1IHD (d), JD1BQP (B), ClubLog OQRS
22/10-30/10 3B9/M0CFW: Rodrigues Island WLOTA 4265 QSL ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
22/10-06/11 FG4KH: Guadeloupe Island WLOTA 0644 QSL F1DUZ (d/B), LOTW, eQSL.cc
23/10-06/11 6Y/G0RNU: Jamaika Island (Jamaica) WLOTA 0214 QSL eQSL.cc, LOTW
23/10-28/10 P44W: Aruba Island WLOTA 0033 QSL N2MM (d), LOTW
24/10-28/10 CT9/DF7EE: Ilha Da Madeira WLOTA 0053 QSL H/c (d/B)
24/10-05/11 D44OA: Ilha do Sal WLOTA 0610 QSL LOTW, eQSL.cc
24/10-29/10 FG/GW4XUM: Marie Galante Island (Main) WLOTA 2655 QSL H/c (d), LOTW
24/10-29/10 FG/K1XX: Marie Galante Island (Main) WLOTA 2655 QSL H/c (d), LOTW
24/10-29/10 FG/M5RIC: Marie Galante Island (Main) WLOTA 2655 QSL H/c (d), LOTW
24/10-29/10 FG/W1MD: Marie Galante Island (Main) WLOTA 2655 QSL H/c (d), LOTW
24/10-28/10 V47T: Saint Kitts - Saint Christopher Island WLOTA 1164 QSL W2RQ (d), LOTW
26/10-27/10 3B9KW: Rodrigues Island WLOTA 4265 QSL LOTW
26/10-27/10 CQ3W: Ilha Da Madeira WLOTA 0053 QSL ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
26/10-27/10 J62K: Santa Lucia Island WLOTA 1336 QSL K9HZ (d-SASE), LOTW
26/10-27/10 KH0/KC0W: Saipan Island WLOTA 1333 QSL QRZ.com
26/10-27/10 TO2X: Marie Galante Island (Main) WLOTA 2655 QSL LOTW only
26/10-27/10 TO5A: Martinique Island WLOTA 1041 QSL F5VHJ (d), WA6WPG (d), ClubLog OQRS
26/10-27/10 ZD7W: Saint Helena Island WLOTA 1488 QSL W6NV (d)
01/11-15/11 VK9CV: West Island (Only) - Cocos (Keeling) Islands WLOTA 1878 QSL OK6DJ (d/B), LOTW
02/11-24/11 ZD7xx: Saint Helena Island WLOTA 1488 QSL T.B.A.
05/11-12/11 ZF2KM: Grand Cayman Island WLOTA 1042 QSL W9KM (d), LOTW
06/11-24/11 E51SGC: Rarotonga Island WLOTA 0971 QSL LZ1GC (d/B), ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
07/11-10/11 JD1BLY: Chichi Shima WLOTA 2269 QSL ClubLog OQRS, LOTW, eQSL
08/11-12/12 3D2TP: Viti Levu Island WLOTA 1977 QSL PA3CBH (d/B), LOTW
11/11-20/11 S9Z: Ilha de Sao Tome WLOTA 1223 QSL T.B.A.
17/11-27/11 3B9/M0CFW: Rodrigues Island WLOTA 4265 QSL ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
21/11-24/11 FS/K0CD: Saint Martin Island - French Part Only (FS) WLOTA 0383 QSL H/c (d)
21/11-25/11 PJ4/K4BAI: Bonaire Island WLOTA 1279 QSL K4BAI (d), LOTW
21/11-25/11 PJ4/KU8E: Bonaire Island WLOTA 1279 QSL K4BAI (d), LOTW
21/11-25/11 PJ4/N4RR: Bonaire Island WLOTA 1279 QSL H/c (d)
21/11-25/11 PJ4/N8VW: Bonaire Island WLOTA 1279 QSL H/c (d)
22/11-25/11 P44W: Aruba Island WLOTA 0033 QSL N2MM (d), LOTW
23/11-24/11 3B8M: Mauritius Island WLOTA 0595 QSL M0OXO, OQRS
23/11-24/11 3B9KW: Rodrigues Island WLOTA 4265 QSL LOTW
23/11-24/11 KH0W: Saipan Island WLOTA 1333 QSL KH0/KC0W (d)
23/11-24/11 PJ4A: Bonaire Island WLOTA 1279 QSL K4BAI (d), LOTW
23/11-24/11 TK0C: Corsica Island WLOTA 1390 QSL S50C (d/B), LOTW, eQSL.cc
23/11-24/11 ZD7W: Saint Helena Island WLOTA 1488 QSL W6NV (d)
25/11-29/11 C5I: St Mary's Island - Banjul Island WLOTA 1618 QSL EA5GL (d/B), LOTW
09/12-17/12 VP2V/AG9A: Anegada Island WLOTA 1308 QSL H/c (d), LOTW
09/12-17/12 VP2V/K2KW: Anegada Island WLOTA 1308 QSL H/c (d), LOTW
09/12-17/12 VP2V/KD4D: Anegada Island WLOTA 1308 QSL H/c (d), LOTW
09/12-17/12 VP2V/W9RE: Anegada Island WLOTA 1308 QSL H/c (d), LOTW
09/12-17/12 VP2VMM: Anegada Island WLOTA 1308 QSL KU9C (d), ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
26/12-31/12 J75K: Dominica Republic Island (Main) WLOTA 2649 QSL IV3JVJ (d), LOTW
30/12-31/12 KH0/AJ6VJ: Saipan Island WLOTA 1333 QSL LOTW, eQSL.cc - email for paper QSL
01/01-31/03 8J1KISTC: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/01-31/01 8J1Z: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/01-24/05 8J4WRC: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/01-31/03 8J4Y70A: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/01-31/03 8J5TOSA: Shikoku Island WLOTA 2329 QSL JARL Bureau
01/01-31/03 8J100UYE: Honshu WLOTA 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/01-15/01? DU3/F4EBK: Luzon Island WLOTA 0081 QSL F4EUO (d/B)
01/01-03/01 KH0/AJ6VJ: Saipan Island WLOTA 1333 QSL LOTW, eQSL.cc - email for paper QSL
01/03-02/03 J62K: Santa Lucia Island WLOTA 1336 QSL K9HZ (d-SASE), LOTW
01/01-04/01 J75K: Dominica Republic Island (Main) WLOTA 2649 QSL IV3JVJ (d), LOTW
09/03-05/04 PJ7AA: Saint Martin Island - Netherlands Part Only (Sint Maarten) WLOTA 0711 QSL AA9A (d), ClubLog OQRS, LOTW
10/03-25/03 VU4X: South Andaman Island WLOTA 0562 QSL M0OXO (d, OQRS)
29/03-30/03 J62K: Santa Lucia Island WLOTA 1336 QSL K9HZ (d-SASE), LOTW
18/04-27/04 HD8G: Isla de Santa Cruz WLOTA 1667 QSL M0URX OQRS
01/08-31/08? E51KEE: Rarotonga Island WLOTA 0971 QSL IK2DUW (d), LOTW
08/09-08/09 GB5ST: England - Main Island WLOTA 1841 QSL via RSGB Bureau
08/09-08/09 GB5ST: England - Main Island WLOTA 1841 QSL via RSGB Bureau