KCARC supports Skywarn.
Amateur radio operators make up a large majority of weather spotters across the United States. They also provide a critical communication link between the National Weather Service (NWS) and local emergency managers if normal means of communications become impaired.
The Kittitas County Weather Spotter Net is now participating with the Yakima County Weather Spotter Net, which meets the fourth Monday of every month at 1900 local on the W7AQ linked repeater system. Both Quartz Mountain and Darland repeaters are accessible from Kittitas County. Visitors are welcome. Send Winlink Local Weather Report forms to KK7AHR and KA7LJQ. For more information on becoming a weather spotter, see the Weather Spotter page. For information on the W7AQ repeaters, see the W7AQ website.
To complete training or register as a spotter, follow these instructions:
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to [email protected].
Click on image to see the proper way to report weather conditions. Click here to see full size image.
When: | Saturday February 01, 2025 at 08:00 AM |
Where: | The Palace Cafe in Ellensburg, WA. |
Output | Input | Tone | |
Sky Meadows VHF | 147.360 | 147.960 | 131.8 |
Sky Meadows UHF | 442.200 | 447.200 | 131.8 |
Ellensburg VHF | 146.720 | 146.120 | 131.8 |
Stampede Pass VHF | 147.360 | 147.960 | 141.3 |
Stampede Pass UHF | 442.200 | 447.200 | 141.3 |
Beverly UHF | 442.200 | 447.200 | 141.3 |
Wilson Creek VHF | 147.160 | 147.760 | 131.8 |
Output | Input | Tone | |
Sun East VHF (2m) Repeater | 147.000 | 147.600 | 131.8 |
Sun East UHF (70cm) Repeater | 444.45 | 449.45 | 131.8 |
Sun East 6m - 50 MHz | 52.800 | 51.100 | 131.8 |