Kittitas County Amateur Radio Club - KCARC
100th Anniversary Special Event Results

We had a pretty successful special event. People operated from home, and were able to generate quite a few contacts. All electronic certificate requests have been sent out, and the mail certificates will go out before the end of September.

Frequencies were around 14.275 MHz and 7.265 MHz for SSB, and 14.050 for CW. Conditions were tough on 40m. Here are the results:

  • Randy, K7RHT - 127 on 20m phone
  • Steve, W7UDI - 85 on 20m phone
  • Gary, W7DVB - 20 on 40m and 20m phone
  • Russ, K8AF - 29 on 20m CW
Thanks to the operators for working the event, and for those who contacted us!

Yakima River Canyon Marathon April 1, 2023

Gary - W7DVB, and Steve - W7JAA, participated in the Yakima River Canyon Marathon from the start of the race. Gary started at the YRCM start line, and after the last runner cleared the first check point, moved to Helen McCabe State Park to provide a connection to Kittcom, if EMS help was needed. Steve - W7JAA started at the first aid station, and then ran sweep after the runners cleared the second aid station. He also dropped off supplies to one of the other stations. AI7CS joined after the KCARCS meeting. Jo - KA7LJQ, organized the race on behalf of Rod - KC7VQR and the Yakima County ARES group. Photos by resident photographer George, KK7AHR.

KCARCS and KCACS members at KCFD #1

Members of Kittitas County Amateur Radio Communication Service (KCARCS), and also member of Kittitas County Auxiliary Communication Service (KCACS). Programming Kittitas County Fire District (KCFD) #1 handy talkies with the latest frequency set at the Thorp Fire House. From the left, Gary, W7DVB; Don, KI7JLK; Bob, AI7CS; Paul, N7ECT. The hands belong to John, WA7UKC. Picture by George, KK7AHR.

Notes from the April 1, 2023 KCARCS Meeting.

There were four at the meeting, Paul - N7ECT, Steve - W7UDI and a new member Russ - K8AF. A number of others were out at the Yakima River Canyon Marathon and the Stump Jumpers Desert 100. Among the items discussed was the Rodeo Special Event Station and finding a new spot for Field Day. Steve, W7UDI, is going to look into registering for a special 1x1 callsign for the Rodeo Event, K7R, which will stand for the Kittitas Rodeo. Also discussed was the opportunity to place a digipeater at the Windfarm.

Kittitas County - Training - Radio Clinic March 11, 2023

On March 11, 2023, John, WA7UKC, held a training session where area hams conducted a Radio Clinic to check first responder radios for UKC Medic One and the Cle Elum Police Department. The hands on session for the Radio Clinic was held at UKC Medic One - Station 99 in Cle Elum from 9am to 2pm. Easy fixes were taken care of, while larger issues were documented for further work. Hams in attendance were Steve - W7JAA, Don - KI7JLK, Paul - N7ECT, Gary - W7DVB, Steve - KE7EIK, George - KK7AHR and John - WA7UKC. Photos by resident photographer George, KK7AHR.

Get On The Air Day March 18, 2023

After a reschedule due to weather, we were able to get out to Olmstead Place State Park for a get together and some operating. George-KK7AHR, his mother Patricia, Colby-KK7AGW, Don-KI7JLK, Gary-W7DVB and Bob-AI7CS met at the park, participated in the WSEN nets, and then there was some on the air time.

Photos by Bob, AI7CS.

Parks On The Air Activation Feb 12, 2023

George, KK7AHR, and Bob, AI7CS went to Olmstead Place State Park, known as park K-3240 in the POTA world, on Feb 12, 2023 for a quick morning activation. Good day for it, 15m and 10m were wide open.

Kittitas County ACS and CWU CERT Test Jan 28, 2023

On Saturday, Jan 28, 2023, members of the Kittitas County ACS group, and a volunteer, provided communications for the CWU CERT test, which was held in the basement of the old CWU steam plant. Paul, N7ECT and Don, KI7JLK functioned as observers. Jeremy, KG7UCQ, volunteered as Team 1 communicator; Gary, W7DVB was Team 2 communicator, and Steve, W7JAA was Team 3 communicator. George, KK7AHR, was the control, and Bob, AI7CS was NCS for the exercise. Everything except for NCS was carried out using HTs, which worked, even inside the building.

January 7, 2023

We had 14 hams who braved the elements and came to breakfast at the Palace Cafe on January 7. Thanks to all who made it in! Photo by our resident club photographer, George, KK7AHR.

Next KCARC Meeting
When:Saturday February 01, 2025 at 08:00 AM
Where:The Palace Cafe in Ellensburg, WA.
N7KGS Repeaters
Output Input Tone
Sky Meadows VHF 147.360 147.960 131.8
Sky Meadows UHF 442.200 447.200 131.8
Ellensburg VHF 146.720 146.120 131.8
Stampede Pass VHF 147.360 147.960 141.3
Stampede Pass UHF 442.200 447.200 141.3
Beverly UHF 442.200 447.200 141.3
Wilson Creek VHF 147.160 147.760 131.8
Acceptable Use Policy
K7RHT Repeaters
Output Input Tone
Sun East VHF (2m) Repeater 147.000 147.600 131.8
Sun East UHF (70cm) Repeater 444.45 449.45 131.8
Sun East 6m - 50 MHz 52.800 51.100 131.8