Kittitas County Amateur Radio Club - KCARC
Local Nets
Net Frequency Mode Day Time Notes
Virtual Coffee Net Sky Meadows VHF Repeater FM Daily 0700 The Kittitas County Round Robin Net. Everyone is welcome. This is an informal net, listen and check in when it seems appropriate.
Kittitas County ACS Net Sky Meadows VHF Repeater FM Sunday 1900 The Kittitas County Auxiliary Communications Service Net. Everyone is welcome. This is a directed net. Newcomers please listen and check in after the roll call. Alternate frequencies: Sun East VHF repeater, and 147.54 MHz. Click on the ACS link for more info on ACS.
Weather Spotter Net Quartz Mountain or Darland VHF Repeater FM Monday 1900 The Kittitas County Weather Spotter Net is now participating with the Yakima County Weather Spotter Net, which meets the fourth Monday of every month at 1900 local on the W7AQ linked repeater system. Both Quartz Mountain and Darland repeaters are accessible from Kittitas County. Visitors are welcome. Send Winlink Local Weather Report forms to KK7AHR and KA7LJQ. For more information on becoming a weather spotter, see the Weather Spotter page. For information on the W7AQ repeaters, see the W7AQ website.

If you have a net that you'd like to add to the listing, or would like to start one up, please send an email to the webmaster.

Regional Nets
Net Frequency Mode Day Time Notes
EWSEN HF Net 75m or 40m SSB Monday 1845 Eastern Washington State Emergency Net. Meets every Monday evening at 1845 local on 75m, on 3.985 or 3.990 or 3.995 MHz depending on noise, propagation or interference. Alternate 40m frequencies: 7.245, 7.250 and 7.255 MHz
WSEN HF Net 75m or 40m SSB Saturday 0900 Washington State Emergency Net. Meets every Saturday evening at 0900 local on 75m, on 3.985 or 3.990 or 3.995 MHz depending on noise, propagation or interference. Alternate 40m frequencies: 7.245, 7.250 and 7.255 MHz. Early checkins at 0845. See: Washington State Emergency Net website
Yakima Spotter Net Quartz Mtn. Repeater FM Monday 1900 The Yakima County ARES Weather Spotter practice net meets the 4th Monday of each month at 1900 hours (7PM). All weather spotters are welcome to participate. Kittitas County hams should use the Quartz Mtn. Repeater (145.27, - offset, tone 123.0 )
PNW NVIS Net 3965 kHz SSB Tuesday 1900 80M = Primary 3.965 MHz, alt 3.970 Mhz, 40M = Primary 7.23 MHz, alt 7.25 MHz Net always starts on 80 M
The Noontime Net 3970 kHz SSB Daily 1130 Meets 3970 kHz every day at 11:30 PT, and 7284 kHz every day at 10:30 PT. Alternate frequency in both cases: 7265 kHz. See: The Noontime Net website
Columbia Basin Net 3960 kHz SSB Daily 1800 Meets 3960 kHz every day at 1800 PT. For net membership, see: The Columbia Basin Net website
NW Country Cousins Net 3968 kHz SSB Daily 1900 "The Country Cousins Net is an international group of amateur radio operators recognized by the ARRL and dedicated to serving and helping our fellow man." See: Northwest Country Cousins website

If you have a net that you'd like to add to the listing, please send an email to the webmaster.

Next KCARC Meeting
When:Saturday February 01, 2025 at 08:00 AM
Where:The Palace Cafe in Ellensburg, WA.
N7KGS Repeaters
Output Input Tone
Sky Meadows VHF 147.360 147.960 131.8
Sky Meadows UHF 442.200 447.200 131.8
Ellensburg VHF 146.720 146.120 131.8
Stampede Pass VHF 147.360 147.960 141.3
Stampede Pass UHF 442.200 447.200 141.3
Beverly UHF 442.200 447.200 141.3
Wilson Creek VHF 147.160 147.760 131.8
Acceptable Use Policy
K7RHT Repeaters
Output Input Tone
Sun East VHF (2m) Repeater 147.000 147.600 131.8
Sun East UHF (70cm) Repeater 444.45 449.45 131.8
Sun East 6m - 50 MHz 52.800 51.100 131.8