Kittitas County Amateur Radio Club - KCARC
KCARC Acceptable Use Policy

The Kittitas County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC) provides Amateur Radio repeater coverage for Kittitas County. The term repeater is taken to mean the typical voice repeater operation, as well as digital repeaters, often called "digipeaters" or "nodes."

The primary purpose of the KCARC repeater systems is to provide emergency communications and public service communications when needed. When not specifically used for those purposes, KCARC allows the use of the repeaters by the Amateur community, with certain restrictions.

All repeater usage must conform to the rules and regulations found in Title 47 CFR Part 97.

Under ยง97.205(e), repeater owners have the right to determine who may use their repeaters. KCARC reserves the right to make that determination, and if necessary, limit access to the repeater. KCARC will work with the ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program to address any situation, and potentially take the situation to the FCC.

The KCARC repeaters are hosted in various facilities, often within government owned/operated secured facilities. As matter of policy, KCARC does not provide Internet access to any of its repeaters. KCARC does not employ or allow the use of auxiliary stations or remote control via RF. KCARC does not permit use of Internet technologies, such as Voice Over IP products, nor does it allow access by remote controlled stations.

KCARC reserves the right to restrict usage for any reason, as determined by the executive committee. We will do the best that we can to provide the best coverage to the county.

Next KCARC Meeting
When:Saturday February 01, 2025 at 08:00 AM
Where:The Palace Cafe in Ellensburg, WA.
N7KGS Repeaters
Output Input Tone
Sky Meadows VHF 147.360 147.960 131.8
Sky Meadows UHF 442.200 447.200 131.8
Ellensburg VHF 146.720 146.120 131.8
Stampede Pass VHF 147.360 147.960 141.3
Stampede Pass UHF 442.200 447.200 141.3
Beverly UHF 442.200 447.200 141.3
Wilson Creek VHF 147.160 147.760 131.8
Acceptable Use Policy
K7RHT Repeaters
Output Input Tone
Sun East VHF (2m) Repeater 147.000 147.600 131.8
Sun East UHF (70cm) Repeater 444.45 449.45 131.8
Sun East 6m - 50 MHz 52.800 51.100 131.8