KCARC received a certificate celebrating its first year of activation on the 2024 Lewis and Clark Trail On The Air special event, sponsored by the Clark County Amateur Radio Club, Vancouver, WA. Thanks to the Clark County ARC for their recognition.
KCARC held it's 2024 Field Day operation at Ryan Thompson Park at Naneum Pond as N7KGS. We ran class 3A, with operations on 20m, 15m and 10m. In addition, we were able to send the Winlink message to our Section manager for points. The overall score should be available shortly, but the first look at it looks like more contacts than last year.
Paul, N7ECT brought his AUXCOMM com unit, complete with generator. Definitely nice paint job! Gary, W7DVB and Colby, KG7AGW set up their respective stations and canopies, and Colby was nice enough to cook us hot dogs for lunch. Steve Busick - N7DXP; Steve Carter - KE7EIK; Dave Thompson-KI7GMG; and Dave Young - KF7VKX all stopped by to chat and attend the meeting. ARRL Section Manager Jo Whitney - KA7LJQ also stopped by again this year, and dropped off some more reading material for the club.
I'd like to thank Gary - W7DVB for getting us access to the park, and everyone who showed up or participated. I'd also like to thank Jo - KA7LJQ for stopping by and for the donations. It was a great day to be out again in the field. -Bob, AI7CS.
The 2024 Lewis and Clark Trail On The Air (LCTOTA) Special Event operating results are in, with thanks to Tim Kuhlman, KD7RUS and the Clark County ARC in Washington, which sponsored the event. 28 clubs in 16 states participated along the 4,900 mile long Lewis and Clark Trail from June 1 to June 16, 2024. For more details on the Special Event, see the LCTOTA website.
Kittitas County placed 26th out of 28 clubs in the Special Event, thanks in large part to Chris Hobbs, KD7REM, who made 24 CW contacts, and 231 FT-8 contacts. AI7CS made 103 SSB contacts. Overall results in the images below.
The Kittitas County ARC holiday dinner was a success, and thanks go to Gary, W7DVB for organizing the party for us. We had about 20 people on a snowy and cold Saturday, and thanks to everyone who was able to make it.
The KCARC meeting dates for 2024 are currently scheduled, as listed below. Meetings will start at 8 am unless otherwised noted. Some meeting locations are still to be determined:
When: | Saturday February 01, 2025 at 08:00 AM |
Where: | The Palace Cafe in Ellensburg, WA. |
Output | Input | Tone | |
Sky Meadows VHF | 147.360 | 147.960 | 131.8 |
Sky Meadows UHF | 442.200 | 447.200 | 131.8 |
Ellensburg VHF | 146.720 | 146.120 | 131.8 |
Stampede Pass VHF | 147.360 | 147.960 | 141.3 |
Stampede Pass UHF | 442.200 | 447.200 | 141.3 |
Beverly UHF | 442.200 | 447.200 | 141.3 |
Wilson Creek VHF | 147.160 | 147.760 | 131.8 |
Output | Input | Tone | |
Sun East VHF (2m) Repeater | 147.000 | 147.600 | 131.8 |
Sun East UHF (70cm) Repeater | 444.45 | 449.45 | 131.8 |
Sun East 6m - 50 MHz | 52.800 | 51.100 | 131.8 |