Kittitas County Amateur Radio Club - KCARC
2024 Special Events Station N7KGS - Ellensburg Rodeo

The Kittitas County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC) will be operating the N7KGS Special Event station over Memorial Day Weekend, 2024 to celebrate the Ellensburg Rodeo and the Kittitas County Fair. This will be the 101st rodeo, and it's a long standing tradition. For more information on the Ellensburg Rodeo, please see the Rodeo website. Check out the Kittitas County Event Center website for information about the County Fair.

Club members are eligible to operate after coordinating with Gary, W7DVB.

The expected schedule is as follows:

  • Begins: August 31, 2024 @ 1600Z (9am PDT).
  • Ends: September 2, 2024 @ 2200Z UTC (3pm PDT)
  • Operations: Depend on operator availability.
  • Frequencies:
    • SSB: 14.275 MHz, 21.335 MHz, 7.260 MHz to start, +/- QRM and band conditions.
    • CW: 14.055 MHz, 21.055 MHz, +/- QRM and band conditions.

Please note: There may be other frequencies and bands in use, depending on who is available. In addition, there may be some POTA activations using N7KGS during this period, which will also be available for contacts and wallpaper. We will try to post our operations on our Facebook page.


For those who would like something to commorate your contact with N7KGS, an 8 1/2 x 11 inch certificate will be available for an S.A.S.E to the address below. Please be sure to include your contact data with your mail or email request.

If you would prefer an electronic certificate, please send an email to:

Next KCARC Meeting
When:Saturday August 03, 2024 at 08:00 AM
Where:The Palace Cafe in Ellensburg, WA.
N7KGS Repeaters
Output Input Tone
Sky Meadows VHF 147.360 147.960 131.8
Sky Meadows UHF 442.200 447.200 131.8
Ellensburg VHF 146.720 146.120 131.8
Stampede Pass VHF 147.360 147.960 141.3
Stampede Pass UHF 442.200 447.200 141.3
Beverly UHF 442.200 447.200 141.3
Wilson Creek VHF 147.160 147.760 131.8
Acceptable Use Policy
K7RHT Repeaters
Output Input Tone
Sun East VHF (2m) Repeater 147.000 147.600 131.8
Sun East UHF (70cm) Repeater 444.45 449.45 131.8
Sun East 6m - 50 MHz 52.800 51.100 131.8