KCARCS has the use of the K7K 1x1 callsign from Nov 1, 2023 to Nov 7, 2023 to celebrate the 140th Anniversary of the founding of Kittitas County. We will be hosting a Special Events operation to celebrate the anniversary. Club members are eligible to use the callsign after coordinating with either Gary, W7DVB or Bob, AI7CS.
The current official schedule is as follows:
Please note: There may be other frequencies and bands in use, depending on who is available. In addition, there may be some POTA activations using K7K during this period, which will also be available for contact. Check the POTA spotting page for listings.
For those who would like something to commorate the contact with K7K, an 8 1/2 x 11 inch certificate will be available for an S.A.S.E to the address below. Please be sure to include your contact data with your mail or email request.
If you would prefer an electronic certificate, please send an email to:
When: | Saturday February 01, 2025 at 08:00 AM |
Where: | The Palace Cafe in Ellensburg, WA. |
Output | Input | Tone | |
Sky Meadows VHF | 147.360 | 147.960 | 131.8 |
Sky Meadows UHF | 442.200 | 447.200 | 131.8 |
Ellensburg VHF | 146.720 | 146.120 | 131.8 |
Stampede Pass VHF | 147.360 | 147.960 | 141.3 |
Stampede Pass UHF | 442.200 | 447.200 | 141.3 |
Beverly UHF | 442.200 | 447.200 | 141.3 |
Wilson Creek VHF | 147.160 | 147.760 | 131.8 |
Output | Input | Tone | |
Sun East VHF (2m) Repeater | 147.000 | 147.600 | 131.8 |
Sun East UHF (70cm) Repeater | 444.45 | 449.45 | 131.8 |
Sun East 6m - 50 MHz | 52.800 | 51.100 | 131.8 |