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GM0ONX Web Site

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QRZ Logging Program Inverted L Shrunken Quad Trap Dipole Choke Balun Using the FT1000MP DVS-2 port PW USB Radio Interface eBay frequency counter

 Automatic Aerial Switch   GM0ONX Rotator Controller  K3NG Arduino Rotator HF Mobile Proset iC on a Yaesu Arduino Projects GB7AY Repeater Low cost SMPSU


Hi there and welcome to my Web Site.  I am currently 'QRV' from top band to 70cm with the exception of 30m (I'm not a big fan of CW) .


Contained within these web pages are details of some of my projects including the articles written for Practical Wireless over the years.

Just click on the yellow boxes above.

Many thanks to Practical Wireless for their kind permission to reproduce their articles found on the website.

Information on this website is given in good faith and believed to be correct, however you use it at your own risk as I cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions.

The good looking fellow in the photo is Bill our American Peking Duck. He looks after a small family of lady Aylesbury, Khaki Campbell and Penkin-Khacki Campbell ducks.


Amateur Radio News from the RSGB


GB2RS Headlines  - http://rsgb.org/main/gb2rs


Regional News       - http://rsgb.org/main/news/news-where-you-are/


RSGB Notices         - http://rsgb.org/main/news/rsgb-notices/


Special Focus         - http://rsgb.org/main/news/special-focus/


RSGB Forums        - http://forums.thersgb.org/index.php



Other Amateur Radio News Sources


Southgate -  southgatearc.org


ARRL- http://www.arrl.org


Eham - http://www.eham.net


ICQ podcast - http://www.icqpodcast.com/


Useful links for second hand radio equipment *


G3CWI Fleamarket - http://www.fleamarket.org.uk


Ham Radio Deals - http://www.hamradiodeals.co.uk


Radio Classifieds -http://www.radioclassifieds.co.uk


* Most Amateurs are honest, but Caveat emptor.