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To reduce bandwidth, operations with QSL home call direct or Bureau will not be shown. Example: VP2M/DL7CF QSL H/c (d/B).
However, if the QSL manager is other than DL7CF the information will appear in this list.
Listing is by Calendar Date of operation (Day/Month).
QSL: H/c = Home Call (d/B) = Direct or Bureau (d) = Direct Only (B) = Bureau Preferred
01/01-02/01 4X8NER: Celebrating Hanukkah QSL 4Z5MU (d/B) [C]
01/01-02/01 4Z8NER: Celebrating Hanukkah QSL 4Z5MU (d/B) [C]
01/01-31/01 8J1Z: 70yrs of Zishi-city QSL JARL Bureau
01/01-15/01 AT2025: Study Winter Propagation/Solar Cycle Activity QSL VU2UUU (d)
01/01-07/01 CS2025HNY: Celebrating the New Year QSL CT1REP (d/B)
01/01-31/01 GB0IRN: International Radio Network anniversary QSL
01/01-06/01 HF0CLAUS: Celebrating Christmas & the New Year QSL SP3PDO (d/B) [C]
01/01-06/01 II2XMAS: Celebrating Christmas & the New Year QSL ClubLog
01/01-06/01 OE65XMAS: 65yrs Vienna Christmas market Christmas tree QSL Bureau
01/01-05/01 OZ400POST: Royal Post Office anniversary QSL OZ1ACB (d/B) [C]
01/01-31/01 PD25HNY: Celebrating X-mas time QSL [C]
01/01-31/01 PD2025HNY: Celebrating Christmas & New Year QSL PD5S (d/B)
01/01-05/01 PH25HNY: Celebrating Christmas and the New Year QSL
01/01-08/01 R2025NY: Radio marathon "Russian New Year" QSL RQ7L (d/B)
01/01-05/01 S525PMC: Promote the PMC (Peace Messenger Cities) contest QSL ON5UB (B)
01/01-06/01 SP0CLAUS: Celebrating Christmas & the New Year QSL SP3PDO (d/B) [C]
01/01-08/01 UE25NY: Radio marathon "Russian New Year" QSL RQ7L (d/B)
01/01-04/01 W2HRU: Ham Radio University QSL KA2D (d)
01/01-05/01 YR0XMAS: Celebrating Christmas and the New Year QSL YO9RIJ (d)
01/01-05/01 YR8XMAS: Celebrating Christmas and the New Year QSL
04/01-31/01 GB200LB: Braille Code Bicentenary QSL M0OXO (d, OQRS)
05/01-16/01 VI2025AJ: Australian Scout Jamboree QSL
10/01-18/01 AU2WBRC: Ganga Sagar Mela festival QSL VU2WB (see
15/01-19/01 UE82M: 82yrs liberation of Millerovo QSL via RQ7L (d/B)
15/01-19/01 UE82ML: 82yrs liberation of Millerovo QSL via RQ7L (d/B)
17/01-25/01 HI59UD: 59yrs of Union Dominicana de Radio aficionados QSL LoTW,
18/01-19/01 VC9A: Support Your Parks Weekend QSL VE9CF (d/B)
23/01-23/01 PA25MC: Introduce Marines to ham radio QSL see
25/01-26/01 AT76HYD: Republic Day of India QSL
26/01-30/01 A9100IARU: 100yrs of the IARU QSL EC6DX (d) - No Bureau
26/01-04/02 AU75BSG: Diamond Jubilee Jamboree: Bharat Scouts & Guides QSL VU2JFF (d)
01/02-15/02 PV91L: 91st anniversary of LABRE QSL LoTW Only
02/02-03/02 TM22AAW: Antarctic Activity Week WAP-354 QSL F8DVD (d/B)
04/02-16/02 OE2025SKI: Alpine World Ski Championships QSL Bureau
06/02-10/02 A975IARU: 75yrs of the IARU-R1 QSL EC6DX (d)
07/02-08/02 TM8C: Carnaval de Nice QSL REF Bureau
14/02-14/02 SM100XF: 100yrs Gavle's 1st radio transmissiion QSL Bureau (SSA Sweden)
14/02-16/02 TM8C: Carnaval de Nice QSL REF Bureau
15/02-16/02 TM06CDN: Carnaval de Nice QSL