This page created 09-14-2001 at 5:45pm E.S.T.
J A S O N    I N    F L O R I D A

Log Book

Log #7 September 14th, 2001
What an update I have this time.  This is the first update since the attack in
New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvannia.  In this update I will talk
a little bit about that and other ongoing activities in Florida.

First, I thought I'd mention the weather.  Tropical Storm Gabrielle has been  
dumping plenty of rain our way as well as giving us quite gusty winds (upto
40 mph and higher).  This storm started in the Gulf of Mexico and wondered
a few days untill it moved Northeast over Central Florida.  Here in southern
Florida it hasn't been too bad, just lots of rain, and wind, but it's not
dangerous.  In fact, I plan on doing some activities outside today.  The storm
is expeced to continue East-northeast across Florida, into the Atlantic Ocean
and strenghten a bit, maybe even becoming a hurricane.  We'll have to wait
and see.

Now, as far as Tuesday, September 11th, 2001.  I was at work in the ware- 
house as many of you have heard about in my previous updates.  Jeff, my
boss got a cell phone call from a friend or family member telling about what
was happening.  This occured at 9:25am, I remember looking at my watch
cause I had been at work nearly an hour already.   My first reaction was
something small had happened and it was being over reported as some big
event.  I went back to work, but only a few minutes later another call came
in and then all our cell phones were ringing.  This was a big event.  Mark Reno,
Janet Reno's brother (whom, I working with on this project) started calling
family, because she was suppose to fly to New York that day.  Anyhow,
that's how I heard about it, the rest you know about.  I have been glued to
the TV and radio.  In fact, many people have been, and I've noticed an high
increase in accidents here in Miami.....I bet because many people are intently
listening to their car radios, instead of focusing on driving.

In other news, prior to Tuesday, I had traveled around quite a bit.  Last Friday
my nephew Jason W. and I went to Coconut Grove to chill and check out the
scene.  Then it was up to South Beach for a cruise along Ocean Drive and
Washington Streets.  It was awesome, and I am hoping to get back to South
Beach very soon.  On Monday, Jason W. and I drove down to the Keys to
do some swimming and sight-seeing.  I was rather pleasant, though rain did
hamper longer swimming excursions.  Because of the rain, we did go ahead
and drive all the way to Key West, which was not in the original plan.  Then
we returned home, and from there it was all about the Events from the next

Don't forget to hope and pray....mostly for the family and friends of victoms,
but also all the resuers, and support people helping everyone where they can.
God Bless America.

The southern most point in
United States

Me working Construction in Miami
Me after a quick swim at
Bahia Honda State Park

A bad picture from South
Beach, better pictures to come.

To review all the logs, click on the links to the right
To view all the pictures, click on the Pictures Link on the left.



This is not a diary or something that I will share specific details or even daily
accounts of my life.  Just the fun stuff that I do including boating, hiking,
biking, riding, long drives, hunting (with my camera), storm chasing, ham
radio related adventures, volunteering, and more.  It will not include family
related news, personal information like job, education, or similar topics.