This page created 08-16-2001 at 10:55pm E.S.T.
J A S O N    I N    F L O R I D A

Log Book

Log #4 August 16th, 2001
This shall be a short update, but wanted to mention a few things.  First, is
have possibly (finally) got a job.  A construction job no less, and if all goes
well Monday, and the pay is good, I'll get to do what I wanted.  I will still
being searching out a good architecture firm to work at, but having a steady
job while I search helps me be more discriminating.

The second thing I wanted to mention, which is a question all of you have 
been wondering about, "Has Jason  been sun burned yet?".  Well yesterday 
I really earned one.  I went out for '3 hour tour' on boat with my brother-in- 
law, nephews Jason and Joey, and niece Kanani.  I was suppose to put sun
screen on after about an hour, but we experienced engine trouble and I forgot
to apply the SPF 45 sun screen.  Today I've been inside trying not to let any-
thing touch my back, shoulders and chest.  Because my face has been
exposed to the sun these past four weeks, it didn't burn at all, but the very
white areas that never had exposer burned the worst.  In the pictures below
you'll see how white I was, as these where taken in the first 45 minutes.
The burn should be gone by Sunday and I'll have a nice golden tan.

The third thing I'll mention is I did get to another Skywarn event.  This time
it was the Basics I course offered at the Miami-Dade EOC (Emergency
Operations Center).  I've been making my contacts and meet quite a few
hams (amatuer radio operators) but I haven't spent much time on the radio
or repeaters.  I'm still working on getting the APRS up a running.....I had to
have my folks send the TNC manual from Maryland to here cause I still
can't figure out the wiring configuration.  Anyhow, I'm sure I'll have it running
shortly.  And with the new income that will be coming in, a new HT is likely  
to be in order.  Check out the other updates and the pictures page, I usually
post more there than here.


 Captain Foster

To review all the logs, click on the links to the right
To view all the pictures, click on the Pictures Link on the left.




This is not a diary or something that I will share specific details or even daily
accounts of my life.  Just the fun stuff that I do including boating, hiking,
biking, riding, long drives, hunting (with my camera), storm chasing, ham
radio related adventures, volunteering, and more.  It will not include family
related news, personal information like job, education, or similar topics.