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Absorption Wavemeter

Simple instrument covering 800Khz to 500MHz

AF Distortion Meter

Audio frequency distortion meter

AF Oscillator

Audio oscillator,

Crystal Activity Meter

Series and parallel resonance activity meters

Crystal Calibrator

Crystal Calibrator with sub-harmonic generator and heterodyne wavemeter

Digital LC Meter

Battery operated LC Meter based on a PIC IC - PC Board design by G4HUP.

Dummy Load

Low cost HF bands 100W 50ohm dummy load

Gate Dip Oscillator

GDO/Wavemeter covering 1 - 200MHz

LC Bridge

Battery operated LC Bridge

Logarithmic Detector

A wide band log detector covering 1 - 500MHz.

Modulation Meter

Simple analogue modulation meter

Noise Generator

Re-engineered CT82 Noise Generator

Off Air Frequency Standard

198KHz based frequency standard with 1MHz and 10MHz outputs.

Return Loss Bridge

A return loss bridge for HF use

Scope Probes

Information and some test results on scope probes including a new design specifically for RF measurements

Simple RF Detectors

A collection of solid state RF detectors

Spectrum Analyser (U)

Typical analogue spectrum analyser

Temperature Test Box (U)

A simple temperature controlled enclosure for testing modules at elevated and reduced temperatures.

Valve Tester (U)

A project to create a close copy of an AVO VCM163

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