VEFF - Canada Flora & Fauna
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Monday, November 12, 2012

A new program, a new website.

In November 2012 a new program was launched in the world of ham radio:

WWFF - WorldWide Flora and Fauna.

The program builds on strong flora and fauna ham radio programs in several countries all over
the planet. The countries that participate can be found on the WWFF Members page.

VEFF encourages all amateur radio activity from national parks, provincial parks, marine parks,
landscapes and protected areas (including UNESCO and RAMSAR sites) within Canada, not
only for the "activator" but for the "hunter" as well. This is ideal for the outdoor enthusiast,
hikers, backpackers, SOTA activators, and all those who enjoy operating a portable station
from a scenic location away from home. Join the fun and become an active participant in the
VEFF program.

The VEFF website remains under construction and will continue to grow over time.

Your Team
National Co-ordinator for VEFF - Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Email: dave.va3rj[AT]

Award Manager - G Linda Friars, VE9GLF
( Email: ve9glf[AT] )

Log Manager - Len Morgan, VE9MY
( send logs to: morgakl[AT] )

Provincial / Territorial Representatives:
Alberta - Bob Moyer, VE6VC
British Columbia - Bob Riley, VE7FPK / KF5HVN
Manitoba - vacant
New Brunswick - Len Morgan, VE9MY
Newfoundland and Labrador - Len Morgan, VE9MY (temporary)
Northwest Territories - vacant
Nova Scotia - Len Morgan, VE9MY (temporary)
Nunavut - vacant
Ontario - Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Prince Edward Island - Len Morgan, VE9MY (temporary)
Quebec - Pierre Jolin, VE2GT
Saskatchewan - Carla Candler, VE5YAK
Yukon - vacant

Note: The Provincial / Territorial Representatives will manage their own area, suggest
new VEFF references in their area and discuss all issues with the National Co-Ordinator,
to arrive at a viable solution agreed upon by all Provincial Representatives and the
National Co-Ordinator. These actions must be taken prior to any, or all, changes that
would effect VEFF and WWFF as a whole. [Source: WWFF - WorldWide Flora & Fauna]

Official VEFF Website - Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ (webmaster)
VEFF Facebook Page Manager - Pierre Jolin, VE2GT (webmaster)

- If you would like to volunteer some of your spare time to support VEFF and fill a
vacant Provincial or Territorial position, please Email me to discuss the details.

73/44 from Dave, VA3RJ
National Coordinator for VEFF - Canada
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