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W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program
Antarctic News & Updates

*                       Bulletin nr.303 (6 June 2024)                      *
*                                                                          *
*                    W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program                    *
*            Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and Peri-Antarctic News              *
*                               SINCE 1979                                 *
*                                                                          *             
*                  Bases, Activities and Informations for                  *
*            Amateur Radio Stations and Antarctic Enthusiasts              *
*                                                                          *
*       WAP Antarctic Bulletin is a free of charge information sheet       *
*     edited by Max IK1GPG, Gianni I1HYW and Betty IK1QFM @ WAP Staff      *
*                                                                          *
*                WEB Page :                       *
*                                                                          *
*            Others Antarctic WEB Pages with our WAP Bulletin              *
*                      *
*                                                                          *
*                         Antarctica Mailing List                          *
*                  *
*                          W.A.P. Special Edition                          *
*                22 issues are available at WAP web site !!                * 
* We are waiting volounteers to continue the Monthly Issues pubblication   *
* Those interested to do this work for free, PSE contact IK1GPG or I1HYW   *
*              W.A.P. - W.A.D.A. (Worked Antarctic Directory Award)        *
*          Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and Peri-Antarctic Directory           *
*              (23rd Edition - Release 1.43 - 01 January 2024)             *
*   List of more than 1.005 Bases, Camp, Hut, Refuge and Station used in   *
*                           Antarctica since 1945.                         *
*                                                                          *
*           W.A.P. - W.A.C.A. (Worked Antarctic Callsigns Award)           *
*          Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and Peri-Antarctic Directory           *
*             (23rd Edition - Release 1.43 - 01 January 2024)              *
*      List of more than 4.351 Callsigns used in Antarctica since 1945.    *
*                                                                          *
*      Updated DataBase for Software WAP by IK6CAC #44 (January 2024)      *
*      Updated Software WAP by IK6CAC Version 2.8 (20 December 2021)       *
*                             *
*                                                                          *
*                  Result of 45 years of Antarctic passion!                *
*   Information, reports, suggestions and/or comments could be sent to:    *
*             E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]              *
* For this number we thank: All of WAP Chasers                             *
* Antarctic Net: 23.00z random on Saturdays 7.078MHz by LU4DXU             *
* Also check 14.160, 14.188, 14.203, 14.243 MHz from 17:00z and ahead      *

LU-X Various (ARG-23) - Tierra del Fuego Province
Several stations are frequently on the bands from Ushuaia.
Latest Stations spotted in the Web Cluster:
CE8-Various (CHL-13) - Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Province
Several stations are frequently on the bands.
Latest Stations spotted in the Web Cluster:
VK0DS (AUS-03) - Davis Station (ANARE)
Operator Davis is active now since November 2024.
Manager: VK2JDS
VP8AWU (GBR-25) - Fitzroy River Farm - Stanley (East Falkland Island)
Operator Neil is active now.
Manager: K4MZU
VP8BTR (GBR-25) - Walker Creek Farm (East Falkland Island)
XYL operator Lyndsay is active now.
Manager: M0OXO
VP8KCA (GBR-25) - RAF Mount Pleasant Complex (MPC) (Falkland Island)
Operator Chris is active now.
Manager: G5KC
VP8LP (GBR-25) - Stanley (East Falkland Island)
Operator Bob is always very active all bands.
(GBR-25) - Stanley (East Falkland Island)
Operator Michael is always active.
(GBR-25) - Stanley (East Falkland Island)
Operator Clint is active now.
VP8VK (GBR-25) - Saunders Island
XYL operator Suzan is active now.
Manager: GM3ITN
VP8WA (GBR-25) - Walker Creek Farm (East Falkland Island)
Operator Bobby is active now.
Manager: M0OXO
RI1ANE (RUS-11) - Progress Station (aka Progress II from January 1989)
Operator Igor RA0BB is active now.
Manager: RN3RQ
(USA-36) - Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station (New rebuilt Base)
Operator is active now.
Manager: K7MT
Antarctica by FT4YM
Mehdi F5PFP has informed that David Brunet F4FKT/FT4YM should be on Antarctica
for the 2024-2025 summer season. The plans are "subject to change" and in
early June 2024 this is roughly the plan. David will be mainly based at
Concordia Station (WAP MNB-Ø3) with good hope to be QRV someday(s) from Little
Dome C ice drilling camp (WAP MNB-15).

Nothing scheduled for Dumont d'Urville (WAP FRA-Ø1) or Cape Prud'homme Antarctic
bases but this may change anytime. If that is the case, David plans to be qrv
from Lion island airfield (WAP FRA-NEW), All Time New One that is situated just
beside Dumont d'Urville / Petrels island.

"La Piste du Lion" or "L'ile du Lion" (Lion airfield or Lion island) links
several old islets since 1980s , serves as (un)loading dock for ships and
hosts a control tower-warehouse.

As the structure of Lion island airfield is located on a different island as
Dumont d'Urville, this is for sure another site that could be a new entity
and a new island for Antarctic Challenge Programme if David can operate from

Lion island airfield at 66° 39' 32.0" South, 140° 00' 53.0" East, will be add
in the next release to WAP-WADA Directory.

Thanks David F4FKT--FT4YM and Mehdi F5PFP for the information.
WAP QSL Gallery
WAP Antarctic QSL gallery has gone!
It was hosted on a server that have quit its archive system so we have
practically lost the whole job! I1HYW have all the cards in his computer,
but really he doesn't know how and where load all of them in a safe and
cheap site. Bob, K4MZU suggetes us to go through Greg Cogar VK2GJC, the
owner of a company in Australia. Greg, said that there are many free plugins
we could use for an image library:
We would need to install and configure the plugin and learn how to use it to

This is a job that probably we will carry on in the winter time, but for now
we thanks immensely Bob K4MZU and Greg Cogar VK2GJK for their friendship and

In the mean time, thanks very much to all those Hams who are sending scan
copies of their cards, or scan copies of old cards from their friends.

K4MZU Antarcic QSL Gallery & web site at:
K6EID Antarctic QSL Gallery & web site at:
RRC Antarctic QSL Gallery:
Don't forget to check daily information on Antarctic News at both W.A.P.
website at:
73s de John I1HYW, Max IK1GPG and Betty IK1QFM