DL4ØRCE - 40TH Anniversary of DOK O37
Jan 01 2017
From January 01 2016 until end the year the DARC Radio Club Erwitte DOK O37 celebrated his 40th Anniversary together with numerous friends of the worldwide ham community. DL4ØRCE distributed the Special DOK 40O37 into the air finally with the fantastic result of 3193 QSOs, 2260 uniques, 150 DXCCs, 40 CQ and 50 ITU-Zones on 9 different bands. DL5DCL is founder, responsible of DL4ØRCE and one of some other operators. We are proud to present a very exclusive double folded, four sides printed full color Premium QSL card, available via bureau, direct, OQRS direct. First cards shipping in early 2017. Follow DL5DCL on Twitter and get all news at first, or read the whole story.
WCA DL-01999 - Castle on the air
May 02 2016
Middle of June 2014, DL5DCL/p started his very first Castle on the Air project with various short activities from the Water Castle Landsberg, located in Erwitte / North Rhine Westphalia. WCA DL-01999 went QRT on August 31, 2014 with a final result of 610 contacts, all in CW. This was a first ever activation and should be an unique project. In 2015, WCA DL-01999 were reactivated by me on July 26 for one day with bad results. A very last avtivation took place on the German Castles Day, May 01, 2016. There will be no further activation, DL5DCL/p WCA DL-01999 is now QRT!
Discover more about this long time castle event.
DQ1175E - 1175th Anniversary of Erwitte
Jul 21 2012
The event '1175th Anniversary of Erwitte' was a fantastic opportunity to bring a special callsign into the air. DQ1175E went QRT on Saturday Dec 31 2011 15:27 UTC after one year of continuous activity on seven different shortwave bands.
Find out more about this special event project including background informations, Logsearch and OQRS, QSL policy and routes and informations about the different QSL card types! Additionally you can find a press release of this event from July 21 2012, unfortunately only in german.
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IMPORTANT NEWS: DL40RCE and DQ1175E QSL REQUESTS VIA BURO IS IMPOSSIBLE FROM NOW ON! Please look https://t.co/0Vs2DosGCo for alternative routes to get your card(s) instantly. DL0AF responsibility will be redefined. QSL VIA BURO CURRENTLY IMPOSSIBLE! Info: https://t.co/Jmdt75z3vw
Dirk, DL5DCL (@DL5DCL) March 16, 2019
DL40RCE and DQ1175E QSL cards can order until end of 2019 via buro ! Beginning 2020 I will close buro confirmations completely ! Order via Direct or OQRS-Direct is possible anytime. Discover all possible QSL routes and all various offered QSL versions on https://t.co/0Vs2DosGCo pic.twitter.com/m3VXSISvWE
Dirk, DL5DCL (@DL5DCL) October 30, 2018