Though Morse code (CW) proficiency tests have been eliminated from FCC Amateur Radio license requirements there is still strong interest in becoming proficient at CW operation. This page was created so as to help you in your Morse code (CW) proficiency. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the past, the most popular way to start
out, was using audio tapes. The ARRL is offering an excellent program on CD for studying code. The ARRL store can be found at The computer programs can be set up to drill you over
and over on the characters you are having problems with. There are several free programs
you can download off the Internet. MorseCat can be found at,
Ham Academy and Morse Academy are available at this site,
Here is PA3BWK's Ultimate Morse
Code WebSite.
This is an excellent site for learning
code, it is called,
So now, there is no excuse, get busy and learn CW. |
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