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2004 HamFest's

Russellville HamFest

Arkansas River Valley ARF

VE Testing  

DXCC  QSL card checking

802.11 wireless networking forum (yes, it is ham radio!)

This is an ARRL-sanctioned hamfest

A special attraction will be Joe Fairclough, WB2JKJ, and some of the "22
Crew" from New York City.  This school has a program called EDUCOM, which
incorporates ham radio into the school curriculum.   If you are interested
in helping get youths involved in ham radio, come and visit with Joe and
the crew.   Better yet, bring a young ham or prospective ham with you. 

For more information contact Margaret Alexander, KC5MCS
                                              [email protected]

Sat. March 6, 2004

8:00 AM to 4 PM

admission $5.00

Hughes Community Center

Knoxville and Parkway
(same location as last 7 years)

Russellville , Arkansas

From I-40, Exit 84 cross over I-40 toward Wal-Mart. 
Turn right (west) on " D Parkway ". 
Go through one traffic light to a 4-way stop sign 
at the corner of " D Parkway " and " N. Knoxville ". 
Hamfest is across on the left.

Talk-in 146.820-   K5PXP  Rep.



Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club


Sat. April 3, 2004

last year admission $5.00

Columbus Hall  located on the south side of Fort Smith .

Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club and
Fort Smith QRP Group present
ArkieCon 2001

talk in 146.640-



2004 Little Rock HamFest


     Friday, April 23   4:00 - 8:00  P.M.
Saturday, April 24  8:00 - 4:00 P.M.

admission  $7.00

Little Rock Expo Center  

(Exit 126 East & Exit 128 West Interstate 30)

for map goto,


talk in 146.850-   N5CQE Rep.




Dayton Hamvention, Dayton , Ohio


May 14-16, 2004

8 a.m.- 6 p.m. Fri.
8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sat.
8 a.m.- 1 p.m. Sun.

Last years prices,

Advance Admission Ticket (valid all 3 days) $17.00

Admission Ticket at door    (valid all 3 days) $22.00

for advanced tickets goto, homepage/Ticket Info

Held at Dayton 's Hara Arena Complex
Trotwood , Ohio
It is situated at North 39° 49.245" and West 84° 15.400."

for directions goto, homepage/Maps & Directions

talk in 146.940-


All-Arkansas Hamfest
ARRL Arkansas State Convention


Alltel Arena
North Little Rock

September 18, 2004

This Hamfest is sponsored by the CAREN Club
contact: Mark Barnhard
[email protected]

Talk in 146.940- W5DI  Rep.


Other good sites for finding hamfest's,






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