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QSL cards and Awards

 This page is designed to help you on sending and receiving QSL cards for receiving ARRL WAS, WAC & DXCC awards.

 Sending your QSL cards to foreign amateurs is very economical by sending them through the ARRL Outgoing QSL Service. Your ticket for using this service is proof of ARRL Membership and just $4.00 per 1/2 pound, approximately  75 cards. Or 10 cards or fewer for $1.00.

For sending your QSL cards via the bureau, go to;

ARRL's Outgoing QSL Service-  http://www.arrl.org/qsl/qslout.html


For receiving QSL cards via the bureau, go to;

ARRL's Incoming QSL Bureau-  http://www.arrl.org/qsl/qslin.html


 Then go to your 'Call area bureau', for instance the '5' area. Find your area bureau manager's address and then send them several SASE addressed to yourself, and your callsign clearly marked in the upper left hand corner, plus enough postage for return mail.  One stamp is good for 5 or 7 cards.  
The size of the envelopes depends on the 'Area Manager'. Some managers require 6x9"envelopes, others 5x7

 You can also send them money and they will make up envelopes for you. Cost- $.50 per envelope, $1 minimum. No more then $5.00 (10 cards) please. Along with your money, also send them your name and address labels, plus call sign labels.


The ARRL has a US Award Managers (Card Checkers) Search Page

Go to- http://www.arrl.org/awards/awardsearch/wassearchform1.php3

For getting your QSL cards checked locally, contact;

Kevin Manzer AC5DK
ARRL HF & VHF Awards Manager
Arkansas Section

His E-mail address is-  [email protected]

His HomePage is-  http://www.qsl.net/ac5dk/

His Awards WebSite is-  http://www.qsl.net/ac5dk/awards/awardmgr.html

If you need your cards checked, he tries to attend several HamFest's each year, like Russellville. 



This is the much sought after  W5GFC QSL card, hi hi



For a quick  turn-around
Please mail your cards with SASE  to,
Greers Ferry ARC
James H. Moore
75 Silagy
Greers Ferry, AR 72067


Email - Ken


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