- Operator: Markus Hansen.
- Location: North Vancouver, B.C. Canada - Grid
- Activities: Contests, LF-HF-VHF-UHF-Light,
Homebrew, Antennas, CW, QRP
My Present Operating Station.
On the left in the bottom row is a Palstar balanced L network antenna
tuner. In the middle is the Drake Twins, a R-4C receiver and T-4Xc
transmitter. On the shelf above is my TEN-TEC Omni VI+ which is mainly used
for contesting and occasionly digital modes. Next is a home built QRP 40-10
meter CW transceiver. The top shelf holds a homebrew T Antenna Tuner, a
ANC-4 Noise Cancellor, a homebrew Noise Cancellor, a homebrew 630 Meter
Transverter and a 233 Watt MOSFET 630 Power Amplfier.
The following photo is my prized boat anchour station which I refurbished.
I thoroughly enjoy operating these old tube radio's. The old AM
transmitters have a rich clear sound which is so pleasant to listen to.
Having to re-learn to use an old Vibroplex bug after using an electronic
keyer for over 40 years was a challenge, HI.
Biography: I was 16 years old when I obtained my ham radio licence. My First Station's call was VE7BGE. After
high school I attended Room 19 in the City of Vancouver, BC and obtained my
2nd Class Commercial Radio Licence. Upon graduating I obtained work as a
commercial radio operator at a Loran Station then as a radio operator and
weather observer at Spring Island, BC off the west coast of Vancouver
Island. I was later transferred to Smithers BC, then served as a commercial
radio operator for one year at the worlds most northerly city, Alert NWT
operating VE8ML while there.
After returning from the Arctic, I was transfered to Terrace BC and finally
to a Canadian weather ship named "The Stonetown", stationed off
the West Coast of British Columbia. Here are a few QSL's that I sent out
when operating from the above mentioned locations: First/Maritime-Mobile/Alert-NWT/Today.
After a particularly bad storm while at sea on the Stonetown I decided to
return to school and enrolled in general sciences at the the University of
British Columbia,(UBC) located in Vancouver CANADA. While at UBC I was an
active member of the university ham club called HAMSOC: FD 1967/Reunion-1986/1992/1995. During my second
year at university I met my wife. We were married in 1969. In 1973 we moved
to Cranbrook BC and I was active with a Heathkit Station chasing DX and
building solid state QRP rigs. Heathkit
While living in Cranbrook BC I obtained my flying licence. Photos: My brother and I by an old Cessna 172
visiting our cousins on their farm in Saskatchewan/My father-in-law, VE7BEH
now SK, and I preparing for a flight over the Rockies in our 1977 Cessna
172. While living in Cranbrook I was happy to receive my two letter call
sign, VE7CA.
In 1980 we moved to North Vancouver,BC and purchased our present home. We
have one daughter and two sons and now blessed with nine grandchildren, 5
girls and 4 boy Since I retired in 2011 I have a little more time for ham
I continue to be active operating mostly CW, chasing DX, and entering
contests. I have a strong interest in antennas and have published 5
articles on antenna designs that I have developed. I have also had anticles
publised in QST and QEX. See the above menu for further details regarding
my homebrew amateur radio and antenna projects.
Copyright (c)
and 2023 by Markus Hansen VE7CA. You may contact me at: