The only VHF band that I have ever used is 2 meters. As any radio operator knows, this is probably the most popular of all bands. It offers relatively inexpensive equipment and can send signals through repeaters up to distances of 200 miles or possibly more. Much RDF occurs on this band because the signals travel far yet the antennas are small enough to carry with you in a hunt. A great deal of local communication is done on VHF to prevent the overuse of HF. There are many nets, most of which are geared towards ARES. Also there are many nets for the passing of traffic. After being given to the right person on VHF, it is then transferred to HF, if needed. VHF has many uses and I believe that it's popularity will continue to grow. I have to get a 6 meter antenna up so that I can do a little stuff on that. Hopefully have some fun with the neighbor's TV antenna. Buhahaha. Need to also throw up some mobile antenna on that band if I can. I have to see if my dad is going to drive something else and let me use the van or not. Who knows.

I personally seldom use UHF. The only band I operate on UHF is 70cm. All my VHF equipment has UHF on it also, yet I still see no need to use it unless you are going to do 9600baud packet or some other form of communication that would either be inappropriate on 2 meters or would suck up too much bandwidth. As we all know, bandwidth has slowly been tightening up on all amateur bands. The growing of the hobby has caused may new people to get on and that causes more interference from nearby stations. So for local communication, 440 is appropriate if you have it and you can get out where you need to. I don't know about satellite operations yet. The FT-847 is designed for satellite work also so I may build some stuff to do a little with it if I can get the drive to get on the air more. Poke me I will get on the air for you if you are legal or whatever. ENJOY


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Last Updated: Thursday, April 17, 2003