(Bunny Hunting)

This is a personal sport that I enjoy. And since I dislike all sports that involve strength as the winner, this is my kind of game. Basically, you run around in a car or on foot, depending on the hunt, and use your slightly directional antenna to find the "bunny". The bunny is usually a hidden transmitter or someone in their car with a handheld radio and an external antenna. The transmitter is usually on for a period, and then off, to make the hunt more difficult. There are many projects and ideas for "paint can" transmitter that are automatic. Our club (MARC) has one and we will have to be using it pretty soon. I use a beam or quad for my antenna, or you can use your handheld antenna. You do this by holding it up to you body and rotating until you find and dip in signal strength. Then you realize that the transmitter must be behind you, because your body acts like a big shield against the incoming signal. That is pretty cost effective way of hunting. I made a Bunny but my batter took a dump in it so I need to throw in a new unit. Made the controller and such things to operate it. The radio was donated by Dale WB6BYU. Now I just need to find someone to hunt with and use this thing. I used it for a little while but the expulsion of a recent "friend" it makes it hard to hunt for yourself. So maybe I can get one of my parents to hide it for me. How pathetic but it would work. So anyway ask me if you actually want to know more. Enjoy....as before...


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Last Updated: Thursday, April 17, 2003