My Equipment

Computer pics coming soon.....

A Yaesu FT-847.

Here is a picture of my TS-520. Can't beat the old reliable. This thing is staying around for awhile.

Here is a picture of my Icom 207H Dual band transceiver with my Kantronics KPC-3 on top.

Here is a picture of my IC-W32A dual band handheld.

I used to have pictures of my test equipment here however I decided that it is so boring that you don't need to see it. I have a Hewlett Packard oscilloscope, a frequency generator, a sweet sweep generator, a rack mount power supply array (Lambda), and some random old stuff that I occasionally use. In the event that you actually need to use anything of mine, you are welcome to use it if I know you. So there you go. Of course I have scanners and other stuff that you don't need to see because there is a huge mess in my room and I am too lazy too pull the plug out of the daisy-chained power strips under the desks.



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Last Updated: Thursday, April 17, 2003