
Recently, a group of friends and myself have been playing around with various flammable materials (As if we never didn't?). A nice list of things we have played around with:

 This is a pretty interesting list considering the chemicals required for some of those reactions. Everything was home mixed/produced. And as you no doubt want to see...pictures =)

First you start by making a little Napalm

Then you add a little fire and you get lots of black smoke and warm flames

Or a really bad monitor fire =)

Or a "small" computer case fire


How about a nice processor burn in?

Looks good to me...(Potassium Nitrate and Sugar)

Only lightly toasted...with a little iron/aluminum on the side =)

How about a nice monitor for that next LAN party?

From this....


Yay starting fluid fireballs... =)

You think your P1 socket could hold up to the thermite? The torch was for purely lighting purposes only.


Well that's it for now...should be enough to load down Greg's 28.8 to the point that is screams in bloody agony...oh well buhahahaha




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Last Updated:Thursday, April 17, 2003