
Just some pictures and stuff nice huge blank webpage for me to fill up information about myself. Well as of right now...I am 17 years old and a Senior at Newberg High School. You can see all my hobbies on the other pages, and my after school activities, and whatnot. I live in a decently sized room in a 2 story house that faces the street. I have 4 computers in my room (ooo look at me...not), too much electronics goodies, and lots of ham radio stuff awaiting my attention 3rd trimester. For the most part, I enjoy spending time away from home, out in the community (Search and Rescue/Ham Radio/Friends) since I will not have anyone around here pretty soon that I know well enough to go do these fun things with. I made my own hammock and I am known to be really funny when tired.

I work with the Yamhill County Search & Rescue team and that is LOTS of fun

I also have been doing a lot of computer work while dealing with school and other activities.

I love chemistry and get my chance to play with that at school since there isn't much room in my house for such interesting experiments. I am looking forward to college since hopefully I will get to play around with these things more often and learn lots of new stuff not available at the high school.

Other than can probably figure out who I am :)

Here are some delicious pictures to lavishly feast upon

This is the "Rainbow out of the Blue" experiment I used to demonstrate pH levels of different acids and blue food coloring as a indicator...

A light sensitive chemical that I made...turned clear/near clear in the presence of large quantities of light...

My white board...someone just attacked it one day...took out rubber, blue...and some of caffeine...I was heartbroken... ;)

My interior silver coated flask...using silver nitrate and a tollens "sugars" test to make the silver coating...still sits on my desk to this day :)



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Last Updated: Sunday, January 18, 2004