...under perpetual construction.
Here you can find some of the circuits I have built in the past, in particular a 12-bit and 18-bit parallel port analog-to-digital converters with complete schematics and C source code for Linux
A simple analog-to-digital converter that interfaces to a PC parallel port and providing 12 bit of resolution, with four differential input channels. Actual conversion throughput is about 2.5 ksamples/s
A high-resolution ADC : it can provide up to 18 bits plus sign, at 16 samples/s, with four differential or eight single-ended input channels.
Characterization of the QRP2000 USB-controlled synthesizer.
How to build a vector network analyzer without explicitly measuring phase, but only voltages.
How to design a bias-tee with nice performances, starting from an existing design by WB9JPS.
An HP GPIB disk drive on SD card emulator for old equipment.
Measurements on several diode types to find out if they can work well as PIN diode on the HF band.
Measurement of a few diode power detectors configurations on the HF band.
Brief overview on how to extract a model for the capacitance-vs-voltage curve of a varactor diode, starting with the graphs on the component datasheet.
How to extract a (small-signal) LDMOS model, starting from the device S-parameters, with some examples for common high-frequency LDMOS.
Characterization and modeling of a homemade "calibration kit" (reference impedances) to be used to calibrate a network analyzer.
Characterization of ferrite toroids and (big) beads foound in the junkbox.
Procedure to fit a predefined model to a measured impedance profile.