↑ HF propagation for radio hams

By Doron Tal, 4X4XM

HF propagation is an essential concept for radio hams who communicate using high-frequency (HF) bands. HF radio waves can travel long distances by reflecting off the ionosphere, a layer of the Earth's upper atmosphere that is ionized by the sun's radiation. This allows radio hams to communicate with other amateurs located far away, sometimes on the other side of the globe.

HF propagation is affected by various factors, including the time of day, the seasons, and solar activity. During the day, the ionosphere is ionized by the sun's radiation, allowing HF radio waves to bounce off the ionosphere and reach distant locations. At night, the ionosphere is less ionized, making it less reflective to HF radio waves. This means that the (potential) range of HF radio communications is typically poorer at night than during the day.

The ionosphere is also affected by chaotic solar activity. Sunspots are areas on the sun's surface that are cooler and darker than the surrounding areas, indicating intense magnetic activity. The ionosphere becomes more ionized during periods of high solar activity, making it more reflective to HF radio waves. This improves HF radio propagation, allowing radio amateurs to communicate over longer distances. In contrast, HF radio propagation is generally poor during periods of low solar activity.

Radio hams also use various propagation modes, including space wave ground wave, and skywave. When radio waves are transmitted directly from one antenna to another, usually over short distances, this is referred to as line-of-sight, or space wave propagation. Ground wave propagation allows radio operators to communicate over the horizon over longer distances, while skywaves, which bounce off the ionosphere, enable very long-distance communication.

Finally, HF propagation is an important concept for radio amateurs who communicate on HF bands. Understanding the factors that influence HF radio propagation and the various modes of propagation is critical for successful HF radio communications. Radio hams can communicate with others located far away with the right equipment and knowledge, making HF radio propagation an exciting and rewarding hobby.

Read more about HF propagation for radio hams. See also an index for HF Propagarion.

The Understanding HF Propagation Project offers radio amateurs a comprehensive overview and tutorials on various topics related to HF propagation.

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