2011 * Passed the Technician Class License test. * Purchased APRSPoint to get into APRS packet radio. 2012 * Upgraded 1/4 wave UHF antenna to dual band mag mount for my Yaesu FT-8900 mobile. * Installed APRSDroid for APRS. * Registered for EchoLink 2013 * Appointed as the Amateur Radio Station Manager at the Mount Allamuchy Boy Scout Reservation in NJ. * Now have QSL cards. * Registered on QRZ.com. * Bought used Radio Shack HTX-100 10 meter mobile rig for SSB/CW. Heard my first beacon on 28.208, AK2F/BCN. * Passed the General Class License test. 2014 * Purchased a Connect Systems Incorporated CS-700 DMR hand held radio. Hello digital radio! * Received coordination for a 10 meter beacon on: 28.241.3 MHz * Donated and installed Davis Weather Station with APRS at the Scout camp. 2015 * Scout camp radio station is up and running for JOTA 2015. * Set up a home brew UHF repeater. Applied for/received coordination. 2016 * Packet mailbox setup on 145.010 with PK-232MBX. * Purchased a Yaesu C4FM Fusion radio FT2D * Participated in JOTA 2016. 2017 * Received new coordination for my repeater: a Yaesu analog/fusion repeater DR-1X * Made my first SSTV contact with HRD Digital Master DM780 * Enjoying APRS with Yaesu FTM-400DR mobile. * Participated in JOTA 2017. 2018 * Joined EastNetPacket.org * Becoming more active in NTS. * Participated in JOTA 2018. * Began creating the Nationwide Amateur Radio Packet Map 2019 * Participated in JOTA 2019. * Joined local RACES and CERT groups. 2020 * Successfully configured SharkRF openSPOT2 FT2D C4FM -> Amerilink * Moved the Nationwide Packet Directory to Google Maps. * Drove up Mt. Washington and made some great contacts on 2 meter simplex from 6,288 feet! * Due to COVID, operated solo for JOTA on the weekend of October 16 - 18, 2020 to promote Scouting and support any other JOTA Stations that may be on the air. * Registered the domain for and web designed EastNetPacket.com and set up EastNetPacket@groups.io as back up in case primary sites are taken down again. * Joined White Mountain Amateur Radio Club in New Hampshire as I travel there often and use their machines. 2021 * Back on DMR. * Parks on the Air (POTA) is my new interest. * Bought a RasapberyPi to build an XROUTER Node. * Building a RTTY MSO on the C64 and an AEA CP-100. * Donated a Kantronics KPC-3+ to the White Mountain Amateur Radio Club in New Hampshire for APRS and Winlink on top of Mount Washington. It’s nice to have a piece of equipment on top of the tallest mountain on the East Coast! * Received my POTA QSL cards. * ARRL Field Day was a blast! * Picked up a BPQ Node from Jeff N3DWB who decided to devote more time to satellite work. * Enjoying activating and hunting parks for POTA. 2022 * Joined ARRL as a Lifetime Member * Setup an APRS digipeater for the Hackettstown Center for the Arts ARS. 2023 * Set up G8BPQ Node, BBS and Chat system. * Donated equipment to upgrade a local Node for EastNet Packet Network. * Joined ARRL as a Lifetime Member * Participating in Volunteers on the air (VOTA) as an ARRL Life Member (2 points)
2011 * Passed the Technician Class License test. * Purchased APRSPoint to get into APRS packet radio. 2012 * Upgraded 1/4 wave UHF antenna to dual band mag mount for my Yaesu FT-8900 mobile. * Installed APRSDroid for APRS. * Registered for EchoLink 2013 * Appointed as the Amateur Radio Station Manager at the Mount Allamuchy Boy Scout Reservation in NJ. * Now have QSL cards. * Registered on QRZ.com. * Bought used Radio Shack HTX-100 10 meter mobile rig for SSB/CW. Heard my first beacon on 28.208, AK2F/BCN. * Passed the General Class License test. 2014 * Purchased a Connect Systems Incorporated CS-700 DMR hand held radio. Hello digital radio! * Received coordination for a 10 meter beacon on: 28.241.3 MHz * Donated and installed Davis Weather Station with APRS at the Scout camp. 2015 * Scout camp radio station is up and running for JOTA 2015. * Set up a home brew UHF repeater. Applied for/received coordination. 2016 * Packet mailbox setup on 145.010 with PK-232MBX. * Purchased a Yaesu C4FM Fusion radio FT2D * Participated in JOTA 2016. 2017 * Received new coordination for my repeater: a Yaesu analog/fusion repeater DR-1X * Made my first SSTV contact with HRD Digital Master DM780 * Enjoying APRS with Yaesu FTM-400DR mobile. * Participated in JOTA 2017. 2018 * Joined EastNetPacket.org * Becoming more active in NTS. * Participated in JOTA 2018. * Began creating the Nationwide Amateur Radio Packet Map 2019 * Participated in JOTA 2019. * Joined local RACES and CERT groups. 2020 * Successfully configured SharkRF openSPOT2 FT2D C4FM -> Amerilink * Moved the Nationwide Packet Directory to Google Maps. * Drove up Mt. Washington and made some great contacts on 2 meter simplex from 6,288 feet! * Due to COVID, operated solo for JOTA on the weekend of October 16 - 18, 2020 to promote Scouting and support any other JOTA Stations that may be on the air. * Registered the domain for and web designed EastNetPacket.com and set up EastNetPacket@groups.io as back up in case primary sites are taken down again. * Joined White Mountain Amateur Radio Club in New Hampshire as I travel there often and use their machines. 2021 * Back on DMR. * Parks on the Air (POTA) is my new interest. * Bought a RasapberyPi to build an XROUTER Node. * Building a RTTY MSO on the C64 and an AEA CP-100. * Donated a Kantronics KPC-3+ to the White Mountain Amateur Radio Club in New Hampshire for APRS and Winlink on top of Mount Washington. It’s nice to have a piece of equipment on top of the tallest mountain on the East Coast! * Received my POTA QSL cards. * ARRL Field Day was a blast! * Picked up a BPQ Node from Jeff N3DWB who decided to devote more time to satellite work. * Enjoying activating and hunting parks for POTA. 2022 * Joined ARRL as a Lifetime Member * Setup an APRS digipeater for the Hackettstown Center for the Arts ARS. 2023 * Set up G8BPQ Node, BBS and Chat system. * Donated equipment to upgrade a local Node for EastNet Packet Network. * Joined ARRL as a Lifetime Member * Participating in Volunteers on the air (VOTA) as an ARRL Life Member (2 points)