LATEST NEWS! Network105 AX.25 HF Packet QSO Party Coming Soon! KEEPING PACKET ALIVE ON NETWORK 105 Network 105 was founded in 1986 by Burt Amero, VE1AMA (SK). It’s a worldwide group of packet ham radio operators who enjoy chatting over the hf 20 meter band on 14.105 MHz. Most "conversations" are point-to- point, that is, one ham "talking" to another. However, at times, there can be groups of operators communicating together on a converse channel, a place where multi-chats may take place! The Group uses the frequency of 14105 LSB. This is the correct frequency if you are using tones at 1600/1800Hz. The MARK frequency is 14103.4 The SPACE frequency is 14103.2 Your radio dial may not read 14105 if you are using tones at a different frequency (e.g. a PK-232MBX), direct FSK or in USB mode. HF packet is sideband independent but for conformity, we all use LSB. The impetus for all this activity was due primarily to Burt Amero, VE1AMA (SK), who was the founder and major trustee of the network. Over the years, his tireless effort has made the 105 network a very vibrant and interesting place to "visit." BURT’S PHILOSOPHY The network is made up of hams who use their TNCs as KA-Nodes, NETROM, Netnode, PK-Nodes and NOS TCP/IP nodes, or any multi-ported nodes providing point to point or cross over to vhf from hf, and from hf to vhf capability. NETWORK 105 has been in operation since June 11, 1986 and all stations are here voluntarily, providing help, encouragement, keeping folks in contact and also a base for further experimentation on hf packet. Stations in the West and Midwest both Canada and USA. Also looking for European Stations. Please support "NETWORK 105", by helping others who are new to the network. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES Please use the following SSID convention in your beacon texts. -1 for PBBS/Mailbox -2 for GATE -7 for KA-NODE, NOSnode, NETROM, K-Net, NOSnode, all nodes. Terms : JNOS or TNOS TCP/IP type stations NOS = Net Operating System AMPRNet - AMateur Packet Radio on the interNet) stations that have RF as well as Internet wormhole connections. LAN - Local Area Network. NetRom - Original stand alone node.. (chip in a tnc) K-Net - Kantronic's NETROM-like node NOS node - (eg: N8DA-7, Software NETROM type node) TNC NETWORK PARAMETERS HF PACLEN: 60 HF MAXFRAME: 1 HF FRACK: 5 HF DWAIT: 0 HF RETRIES: 10 HF TXD: 300 RECOMMENDED CROSS-VHF PORT SETTINGS: VHF PACLEN: 128 VHF MAXFRAME: 1 VHF FRACK: 6 VHF DWAIT: 0 If you want good performance, PLEASE - DO NOT DIGIPEAT A CONNECTION! It is much better to connect to a node - and then use that node to connect to the station you want. You will spend 90% of the time retrying and getting RNR and REJ frames if you digipeat a connection. Also PLEASE use CALLSIGNS, and NOT ALIASES. Let's keep it HAM RADIO. No "HANDLE" type calls please, as they can be duplicated, while only you have your own call. At one time we had two with the same "handle" for a node call, it really messed up the frequency with FRMR, errors. The move is to make the -7 indicate a multi-ported node whether it is a KA-Node, NOS, NETROM, K-Net, any node that is multi-ported. Users will be able to figure it out after exploring it a bit. There are NO full server BBS to BBS forwarding systems on the network, or at least we hope there are not. Please support and enjoy the network. It can help you get where you want quite efficiently. Those stations that wish to run one of the various BBS systems as a terminal program, no problem, but please NO BBS to BBS forwarding, and NO full node list broadcasts. TCP/IP stations wishing to join the network, again no problem but please NO file forwarding as it would choke the system. TCP/IP is a very powerful system, and for the network to be able to get to know and use it, is a good idea, and you are most welcome here. Please NO APRS or DX-Cluster. If possible, use 10.151 or 14.103 for APRS, and other frequencies like 14.097, 099, 101, 107, 109, 111 for BBS, DX-Cluster. You are invited to share any ideas or suggestions to make the network more enjoyable and efficient by posting them at: Network105 Facebook Group Network 105 Please support NETWORK 105, by helping others who are new to the network. All the best. 73... Burt & Phyllis "NETWORK 105" Founder/Coordinator (1986) Keeping packet alive On "NETWORK 105" Packet is a sharing mode. It shares info/data,... and it shares the frequency. In memory of Bernard Joseph "Burt" Amero, VE1AMA SK 1942-2010 MEMBERSHIP There are no dues. A growing list of members that host gateways, nodes and mailboxes is pending. MAPS A Network 105 Map hosted by Bill, AC0VC is: Network 105 Packet Map Another packet map that lists some Network 105 members as well VHF/UHF packet is: The Nationwide Amateur Radio Packet Directory Map WEB EDITOR COMMENTS 02/2022 Stay tuned for quick tips, tricks and suggested settings for your station. Make sure you sign up on the and facebook page. Suggested Settings for the PK-232(MBX) TNC from AEA and TimeWave for Network 105 HF Packet. PDF
Network 105 (20 meters) 14.105 LSB Network 30 (30 meters) 10.144 LSB Network 40 (40 meters) 7.104 LSB
LATEST NEWS! Network105 AX.25 HF Packet QSO Party Coming Soon! KEEPING PACKET ALIVE ON NETWORK 105 Network 105 was founded in 1986 by Burt Amero, VE1AMA (SK). It’s a worldwide group of packet ham radio operators who enjoy chatting over the hf 20 meter band on 14.105 MHz. Most "conversations" are point-to-point, that is, one ham "talking" to another. However, at times, there can be groups of operators communicating together on a converse channel, a place where multi-chats may take place! The Group uses the frequency of 14105 LSB. This is the correct frequency if you are using tones at 1600/1800Hz. The MARK frequency is 14103.4 The SPACE frequency is 14103.2 Your radio dial may not read 14105 if you are using tones at a different frequency (e.g. a PK-232MBX), direct FSK or in USB mode. HF packet is sideband independent but for conformity, we all use LSB. The impetus for all this activity was due primarily to Burt Amero, VE1AMA (SK), who was the founder and major trustee of the network. Over the years, his tireless effort has made the 105 network a very vibrant and interesting place to "visit." BURT’S PHILOSOPHY The network is made up of hams who use their TNCs as KA- Nodes, NETROM, Netnode, PK-Nodes and NOS TCP/IP nodes, or any multi-ported nodes providing point to point or cross over to vhf from hf, and from hf to vhf capability. NETWORK 105 has been in operation since June 11, 1986 and all stations are here voluntarily, providing help, encouragement, keeping folks in contact and also a base for further experimentation on hf packet. Stations in the West and Midwest both Canada and USA. Also looking for European Stations. Please support "NETWORK 105", by helping others who are new to the network. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES Please use the following SSID convention in your beacon texts. -1 for PBBS/Mailbox -2 for GATE -7 for KA-NODE, NOSnode, NETROM, K-Net, NOSnode, all nodes. Terms : JNOS or TNOS TCP/IP type stations NOS = Net Operating System AMPRNet - AMateur Packet Radio on the interNet) stations that have RF as well as Internet wormhole connections. LAN - Local Area Network. NetRom - Original stand alone node.. (chip in a tnc) K-Net - Kantronic's NETROM-like node NOS node - (eg: N8DA-7, Software NETROM type node) TNC NETWORK PARAMETERS HF PACLEN: 60 HF MAXFRAME: 1 HF FRACK: 5 HF DWAIT: 0 HF RETRIES: 10 HF TXD: 300 RECOMMENDED CROSS-VHF PORT SETTINGS: VHF PACLEN: 128 VHF MAXFRAME: 1 VHF FRACK: 6 VHF DWAIT: 0 If you want good performance, PLEASE - DO NOT DIGIPEAT A CONNECTION! It is much better to connect to a node - and then use that node to connect to the station you want. You will spend 90% of the time retrying and getting RNR and REJ frames if you digipeat a connection. Also PLEASE use CALLSIGNS, and NOT ALIASES. Let's keep it HAM RADIO. No "HANDLE" type calls please, as they can be duplicated, while only you have your own call. At one time we had two with the same "handle" for a node call, it really messed up the frequency with FRMR, errors. The move is to make the -7 indicate a multi-ported node whether it is a KA-Node, NOS, NETROM, K-Net, any node that is multi-ported. Users will be able to figure it out after exploring it a bit. There are NO full server BBS to BBS forwarding systems on the network, or at least we hope there are not. Please support and enjoy the network. It can help you get where you want quite efficiently. Those stations that wish to run one of the various BBS systems as a terminal program, no problem, but please NO BBS to BBS forwarding, and NO full node list broadcasts. TCP/IP stations wishing to join the network, again no problem but please NO file forwarding as it would choke the system. TCP/IP is a very powerful system, and for the network to be able to get to know and use it, is a good idea, and you are most welcome here. Please NO APRS or DX-Cluster. If possible, use 10.151 or 14.103 for APRS, and other frequencies like 14.097, 099, 101, 107, 109, 111 for BBS, DX-Cluster. You are invited to share any ideas or suggestions to make the network more enjoyable and efficient by posting them at: Network105 Facebook Group Network 105 Please support NETWORK 105, by helping others who are new to the network. All the best. 73... Burt & Phyllis "NETWORK 105" Founder/Coordinator (1986) Keeping packet alive On "NETWORK 105" Packet is a sharing mode. It shares info/data,... and it shares the frequency. In memory of Bernard Joseph "Burt" Amero, VE1AMA SK 1942-2010 MEMBERSHIP There are no dues. A growing list of members that host gateways, nodes and mailboxes is pending. MAPS A Network 105 Map hosted by Bill, AC0VC is: Network 105 Packet Map Another packet map that lists some Network 105 members as well VHF/UHF packet is: The Nationwide Amateur Radio Packet Directory Map WEB EDITOR COMMENTS 02/2022 Stay tuned for quick tips, tricks and suggested settings for your station. Make sure you sign up on the and facebook page. Suggested Settings for the PK-232(MBX) TNC from AEA and TimeWave for Network 105 HF Packet. PDF