The Reading Radio Club
ARRL Affiliated since Feb 17th 1922
Winter Field Day 2024
Saturday January 25th - Sunday January 26th
The time is now to make your commitment for a slot operating the club’s station – W3BN – for Winter Field Day on Saturday, Jan. 27 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (all local times) 

This is your opportunity to work one of the two HF stations we’ll be operating for the event from the contest QTH of Steve Dobbs NE3F atop Mohn’s Hill. 

 That’s right, it’s the same place where we held our VERY successful 275th City of Reading
anniversary station in September. 

 This is the second year in a row the Reading Radio Club decided to get in on the action. Although it’s not an ARRL event, the Winter Field Day organization uses some similar rules and encourages stations to get out there and make their mark. 

 It’s the 17th year for Winter Field Day and the RRC’s Field Day Committee is hoping to see a pickup in activity for this year. 

 The committee wants to encourage members to come out and operate an HF station – even if they’ve never touched HF gear before. There will be experienced operators to help guide you on what to do. 

AND, the best part of the exercise is it’s NOT a contest. 

 We will operate under the Indoor station category with two stations and linked computers to give everyone a chance to operate in relative comfort and get some experience with the equipment in preparation for June’s Field day event. 

 There will be dinner on Saturday evening for Winter Field Day operators in the garage at Steve’s and Sunday breakfast – coffee, donuts and pastry – and lunch. 

Come to the RRC meeting on Friday, Jan. 12 to sign up for a time to come out and operate. If you can’t get to the meeting, send an email to Scott, KC3PCS at ([email protected]) to let him know when you’ll be there. 

 During the 2023 Winter Field Day effort the W3BN operation running two stations from a cabin at the Hawk Mountain Scout Reservation in Schuylkill County logged 580 contacts for a total score of 2,900 points. All that was accomplished by 10 operators over a 7-hour period. 

 Can we do a little better in 2024? That’s up to you! Can you spare an hour or two to come out to Steve’s and work a few stations?