The Reading Radio Club has been in existence for over 100 years. It was formed during the early years of radio experimentation. Many of its members have contributed greatly to the development of Radio, television, emergency communications, and the electronic industry over this period of time.
Amateur Radio people (also called “hams”) are well known for our communications support in disaster and post-disaster situations. We also provide communication services to the public during special events.
We are called “amateurs” because we are not paid. Our services are provided at no charge. Like amateur sports, we do it for the love of it! We may be called “amateurs” but our communications services are professional.
Amateurs and their equipment can interface with both public safety efforts and event organizers. Our equipment can be made operational quickly inside a building, in a mobile command post or out in the field.
There are over 700,000 Amateur Radio operators in the United States and 3 million worldwide. To get your Amateur Radio License you need to take a 35-question, multiple choice exam. The Reading Radio Club Volunteer Examiner Team is certified by the Federal Communications Commission and has administered 85 such Amateur Radio Test Sessions over the past 30 years. We have processed 763 candidates during this period. Many of them have gone on to earn advanced licenses and chosen electronics as their career as a result of the training administered by the Reading Radio Club members.
We hold weekly on the air testing of our equipment and are available at a moments notice in case of an emergency. Our local repeater system covers a radius of about 30 miles. We would like to add emergency power to our repeater system.
We have a monthly Radio Club Bulletin which covers upcoming events and educational subjects on technical issues. Many of our members make do it yourself projects. Some have helped local science teachers with projects, such as balloon launch and tracking by radio, etc.
Our monthly Reading Radio Club meetings are open to all, young and old. Membership is not a requirement. We show educational videos, have group and individual discussions, etc. Members are able and willing to help, especially with technical help.