11/12/2021 - RRC Bylaws are finally updated on the webpage from the 01/08/2021 changes.
08-20-2021 - July BOD minutes uploaded.
08-01-2021 - Hamfest, Bulletin, and minutes have been updated on the page. The new PayPal button has been added. We are still deciding on procedural stuff for PayPal. Please, leave a description of purpose for any payments to the club.
06-21-2021 - This past weekend the club assisted with emergency communications with the Beat Beethoven Run. Look for articles and pictures in the near future. Thank you to Art Becker, KB3LDI, and crew! Online payments through PayPal were approved by the RRC BOD, so keep an eye out for that as well!
04-28-2021 - Check out the founding date article and the Dine to Donate fundraiser. Links on the main homepage. The History page has been updated as well as the Calendar page.
02-04-2021 - Rich's 50 Years Ago column is now on the website under the About menu. Check it out!
01-11-2021 - The new BOD Officers are up on the BOD page. Two bylaws amendments were brought to the membership for a vote at the January, 2021 monthly meeting. They are posted on the Bylaws page.