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ON6MU RX-PSK31: Freeware PSK program for SWL's  
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version v2.2.0
release May 26nd 2024

FREEWARE RXSSTV ideal for receive SSTV images and those from the ISS etc.
normal view option

A Windows SSTV decoder receiving program
specially designed for SWL's and HAM's

It's compact, It's handy, It's powerfull,
It's easy to use and It's

enlarged view option

What does RX-SSTV do?

RX-SSTV is an easy and back to basics SSTV decoding program. It automatically saves received SSTV-images (any supported mode is detected automatically too) and supports DSP.
Uses the powerful MMSSTV Engine © JE3HHT - Makoto Mori!
Because SWL's don't need TX, this part of the program can be left out. No cumbersome settings for com-ports, ptt interfaces and no accidental transmissions by activating the TX by mistake! A totally harmless program for even the youngest of SWL's who want to discover the world of digital communications, like SSTV.
Still, why no TX? Why? Primary because there are so many, many SSTV programs out there that do a great job receiving and transmitting SSTV, but none for the SWL (short wave listener) or for people that have no HAM license, tech-students in schools etc...
Also ideal for receiving SSTV from the International Space Station ISS! Is why by default Robot-36 mode is used in the program. However, the program will detect any available SSTV-mode that it receives and activate the automated saving process. You won't miss any received images whatever mode.


RX-SSTV Features

  • Automated saving and automatic detection of SSTV modes!

  • Decodes very well even under noisy conditions!

  • Uses the powerful MMSSTV Engine © JE3HHT - Makoto Mori

  • Easy to use and specially designed for SWL's or HAM's who don't
    need TX or for anyone who just like to monitor SSTV signals.

  • Adjustable DSP and Spectrum settings

  • You can copy/save/edit the received SSTV images

  • Unlimited history storage.

  • No cumbersome TX com-port settings, just connect your soundcard to
    your receiver, tune to a SSTV frequency and your set!

  • Multiple soundcard support.

  • Signal and waterfall Tuning Indicator

  • Threshold adjustable noise activated squelch control.

  • Signal strength/quality value available for squelch and display.

  • DSP settings!

  • Soundcard clock error measuring and compensating capability.

  • A fast AFC mode can be used to track doppler shifting BPSK signals
    up to +/-20Hz/Sec.

  • No special RX or TX interfaces: uses your Soundcard!

  • BMP and JPG with adjustable compression/quality

  • Time stamp

  • Embed and log FSK-ID

  • Save last received image (ideal for FTP, websites...)

  • Easy to use!

  • Double sized image view option

  • Recognizes 37 different types of SSTV formats

  • Works in all Windows versions!


  • Works on any Windows based PC or Linux using the Wine emulator

  • Soundcard

  • A FM and/or SSB receiver, radio...

Best of all: It's FREEWARE!



Previous version

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Examples of received ISS SSTV images in Robot36 using RX-SSTV
(16...19 oktober 2008).
Special thanks to the astronat Richard Garriott W5KWQ aboard ISS for his extra efforts to communicate with fellow HAM's, setting up the HAM-equipment for SSTV, repeater mode, aprs and so much more!

More about Richard Garriott

ISS SSTV images received on december 1st & 2th 2008

More of my ISS received images here

UISS Software for communicating with ISS using AX25 packet radio


ON6MU's software group/forum


This website is made by Guy Roels, (c) ON6MU
All rights reserved
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