WITH FRIENDSHIP AND COURTESY Descobrir as belezas de Moçambique Mapa Azimutal c/Bazaruto no centro Instituto Nacional Comunicações de Moçambique SUPPORT UNICEF MOZAMBIQUE
Campanha de Livros Infantis Envie 1 Livro para Crianças Basta enviá-lo pelos Correios para UNICEF Moçambique Projecto "Rádio" Na Escola! O que é ? Como se Faz? A Juventude e a nova Tecnologia! Both Operations are valid !
Welcome to my web site! Bem vindo a Página Web. This page was last updated on 11/24/06. For those who want the benefits A humanitarian Expeditions strive to accomplish the same goal! Without its discomforts, choice offers World Explorer Expeditions allow participants to be visiting sightseeing exotic islands or places , but the sleep in Hotel or Resorts Beds and eat in local restaurants . in the The home page is a good spot to let visitors know the purpose of this web site. The home page gives visitors an impression of your activity. We will start in Maputo visiting UNICEF and others ONG (Non Governmental Organization) we start with other Children Book Campaign we want to spend some holiday time serving others. It was a NEW Project envelopment Amateur Radio and Tourism but this time we're going with a humanitarian purpose, Tourism and Amateur Radio. So this is NEW for Us, our family know very well, my wife works for a Portuguese ONG so it's easy, we want to make small vacation , but something special. When we decide playing radio our both objective can be done we can plan some help with your knowledge with some ONG in Mozambique for a couple of your free days and after that you can enjoy beach . In fact you can plan a small vacations with some fun operating radio and share we others some humanitary actions. We've look around, and found out excellent conditions here in southern Africa in Mozambique. Of course we have no problem with language and also to get license, we're grateful to INCM and LREM This is also can be a good way to human relationship and cultural knowledge between people from different cultures, Portuguese and Mozambique.
Our gratitude for following: INCM Instituto das Comunicações de Moçambique, LAM Linhas Aéreas de Mozambique, Hotel Pestana Rovuma, Pestana Bazaruto Lodge, Mr. Louis, C91D EngºAnselmo, Sr. Malaquias, C91MI, C91ML, .Mr. Victor, Mrs. Fernanda, Faruk, Uanderson, Mr Jerónimo, Mr.Leonel e Família , Mr. Volker ZS1Y, Mr.Dennis, ZS1AU .Dr.Kurt.
BAZARUTO Where is the Island? Welcome to BAZARUTO island DX'pedition. The purpose of this web is to promote Amateur Radio and DX, Tourism . This beautiful island located at Southern East Africa in Indian Ocean ( Long. 36º 20' 0" East Latit. 18º 43'0"South). Country: Mozambique Continent: Africa Amateur Radio:Prefix C98 IOTA: Ref AF072 Valid for World-Wide Lighthouse Ref ARLHS MOZ002
The plane to Northern Mozambique rests in the scorching African sun at Maputo Intrenational Airport. The flight is fully booked and there are no seat allocations. When the terminal doors open you charge across the white -hot runway to claim your seat. For me it's the window for a birds-eye view this intriguing country. Gazing down, I am staggered by the vast wilderness of Mozambique - an unending stretch of green, African bushveld. At 30.000 feet, it's a brief reprieve from the 44 degrees-centigrade, 97% humidity on the ground. My journey started 8.000 kms away at the Lisbon. We have left Maputo, with me is the sea, and in front of me the island, after 2 hours flight in to Villanculos we take a small Airplane from PELICAN AIR SERVICES ! and finally It´s Bazaruto, suddenly the term "African Island" makes sense ! Newly weds and romantics instantly fall in love with the remote beauty of Bazaruto, already described as the perfect romantic getaway, Bazaruto is filled with red sunsets, long walks and days od doing absollutely nothing but soaking in its African sun, much needed to rejuvenate de soul. One almost feels like a modern Robinson Crusoe on this remote island on indian Ocean . Bazaruto Archipelago is one of the few archipelagos in the world to be completely unspoiled and undiscovered. With over 40 islands, only a handful of them have been explores by curious humans. A real jewel in Mozambique's abundant treasure chest. That's the place for our New Adventure during 15 days . This page is dedicated to all my friends who I would like to share. It's a good way to let visitors know the purpose of this web site. The home page gives visitors an impression what we are doing and some information. We decide choice MOZAMBIQUE! We will stay in Maputo Capital for 2 weeks and than we flight to Inhambane Province at Bazaruto for 1 week vacation at Bazaruto Island. This will be our New Adventure for 15 days . This page is dedicated to all my friends who I would like to share. It's a good way to let visitors know the purpose of this web site. The home page gives visitors an impression what we are doing and some information. We decide choice MOZAMBIQUE! We will stay in Maputo Capital for 2 weeks and than we flight to Inhambane Province at Bazaruto for 1 week vacation at Bazaruto Island. (Please take a look at Africa Web Camera)This will be our New Adventure for 15 days . This page is dedicated to all my friends who I would like to share. It's a good way to let visitors know the purpose of this web site. The home page gives visitors an impression what we are doing and some information. We decide choice MOZAMBIQUE! We will stay in Maputo Capital for 2 weeks and than we flight to Inhambane Province at Bazaruto for 1 week vacation at Bazaruto Island. (Please take a look at Africa Web Camera)
Situado na Costa Oriental de África entre o Oceano Índico e os territórios da Tanzânia a norte, do Malawi, da Zâmbia, da ex-Rodésia, do Transval da Suazilândia a oeste e do Natal a sul . A costa que vai desde o rio ROVUMA à ponta do Ouro é muito extensa, são cerca de 2.795 Kms. Tem duas reentrâncias onde ficam as balas de Maputo e de Sofala. Finalmente a zona montanhosa, acima de 1000 metros abrange pequenas áreas nos montes libombos, nas altas regiões de Marávia-Angónia na cadeia Chire-Namúli, etc. Na região de Manica fica o monte Bengo (2436 Mts) o ponto mais alto de Moçambique. Os Rios de Moçambique têm um regime periódico, como o das chuvas que os alimentam. A maior parte destes rios não é navegável, porque são fácilmente assoreáveis devido à extensão da planície litoral. Foram já realizados muito trabalhos com vista ao seu aproveitamento para irrigação e regularização do seu curso. A grande estrada fluvial de Moçambique é na verdade o rio Zambeze que, vindo de Angola, atravessa a África Austral, banha Tete e desagua por um delta no oceano Índico. Os restantes rios têm uma importância secundária. São mais numerosos ao norte do que ao sul porque ali a pluviosidade é mais elevada O Rovuma que serve de fronteira ao Norte, o Quelimane ou dos Bons Sinais, Lurio e o Chinde. Ao sul do Zambeze ficam Púngue, o Búzi, o Save, o Limpopo e o Incomátri. O clima de Moçambique é tropical húmido com duastações nítidas: a das chuvas e a do caimbo ou seca. Este clima é muito influenciado pelas monções do Índico mas são sensíveis as diferenças climáticas entre o norte e o sul. A temperatura e a humidade diminuem à medida que se caminha para o sul. As zonas de altitude têm um clima mais suave que se aproxima, pelas suas caracterís- ticas de temperatura, dos climas temperados. A vegetação de Moçambique é tropical apresentando formas diversas. Densas florestas cobrem as montanhas e os planaltos. À medida que a chuvas diminuem aparece a floresta em galeria, a savana e a estepe, formação herbácea que tem, como em Angola, o nome de capim. As árvores mais típicas são o pau-ferro, o pau-preto, o mogno, o ébano o Sândalo africano, o bambu, o mangue e as palmeiras. A fauna, riquíssima, é semelhante à de Angola com a mesma abundância de Herbívoros, canívoros, répteis e aves. Os portugueses tomaram conhecimento da costa de Moçambique quando da viagem de Vasco da Gama em 1498. Aperceberam-se então do valor comercial destas regiões onde se realizava importante comércio que era dominado pelos árabes. Os nativos vendiam os seus produtos aos árabes, em grandes feiras. Os portugueses, estabelecendo relações de comércio com os negros, vieram a fundar a primeira feira, próximo de Tete. No início do século XVI começaram a fortificar a ilha de Moçambique e empreenderam a conquista de Sofala, nas terras do delta do Zambeze. Ais tarde exploraram o litoral ao sul no Save, Bazaruto e iniciaram o contacto com chefes das aldeias do interior. Para darmos uma rápida ideia da distribuição das principais culturas em Moçambique, consideremos em primeiro lugar a faixa costeira de baixa altitude, alargando-se irregularmente para o interior penetrando ao longo dos grandes rios. Sob o ponto de vista agrícola podemos considerar as culturas, mandioca, o amendoim e algumas leguminosas, grão cereais como o milho, a mapira (Sorghum sp.) , a mexoeira (Pennisetum sp.) e uma cultura exculisivamente de rendimento, o algodão. Também o coqueiro, o cajueiro, o arroz, a cana
sacarina e o trigo. Nas margens do Umbelúzi e Incomáti situam-se pomares de citrinos. Ao Norte junto as terras altas do Niassa , Zambézia, Tete e Manica e Sofala junto as terras fronteiriuças de Oeste nos solos vermelhos ferralíticos, geralmente ferteis. Estas regiões, pouco ocupadas, ainda oferecem boas condições para a produção leiteira, para cultura de fruteiras e outras culturas de regiões temperadas. Nesta zona cultiva-se tabaco, milho, batata, feijão e, no Gurué e Tacuane o Chá. This page was last updated on 24-11-06. What is BAZARUTO Island DX'pedition One of the real thrills offered to licensed amateur radio operator is the opportunity to work DX. That thrill is trebled when the DXing is done from some exotic out-of-the way place like BAZARUTO ISL (DXCC C9) in Africa Indian Ocean. Unfortunately most of us have neither the time nor the money to travel extensively ... crossing oceans to far-flung islands on Pacific or Indian Ocean. We may never visit the other continents nor hope to ham from the moon. However, there is nothing to prevent any ham from sharing in the thrill of a DXpedition within reach of a simple transportation, in short vacation periods, and best of all on a exotic and paradísiac island, like this place. You have to take a small airplane to get this islands Installing the antenna and the rig is as important as setting up the the bungalow and preparing the first meal. The working of DX is fairly simple if the equipments includes WARC and 6 meters bands. Before going further, it might be appropriate to explain the rationale for what we are doing with this DXpedition. These days, with small radios and cheap air fares, there are many one- or two-man expeditions, and long may they continue. This is great news for the well-equipped DXer. However, after our S05X Western Sahara DXpedition, nothing we were the same. We would like to demonstrate that the important is the true friendship. Our objective is to give you the chance to works us not even on one band or mmode . Indeed, for many of people , DXing wasn't a serious option. We want to be
involved in DX, we want HF bands with activity with QRM . People heard the DXpeditions going out and working the same DX'ers time and again. If you have never taken 6 meters equipment as your only station on a DXpedition you have missed one of the most exciting and interesting pleasures in all of ham radio. On this adventure in Southeast Africa . We take 1 transceiver with HF plus 50 Mcs (6 meters) the Kenwood TS480 SAT . We know that Propagation Conditions are changing and this time not very good, but live goes one and is too short! You can see the Propagation Overview Beaming Heads and our planning frequencies. Of course, because of the short distances normally covered , a good antenna is recommended for HF and 6 meters band. On the other hand, the smaller dimensions make this an easier antenna to pack along with other gear. This is the most exciting and interesting pleasures in all of ham radio you don't miss this.
Where is located Bazaruto Island in Indian Ocean ? Why Bazaruto Island?
BAZARUTO ARCHIPELAGO is a group of small islands on Indian Ocean belong to Mozambique, part from the most famous Marine National Park involve Tourism with respect for Nature and Wild Life. This small archipelago located at 36º,20E 18º,43S involve Bazaruto Island, Benguerra island, Santa Carolina and Magaruque islands . Bazaruto the smaller as realy nice paisage, with several natuyral lagoons and beautiful Beaches with white sand.the Southern east Africa in Indian Ocean, 350 km of the Maputo Capital in the Inhambane Province. (Please take a look here) Bazarruto Archipelago consists of Five Islands: Bazaruto, Magaruque, Santa Carolina, Benguera (Benguerra) and Bangue.They are situated off mainland between Vilanculos and Inhassoro (780 km from Maputo). There are high quality hotels on the islands. To reach the islands it is possible to hire a boat locally, or to travel by air from Maputo and Beira or to fly directly from a neighbouring country via Vilanculos where there are immigration and customs services.T he islands are covered by large sand dunes and freshwater lakes, which are nesting grounds for black-winged flamingoes. The islands are home to small herds of red duiker antelope as well as freshwater crocodiles and samango monkeys. The reefs are home to turtles, dolphins and dugongs. Bazaruto offers a multitude of delights for the avid fisherman, for both big game and surf fishing. The Bazaruto Lodge's continuing interest in conservation, tag and release is encouraged. There are numerous opportunities for bird watching and viewing wildlife from the fresh water lakes to the sand dunes, or to the grasslands and swamps, viewing possibilities abound. During the last two years we have seen gigantic strides made tronic-radio equipment and the end is not yet in sight. Now we are hearing agreat deal about micro-miniaturization. Where will it all end? No one yet knows; but we are inclined to think that from radio amateur's viewpoint that the appearance of an all-band transceiver (having a power output 100 to 200 watts PEP) housed in a cabinet the size of a cigar box is more than a few years off! There will always be a practical size for ham equipment beyond which nothing would be gained by making it any smaller. If you have never taken 6 meters equipment as your only station on a DXpedition you have missed one of the most exciting and interesting pleasures in all of ham radio. Nowadays you can take 1 transceiver with HF plus 50 Mcs (6 meters) like the brand NEW Kenwood TS480. This versatile transceiver is very pratical beacuse you can perform 2 different Menus you can programme the own transceiver example for Phone and CW, for Contest or DX'pedition and normal use. When I was in Rolas Island , with Wire Dipoles I've confirmation the very good receiver circuit. With an antenna tuner, you can prepare your antennas that you have calibrated previously without problems. I've used mostly SSB and CW and I've tested the DSP and equalizer circuits . The reason of course that there is so much solid state techniques is the needed for such equipment a rocket must lift and carry is very important - but when is so important that a ham transceiver be reduced in weight from 4 to 8 kgs? This is our NEW Transceiver Kenwood TS480 SAT support services we provide to all radio operators We've provided a number of resources here to help you on , report bugs, and suggest improvements to our products and service. You may also obtain technical support by e-mail or telephone at [KENWOOD]; and by e-mail . This is our ANTENNA SYSTEM for our DX'peditions, very easy to assemble and on small bag it's easy for luggage at airport for flights. Well, we can spend lot of time discussing what is the better antenna and trying to found out what will be the good choice. In fact our experience all over this years told us you don't have to hurry with your transmission, but with reccepcion you must be envolve to get the better results. That's why we decide for a SPIDERBEAM (5 Bands) and a FORCE12 Vertical XK40.While the antenna is as light as a mini beam it maintains the gain and F/B ratio of a typical full
size tribander. The whole antenna weight is only 6kg (12 lbs) making it ideally suited for portable use. It can be carried and installed easily by a single person. A small push-up mast and a TV rotator is totally sufficient, saving even more weight on the total setup. The transportation length is only 1.20m. Radio interfacing This is what we use for RTTY and PSK31 modes. Eexcellent piece for Interfacing to a radio and computer, works very well with most of all Logging programs (N1MM, Writelog, CTK1EA, Logger, Looger32, etc. etc) you have PTT control and sound card control. In my last trip to West Africa, I've been very frustrated with my inoperation on FSK , PSK31 and SSTV, so we decide to found a good equipment. There are a few on Market, with a good performance. Permitting transmit all modes, of course including digital modes (RTTY,PSK31etc.etc) . With a electronic Keyer it's very good for the exactable CW operator. You can made your own interface with a couple of diodes, and transistors and line transformer, but you don't have computer and radio control buttons and we never know on day we can damage the transceiver or computer with excess overload. You may also obtain technical support by e-mail or telephone at [MICROHAM]; and by e-mail . Laptop (Portable Computer) My Portable Computer it's always with me for logging programs ( I've N1MM(thanks Max,I8NHJ) I've Logger, I've Logger32, MixW , I also work for my FUJIFILM Camera at the end of the day I transfer my phtos to the computer (I use 3 separate cards) I still have the same proprieties, nothing change from last operations. My experience is if everything working fine why you need to update ? So i still work with my old ASUS L8400. And believe me give me a lot of fun ! You may also obtain technical support by e-mail or telephone at [ASUS]; and by e-mail .
INFOR HOBBY Peritos em recuperação de dados. Reparação de Computadores na HORA! DX WEB CLUSTER ( Thanks to EA4TD Oscar)
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