Banners provide online information on radio propagation conditions for specific ham bands, including current status and numerical values, based on real-time data from various sources.
Please see the following banner courtesy of Paul L Herrman, N0NBH as an example:
Explanations for the numerical indices displayed on this banner:
Aurora indicates the strength of the ionization of the E-region in the polar regions
MUF Boulder - Maximum Usable Frequency (MHz) at Boulder, CO, USA, updated every 15 minutes.
HF conditions are global average predictions over 24 hours. The regional conditions may differ significantly.
GeoMag Field - Calculated - Earth`s Geomagnetic based on K-Index. Updated every 3 hours.
Sig Noise Lvl - Calculated every ½ hour: S-units (Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Activity)
Read more about Solar-Terrestrial Data relevant to Global Propagation Conditions