Communication between Spectrum Lab and other programs

1. Contents / Overview

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. The integrated HTTP server
    1. Configuration
    2. Troubleshooting / "If the HTTP server port is already occupied"
    3. Accessing the HTTP server from the internet
    4. OpenWebRX as an alternative for SL's old (default) 'Server Pages'
      1. OpenWebRX operating principle (as implemented in Spectrum Lab!)
      2. Customizing SL's Web RX server
    5. The HTTP server's Event Log
    6. The HTTP server's IP address blacklist / blocklist
    7. The HTTP server's 'Statistics' display
    8. The HTTP server's 'Clients' list
    9. Signal analysis via Javascript (using the HTTP server)
  4. Communication using WM_COPYDATA messages (deprecated)

See also: SL's main index   or the   keyword index 'A .. Z'

2. Introduction

Some sophisticated applications required the control of Spectrum Lab by other programs, and vice versa (Spectrum Lab controlling other programs). This chapter describes the two possibilities: The tiny HTTP server integrated in Spectrum Lab, and a system using windows messages. The latter may be a bit simpler if both programs run on the same machine, but HTTP and HTML / Javascript (especially with HTML5 and WebSockets) have come a long way since the early days, thus in most of this document, we will focus on communication via HTTP, and leave the old windows-specific WM_COPYDATA method for the end of this file.

3. The integrated HTTP server

For remotely controlled operation of Spectrum Lab, you can use the integrated HTTP server. This has the following advantages:

Downside: Sending HTTP requests, and receiving the response (from the client's point of view) is not as fast as exchanging WM_COPYDATA messages locally (as explained in the next chapter). Details about the HTTP server inside SL can be found in the server_pages directory after the installation. There are some examples (HTML with javascript) in the server_pages directory too. If you read this document while SpecLab runs on the same machine, with the server enabled, try this link to check the remote control examples:   or   http://localhost/

( is a dummy IP address of the local machine, and 80 is the default port number for HTTP = hypertext transport protocol )

3.1 HTTP server configuration

To configure the built-in HTTP server, select "Options"..."Configure and supervise HTTP Server" in SL's main menu.

Config tab
Network name of this machine :   ( shows the PC's name, as seen in the LAN (local area network) )

Local IP Address (of this PC) :   ( also just a display for convenience, can be used as browser address )

HTTP Server Port (default=80) :  (enter the IP port number under which the server shall be accessed in the LAN)

Root directory for HTTP Server :
( this is the name of the folder on your harddisk,  where the web server's HTML pages, Javascript, and other files are stored.
 The HTTP server also uses this directory to store temporary files, like JPEGs with the current spectrogram, etc). You can alternatively enter the full path of your modified OpenWebRX 'htdocs' pages here. Finally, you can also drop an IP address blacklist / blocklist file (ipblocklist.txt) into this folder to keep out malicious visitors.


    [ ] enable HTTP server (must be checked to activate the server)

    [ ] allow _iproc.html and _ifunc.html (check this if you allow others to remotely control contrast, brightness,
                     and remotely call functions in Spectrum Lab's interpreter via Javascript in your browser )

    [ ] allow remote clients to control my radio (unchecked by default)
                      Without this option, remote clients can only listen and see the spectrum,
                      but are not able to 'QSY' (via their web browser), switch modes, etc.

Max number of simultaneous connections, Update images only when older than X seconds, Bandwidth limit...:
   These parameters should speak for themselves. They can be used to limit the bandwidth
   when this HTTP server is used as a 'real' web server (which can be accessed from the world wide web).


Buttons on the right side of the HTTP server control panel
'Apply' : Apply settings on this tabsheet
'Help' : Show help about the current tabsheet
'Test' : Invokes the HTTP server in the web browser on the local machine (
'Audio' : Opens SL's Audio Stream Server control panel

To let others remotely look at the current spectrogram through their web browsers, it's enough to enable the HTTP server (the first option set, the other two not set). By default, after installing Spectrum Lab, this option (and all other HTTP-server related options) are in their safest state, which means they are 'off' (=not enabled).
To let others remotely adjust the spectrogram's display and brightness, the option 'allow _iproc.html' + '_ifunc.html' must be set, too. Technically, this option allows to call interpreter functions, and interpreter procedures through two special html pages named '_iproc.html' = remote procedure call, and '_ifunc.htm' = remote function calls. An example for remote control via Javascript is in the sample server pages ('server_pages/controls.htm'). A few 'potentially dangerous' interpreter commands can not be called from the HTTP server even if this option is set - see next paragraph.
The option allow remote control ("exec") should only be used in a LAN, because "exec" can be used to launch OS commands ! Do not set this option if the server is accessable through the internet. This (potentially dangerous) option is always off by default, furthermore it is only usable along with the two other options (because from Javascript, "exec" can only be invoked through the '_iproc.html' page mentioned above. Interpreter commands which, from he HTTP server, can only be called with this option are: exec, send, fopen/fread/fwrite .

Again, details about SL's integrated HTTP server, and the 'things you can do with a bit of Javascript' can be found in the server_pages (the 'readme' is intended for developers, please read it. The README about the server pages is in the folder with SL's example server pages, thus this link doesn't work in the "online copy" of SL's html-based help system) .

Note: If -besides the HTTP server- you also use the Audio-via-raw-TCP/IP-Server, take care not to use the same IP port number for these functions. Both servers use the IP address of the machine on which they run, so you must use a different port number for the HTTP server and the audio server. BTW, the default port number for an HTTP server is 80.

3.2 HTTP server troubleshooting

On some occasions, the TCP port number (e.g. 80 for the HTTP server) was already occupied by some other applications or services. For example, under Windows 10, port 80 was always occupied by 'the system' ("windows itself"), causing the 'bind' command in SL's server to fail (with an entry in the HTTP server's own error log). If all goes well and SL can accept connections on the port configured for the HTTP server, you will see something like this in the HTTP server's "Event Log" (one of the tabsheets in the tiny control window):
20:42:34.909 HTTP Server Started: YHF6 [] on port 80
Otherwise, if the port cannot be bound to Spectrum Lab, you would see error messages like the following:
bind() error : Address already in use
  or (often seen under Windows 10 which hijacked port 80 as shown further below) :
bind() error : Permission denied
To find out if and which process occupies a certain port, use the 'netstat' command as shown in the example below. For bizarre reasons, you need to open a command window (run 'cmd.exe' as administrator to execute 'netstat -abnop TCP' on Windows 10). Ask your favourite search engine about how to do that on your windows version (7,8,10). If all works as planned, the netstat command should show something like the this:

netstat -abnop TCP

Aktive Verbindungen

  Proto  Lokale Adresse         Remoteadresse          Status           PID
  TCP             ABHÖREN (listening) 4416
 [SpecLab.exe]           (<- ah, that's us, ok.)

The same command launched under Windows 10 (using 'power shell' with admin privileges), after the 'Permission denied' error shown in SL's HTTP event log:

netstat -abnop TCP

Aktive Verbindungen

  Proto  Lokale Adresse         Remoteadresse          Status           PID
  TCP             ABHÖREN (listening) 4
 Es konnten keine Besitzerinformationen abgerufen werden.
 ( "Can not obtain ownership information" - maybe because it's a system service )
With the above output from netstat, the culprit that held port 80 occupied was a strange 'World Wide Web Publishing Service' / 'WWW Publishingdienst', which could be disabled via windows 'Services' / 'Dienste' (run services.msc to stop and deactivate that service, unless you really want the operating system to run its own HTTP server in the background to 'publish' your files).

3.3 Accessing the HTTP server from the internet

Even though SL's tiny web server wasn't designed for dozens of clients simultaneously accessing it through the internet, here are the basic steps for achieving that using 'normal equipment' like a domestic ADSL connection, using a Fritzbox DSL router.

Step 1 : Setup up a TCP port forwarding in your DSL router.
In a Fritzbox with german user interface, this used to be under Internet ... Freigaben ... Portfreigaben. Create a new entry with the TCP port number seen 'on the internet' (e.g. port 81), the TCP port number used in your local network (e.g. port 80, must be the same as configured in SL's 'HTTP Server Port', 80 is just the default). Also let your 'Fritzbox' (or whatever) know the name of the computer that runs Spectrum Lab. In the Fritzbox, they use the computer's hostname, not the numeric IP, for this purpose. You can see the computer's name (for the network) in SL's HTTP Server configuration dialog, labelled 'Network name of this machine'.

Step 2 : Enable the local TCP server port in your computer's Firewall.
In the windows (8) system control, select Windows Firewall ... Advanced Settings / Erweiterte Einstellungen. This opened another window with a rather confusing 'overview', titled 'Windows-Firewall mit erweiterter Sicherheit - Lokaler Computer' in my case. There's a line under this title saying :
"Eingehende Verbindungen, für die es keine Regel gibt, werden blockiert" /
"Inbound connections that do not match a rule are blocked".
You don't want to change this !
Instead, add a rule especially for SL's HTTP server ('listening port'). In this example, the local port (not necessarily the same as "the port seen in the internet") is 80, but your mileage may vary.
  - Right-click Inbound Rules (Eingehende Regeln),
  - in the popup menu, New Rule (Neue Regel),
  - in the "rule creation wizard", check Port (not 'Program'),
  - click Continue,
  - Does this rule apply to TCP or UDP ? Set checkmark for TCP
  - Specific local ports : 80 (or whatever you use for SL)
  - click Continue,
  - check Allow the connection (even those without IPsec)
  - click Continue,
  - When does this rule apply ? Check: Domain, Private, Public /
  - Enter a name for this rule, e.g. "HTTP"; Finish
If you're pedantic, you can limit the application of this rule to only the intended program (under windows 8.1, firefall rules could be edited by double-clicking into the tabular display under 'Inbound Rules').

Note: Step 2 may even be necessary if you want to access the HTTP server from another PC in your local network (LAN, WiFi).

Step 3 : Check if you can access the web server with a 2nd PC in your local network.
You can either enter the numeric IP (if you know the right one, since a PC may have multiple local IP address, or (better) the hostname of the PC that runs the web server. Some stubborn browsers assume you want to 'google' (search) for something if you enter a short string in the wanna-be-clever address bar.
In such cases, convince the browser that you don't want to search, for something, but to establish a connection using HTTP.
Sometimes it helps to append a forward slash after the hostname, to prevent the browser from searching the WWW for the name.
For example, the 'SpecLab HTTP Server' control panel may show:
  Network name of this machine : YHF6   and
  Local IP addresses:
(the latter turned out the WiFi adapter - ask 'ipconfig /all' if you really need to know).
In this example, enter either
  YHF6/       or
  http://yhf6/     (the casing doesn't matter in the URL)   or even
  http://yhf6:80/   (you only need to specify the port if not equal to 80).
If the hostname doesn't work try of the numeric IPs shown on SL's server control panel, or try the "IPv4 address" listed by command 'ipconfig /all' for the adapter (Ethernet or Wireless) you intend to use.
If all works well, you will see the main page of SL's old server pages, or (alternatively, as described in the next chapter) the OpenWebRX page.

Step 4 : Let a friend try to access your server from his internet service provider.
If your DSL modem/router doesn't have a static public IPv4 address (in the internet), ask a site like WhatIsMyIP, or use a 'dynamic DNS' providing service (a few of them are really free, not just for 30 days) so your server can be reached through a fixed URL.
 Hinweis für deutsche Fritzbox-Anwender /
 Hint for german users of a 'Fritzbox' :
Die Option 'Internetzugriff auf die Fritzbox über HTTPS aktivieren'
unter 'Internet / Freigaben/ FRITZ!Box-Dienste'
ist für den Betrieb eines DynDNS-Dienstes (wie z.B. 'dynv6') nicht erforderlich.
Then ask a friend to enter that address, followed by the port number from step 1 (if you decided not to use port 80 in the WWW).
On the 'Event Log' tab, Spectrum Lab's HTTP server panel should now show something like this (where HHH.HHH.HHH.HHH is your friend's public IP address):

23:20:07.110 Connection #2 accepted on socket 420 from: HHH.HHH.HHH.HHH
23:20:07.438 C:\OpenWebRX\htdocs\index.wrx
23:20:07.438 Closing socket 420, ti=0.3 s, rcvd=355, sent=13933 byte.
23:20:07.579 Connection #2 accepted on socket 984 from: HHH.HHH.HHH.HHH
23:20:07.579 C:\OpenWebRX\htdocs\sdr.js
23:20:07.594 Connection #3 accepted on socket 756 from: HHH.HHH.HHH.HHH
23:20:07.594 C:\OpenWebRX\htdocs\mathbox-bundle.min.js
          .. etc, etc, until all requested resouces have been loaded,
             and OpenWebRX starts sending spectra and audio through a WebSocket (WS):
23:20:11.485 Opened WS /ws/61F0F85EF03AE14A072B85FB3934CCC1 . Sending response header: 147 bytes on socket 960.
23:20:11.485 Initial WS frame to socket 960 : CLIENT DE SERVER
23:20:11.657 WS frame to socket 960 : MSG center_freq=7020042 bandwidth=40084 fft_size=475 ... setup
          .. etc, etc, until the remote client decides to leave:
23:21:48.237 Closed by remote client despite KEEP_ALIVE : no error
23:21:48.237 Closing socket 960, ti=76.9 s, rcvd=693, sent=558548 byte.
A similar procedure as described above may also be necessary for non-HTTP audio streams 'served' to the web by Spectrum Lab, as described here (in an extra file).

3.4 OpenWebRX as an alternative for SL's old 'HTTP Server Pages'

The following is an extract from server_pages/README_server_pages.html (this link only works when reading the help system on your local harddisk, after installing SL with the original 'HTTP server pages'. It's not available online).

Spectrum Lab's tiny HTTP server was drilled up to play with HA7ILM's OpenWebRX. The original OpenWbRX server only works under Linux and uses a bunch of "modern" C++ features (with many Linux/Posix dependencies) and relied lot on Python 2.7. The HTTP server in Spectrum Lab doesn't - it's "stoneage technologie" using only the standard Berkeley socket API, if that means anything to you - but that's why SL's server doesn't support HTTPS.

Small screenshot of OpenWebRX, 'hosted' by Spectrum Lab's HTTP server,
showing an IC-7300's "Spectrum Scope" remotely in a web browser.
It also delivers the receiver's audio output to multiple remote clients.

Spectrum Lab's entire HTTP server (including the new OpenWebRX server module) is exclusively written in C / C++ (no Python at all).
All that was 'recycled' (and later heavily modified) for the OpenWebRX-alike server are the contents of the original OpenWebRX 'htdocs' folder (more on that further below), which you can use instead of the stoneage pre-HTML5 "server pages" in Spectrum Lab.

The original OpenWebRX itself was available on Github (frozen on 2019-12-29), see .

Also don't miss Andras' BSc thesis about OpenWebRX, which (in 2019) could be downloaded from .

Since 2020-06, a modified variant of the OpenWebRX 'htdocs' folder is available on the DL4YHF website, The archive contains all you need for the OpenWebRX-alike server, including html pages, web receiver template for the main page (index.wrx), stylesheets (*.css), Javascript modules (*.js), and the 'gfx' subdirectory with a few images (*.png) and -maybe- an open source font that was also used in the original OpenWebRX.
Unzip all files and subdirectories from that archive into a directory of your choice (where you, and Spectrum Lab, can access them). In Spectrum Lab's HTTP server settings, enter the file path to your new 'htdocs' under 'Root directory for HTTP Server' (overwriting the original path to SL's stoneage original 'Server Pages'). If OpenWebRX doesn't work, you can easily switch back by re-entering the original directory path.

If you dare to bite the bullet and use Spectrum Lab as an OpenWebRX-like server (with HTTP, not HTTPS), read the next chapters (OpenWebRX operating principle and customizing). If you cannot get the modified OpenWebRX client files running, get help on the Spectrum Lab Users Group.

Again, to keep the default installer for Spectrum Lab as small as possible, the modified OpenWebRX 'htdocs' folder (with HTML documents and Javascript) is not included in the installer, but can be downloaded as a zip file from the author's website (don't trust any other download site, neither "softpedia", nor "freedownloadmanager", nor anyone else because you never know what those sites did to the files).

3.4.1 OpenWebRX operating principle (as implemented in Spectrum Lab!)

If a remote client asks Spectrum Lab's integrated web server for the root document, and there's only a file named 'index.wrx' but no 'index.html' as in Spectrum Lab's own (ancient) 'server pages' directory (configurable - it may be anywhere on your local harddisk), it will read the template file (file with extension wrx) and replace some of the special tags as specified in Andras' BSc thesis (anything beginning with "%[" and ending with "]" after the token), e.g.
Note (1)
Spectrum Lab recognizes only a small subset of what OpenWebRX may use in the special tags of 'index.wrx'. At the time of this writing (01/2019), implementing support for %[RX_PHOTO_HEIGHT], %[RX_PHOTO_TITLE], %[RX_PHOTO_DESC] was considered not worth the effort, since Borland's C++Builder V6 (the environment used to develop Spectrum Lab) didn't even support JPEG files, etc etc. If you want to customize these, edit the file index.wrx after unpacking it from .
Other tokens like %[RX_ANT], %[RX_QRA], etc are replaced by dummy strings.
Note (2)
A similar problem as mentioned on the KiwiSDR website (in 2020) also applies to the OpenWebRX pages when hosted by Spectrum Lab: There's no audio, caused by some "modern" browsers that prevent audio from being played without some kind of user intervention:
  > you may not hear audio due to recent browser changes
  > preventing the autoplay of audio and video.
  > This is especially true with Firefox.
In new browser versions, you only need to confirm you want the audio by clicking the VCR-like "play" button (triangle pointing right). At least Firefox seems to remember this setting, and will not bug you by not playing audio in future on a certain URL.

3.4.2 Customizing Spectrum Lab's OpenWebRX-alike server

As explained in the previous chapter, the entire 'Web SDR' hosted by Spectrum Lab are just a couple of files that you can tailor for your own application. Thus, the entire user interface running in any modern browser is highly customizeable. You can modify the HTML template file (index.wrx), you can modify the appearance by editing the CSS files, and you can add a lot of 'functionality' in Javascript.
Some of the 'appearance' of the user interface is controlled the same way that OpenWebRX ("the original by HA7ILM") embedded customizeable parts of the main page in the HTML template file, index.wrc.
Strings beginning with %[, followed by a keyword preferred in upper case, and ending with a ] will be replaced by a string (text), or even an evaluated expression from SL's built-in interpreter. Some of those keywords are hard-coded in the program. You can add your own keywords along with the the text (strings) that shall replace the %[<keyword>] on the Web RX Config tab, e.g.:

Spectrum Lab's HTTP server control panel with the 'Web RX Config' tab.

After adding new items, or modifying items in the string grid shown in the screenshot (under 'Keywords for the HTML template file'), click on 'Apply and Test (open a client in a web browser)'. This first only 'applies' the new strings (keywords and replacement texts) from the visual table, and stores them in the web server configuration file (sl_webrx_config.txt, located in the configurable 'Root directory for the server'), and finally tries to launch the default web browser on your PC, with the URL of the 'local host' passed via command line (e.g. This works with most, but unfortunately not all browsers.
The result (after customizing some of those fields) may look like this:

OpenWebRX-alike display in a web browser, after customizing via 'Web RX Config' tab.

4.5 The HTTP server's Event Log

When extending the html- and javascript modules from OpenWebRX for use in Spectrum Lab, and testing it as 'web SDR' with multiple listeners connected to a 'single-channel radio' (in my case an IC-7300), the HTTP server's "Event Log" had to be drilled up to see what happened from the server's point of view.
Basically, the log can show the following events, ordered by the time of occurrence:

The check boxes above the editor (near 'Show:') can be used to suppress the display of certain messages:
Show a timestamp (time of day with one-millisecond resolution) for each message
Conn's (connections)
Show when a new TCP connectection was accepted by the server, or rejected, or closed from any side
Show which 'file' (or similar resource) the client has asked for
Msgs (Messages)
This mostly applies to the OpenWebRX server's WebSocket, excluding audio- and waterfall frames (which would quickly flood the log)
Shows additional details, for example the entire initial HTTP request (header). For example, turn the 'Verbose' display to see what a malicious visitor had tried to do, before being blacklisted.

Note: SL's built-in HTTP server will not write its 'Event Log' into an endlessly growing disk file. For logging and in-depth analysis of the network traffic, use tools like Wireshark (highly recommended) or the 'Network analysis' built inside your favourite browser (where you can also debug the Javascript running in the OpenWebRX client).

If your server is connected to the internet (not just your local network), you may occasionally see traffic from port scanners or potential attackers knocking on your door. Don't panic, those attackers rely on features that are simply not implemented in Spectrum Lab, like PHP or other, sometimes vulnerable, server-side programming languages, shell commands executed from the initial GET-request (who on earth would allow this ?).
With the 'verbose'-checkmark on the 'Event Log' panel, you can see the entire HTTP request (often a GET-request, but some bastards even try to POST CGI scripts, which of course doesn't work here as well since we neither support CGI nor PHP nor any other server-side scripting), as in this example of an attempted attack from a botnet ("XTC"):
08:58:32.641 Connection #0 accepted on socket 596 from:
08:58:32.641 #0: 404 - C:\OpenWebRX\htdocs\cgi-bin\mainfunction.cgi
08:58:32.641 #0 hdr[356]="POST /cgi-bin/mainfunction.cgi HTTP/1.1
       User-Agent: XTC
       Content-Length: 189
       Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
       Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
08:58:32.641 Closing #0, socket 596, ti=0.0 s, rcvd=356, sent=0 byte.
Needless to say that 'viktor' (if that was his real name) immediately landed in SL's 'Automatic IP blacklist' - see next chapter.

See also (related subjects in other files):
Audio Stream Server (with its own 'Event Log', not neccessarily using HTTP)

3.6 IP address blacklist / blocklist

SL's integrated web server will automatically blacklist IP addresses if their requests smell 'fishy', in addition to the blocklist file mentioned further below: In addition, you can 'manually' blacklist individual IP addresses or entire domains (by the most significant parts of their IP addresses). Possibly the easiest way for you is to copy an up-to-date "blacklist" (aka "IP Blocklist") into Spectrum Lab's configurable 'server_pages' folder. More on that in the description of the 'server pages' themselves (this link only works when viewed off-line, on your local harddisk, after installing Spectrum Lab).
For example, with the attacker's IP entered in a search engine in June 2020, that address was found in several 'blacklists' / 'blocklists', for example (and by pure coincidence) at,
which seemed to contain the same as this (with a few comment lines added): .

Similar block-lists are available from many sources (if you think you need them), in a similar simple format as specified below.

Each line in the list that Spectrum Lab is supposed to load must only contain the to-be-blocked numeric IP address - nothing else, with a few exceptions (like the '#' or ';' character to mark the begin of a comment line).
Save the file as ipblocklist.txt or ci-badguys.txt (not as *.ipset !) in Spectrum Lab's configurable Root directory for HTTP Server Pages. Even though located in the 'Server Pages' folder, that file (ipblocklist.txt) is not accessable via GET / POST from the outside world.

Blocked IP addresses will not even get a "404 File Not Found"-response from SL's HTTP server. In fact, they will receive precisely ZERO BYTES, and no 'response header' at all, to keep the bandwidth consumed for those bastards as low as possible. All you will see from their activty in the Event Log will be something like
20:17:05.796 Loaded 14635 entries from C:\OpenWebRX\htdocs\ipblocklist.txt
20:17:05.827 HTTP Server Started: YHF6 on port 80
20:17:59.409 Connection denied from IP (in IP-blocklist)
Furthermore, on the server's 'Statistics' tab, they may appear blacklisted as follows:
Blacklist:IP     Status       Reason for blacklisting  blacklisted   tried PHP  blacklisted   tried to POST    blacklisted   in the IP-blocklist
("tried to POST" here means "tried to POST out of the blue, when there was no good reason to do so". In certain situations, e.g. after filling out a 'form' in an HTML document previously loaded via GET from the same IP a POST request is perfectly ok, and no indication of 'hacking').

3.7 The HTTP server's 'Statistics' display

The 'Statistics' tab gives a quick overview about the server usage, the number of connections (TCP sockets) currently in use, etc, and a list of malicious (and now blacklisted) visitors.

Screenshot of Spectrum Lab's HTTP Server control panel, 'Statistics' tab

The above screenshot was made when the support for OpenWebRX was still in the development phase. As on most other tabs, the info area uses a simple text editor, from which you can copy & paste the info as plain text. For example, if you want to know details about one of the 'automatic blacklisted' visitors, you can copy his IP address from here into the windows clipboard. Also copy the entire Event Log (in 'Verbose' display mode) into your favourite text editor (or RichText editor if you want to keep the colour highlighting). Then search the entire log for the bad guy's IP address. If you are familiar with HTTP, the request header shows what the attacker was trying to achieve.

If the info text under Reason for blacklisting shows
in the IP-blocklist,
the "visitor" is one of the already known bad guys, contained in the imported blacklist (aka blocklist).
If the info text shows
tried PHP,   tried to POST,   or similar,
then SL has blacklisted him automatically. You could copy his IP into the blocklist (manually) for any 'future visit' but this isn't worth the effort, because those IP addresses are frequently changed.

3.8 The HTTP server's 'Clients' list

Even though SL's web server was never intended to serve the 'world wide web', there's some rudimentary bookkeeping in it that may help you to supervise it. For each new visitor, the server adds an entry with the visitor's IP address, and (maybe, in future) the user name.
To check the entries in the server's client list, select "Options"..."Configure and supervise HTTP Server" in SL's main menu, then (in the 'SpecLab HTTP Server' window) switch to the 'Clients' tab.
The display is simple: Only one line per client, with the following data presented in text columns (possibly truncated if the strings get too long):
  1. Remote client's public IP address
  2. Client's user name (perferrable ham radio callsign)
  3. Date and time of first visit ..
  4. Date and time of last visit
The 'Msg' field can be used to send a single line of text into a client's 'log' (in the orginal OpenWebRX client GUI, that log could be opened and closed by the operator, and only showed messages generated from the Javascript in htdocs/openwebrx.js . In the variant modified by DL4YHF, the server can also 'push' messages into this log via Web Socket).
After entering your message text, click 'Send msg to all clients' (sends to everyone that is currently connected to your server) or 'Send to selected client' (sends only to the client currently selected, i.e. with the blinking text cursor in the message list).

3.9 Signal analysis via Javascript (using the HTTP server)

Some -not all- of SL's interpreter functions can also be invoked from Javascript running in a web browser (even remotely, i.e. in a web browser which runs on a different machine, tablet PC, smartphone, etc).
Details are in the "readme"-file in Spectrum Lab's HTTP server pages directory, which you will find on your harddisk after installing it.
As shown in chapter 2.1, this kind of 'remote procedure call' or 'remote function call' can be disabled by unchecking [ ] allow _iproc.html and _ifunc.html on the 'HTTP Server Configuration' tab.
If you read this document on a PC that runs the HTTP server with the original 'server pages', the following link opens

4. Communication using WM_COPYDATA messages

For this task, a simple communication protocol which uses WM_COPYDATA messages was implemented (long ago). The WM_COPYDATA method still works, but it has been superseded by the HTTP server which is highly recommended for any new project. WM_COPYDATA is windows-specific, and it only works between applications running on the same machine. HTTP can work between any two machines (even worldwide), and is not restricted to a certain operation system.

Detailed information about the WM_COPYDATA protocol (for fellow programmers) can still be found on the author's website, search for the file yhf_comm_info.htm, titled

Communication between windows programs using WM_COPYDATA messages

(If the link fails due to server problems, copy the title into your favourite search engine - you may find the file on my "backup" site too)

I didn't include it in the Spectrum Lab documentation because it is used in other projects too (and there shall not be outdated copies of that document all over the place.. ;-) . So follow the above link for the latest up-to-date description of DL4YHF's "YHF_COMM" protocol if you are considering to...

No idea what such an application could be ? You can send any interpreter command which is mentioned in the SL manual in a WM_COPYDATA message, so you could..

The other way around, you can also

All this is possible ... but, due to the unavoidable time lag in the windows message processing system, this message system is not suitable for "tough" real-time operation. Expect a delay of some milliseconds until the command you sent to SL has been executed, and your program receives the result message.

All you have to know -in addition to the general message protocol- are the MODULE-ID's and COMMAND-ID's which are used to invoke the interpreter commands and -functions through WM_COPYDATA messages. The next chapter gives an overview of these values.

To send a windows message to Spectrum Lab, you must know its windows handle. This can be found with a WinAPI function called "FindWindow". For convenience, don't search for the window's title (which may change depending on the version), use the window's class name (lpClassName, which is the first parameter for "FindWindow"). The class name of Spectrum Lab's main window is TSpectrumLab. But this is not the only possibility:
To support communication between two instances of SpecLab running on the same PC, the program now uses the following additional names (for programmers: SL creates an extra invisible window for this purpose, which has a unique class name) :

The old class name "TSpectrumLab" (for the main window) remains for backward compatibility.

For testing purposes, open the "Command Window" in Spectrum Lab, and let it show all received and sent traffic in the message list (in the command window: "Options".."show Inter-Application Comm's").

Module- and Command Identifiers in Spectrum Lab

Module Identifiers for DL4YHF's inter-application message handler
Module Identifier Meaning
CL Command Line Interpreter
AU Audio Data

The third and fourth character in the message's dwData parameter contain the "command". They are specific to the "module ID". Here are the most important "command IDs" for the Command Line Interpreter built inside DL4YHF's Spectrum Lab:

Command Identifiers for the command line interpreter in DL4YHF's Spectrum Lab
Command Identifier Meaning
CF Calculate Function (with result returned in response message)
EC Execute Command (no result, will not send a response message)

Example: To stop the spectrum analyser, send the following message..

 // Set module ID "CL"  + command ID "EC" :
 cds.dwData = ('C')+((DWORD)'L'>>8)+((DWORD)'E'>>16)+((DWORD)'C'>>24);
 cds.lpData = "spectrum.pause=1";        // command sent to SpecLab's interpreter
 cds.cbData = strlen((char*)cds.lpData); // count of bytes in data block

How to send audio streams per WM_COPYDATA is explained in the next chapter.

Notes (on the use of WM_COPYDATA):

See also: Spectrum Lab's main index, Spectrum Lab's interpreter commands / send(), interpreter functions (in separate documents).

Sending uncompressed Audio via WM_COPYDATA

Note: If possible, do not use this feature, because it is not available under non-windows operating systems; and both sender and receiver must be running on the same PC. Better use one of the UDP or TCP/IP-based methods (like web streams or even HTTP) : They allow sending audio over a local network, and even work between PCs running different operating systems (like Windows and Linux).

The first use for this principle was the "winamp-to-SpecLab" plugin; the WM_COPYDATA method was chosen for simplicity.

As explained in the previous chapter, the four bytes (here: four characters) in the dwData parameter of the WM_COPYDATA message must contain the "module identifier" (here: "AU" for audio data), followed by the "command identifier" (here: "SD" = stream data).

Below is the sourcecode of a C function which sends a block of audio samples through a WM_COPYDATA message (actually taken from audiomsg.c). The T_AudioMsgBuffer structure contains the audio block, and some information about the audio stream (like the number of channels, the sampling rate, etc). It is defined in the file audiomsg.h which is available in the archive "".
The same data structures are used when sending audio streams via UDP or TCP/IP. An introduction to the sound utilities is here.
Details, header files, and "C" sourcecodes of a simple test application which uses WM_COPYDATA to send a test signal to Spectrum Lab are included in the zipped archive.

See also: Spectrum Lab's main index, Keyword index ('A to Z'), Spectrum Lab's interpreter commands, interpreter functions (in separate documents).

Last modified : 2020-10-23

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