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KH6HPZ Repeater Overview and Registration Page

KH6HPZ Repeater is a DSTAR repeater operating with the Hawaii State Civil Defense RACES program to provide communications using DSTAR during times of emergency. The repeater is currently transmitting two watts. During non-emergencies, it is available for normal amateur radio use. Contacts on the repeater should be limited to 15 minutes per QSO contact.

Email AH6RH to be registered with the KH6HPZ Gateway.

KH6HPZ B UHF Repeater

Users may use the KH6HPZ B repeater locally to make local contacts with the metropolitan Honolulu area. The frequency is 442.000 MHz.

KH6HPZ Gateway Registration

If you wish to use the KH6HPZ gateway to make contacts beyond the KH6HPZ B repeater, email AH6RH to be registered with the KH6HPZ Gateway. Note that the KH6HPZ repeater and gateway are shared resources and that registered gateway users agree to give priority to emergency communications per FCC Part 97.101(e), and to observe a 15 minute limit per QSO contact.

Gateway users should be mindful of

See ARRL.ORG for information on FCC Part 97.

International third party (non-ham) communications are not allowed. Contact AH6RH if you wish to use the repeater for third party events such as JOTA (Jamboree On The Air).

Operational Aids

These sites list real-time information about DSTAR activity.

DSTAR Reflectors and Links

Reflectors are like phone conference bridges. They allow more than one DSTAR repeaters to link together and allow all linked repeaters to hear the person talking.

You can also link two DSTAR repeaters together, and disconnect them at your leisure. When you link the repeaters and make a call with UR=CQCQCQ, RPT1=KH6HPZ B and RPT2=KH6HPZ G, persons on both repeaters can hear your conversation.

Gateway Voice Status Messages

Here is a list of DSTAR Gateway Voice Status messages.

  • "Remote System Is Currently Busy" - Normal: You attempted a "L" command to link to a remote repeater and the remote repeater is already linked or is having issues establishing a new link. Abnormal: You attempted a "L" command to link to a repeater and your local gateway is not synchronized. Check DSync Gateway Status Reporting System for the latest reported status.
  • "Not Currently Linked" - Normal: The repeater was unlinked, and you used an "I" command to inquire or you attempted a "U" to unlink it. Abnormal: The abnormal condition has not yet encountered and documented.


The ID-31A is Icom's newest handheld DSTAR radio. There are a number of web pages that provide information and support for the ID-31A.

How to set up the ID-31A settings to enable DPRS position reporting.

  • GPS > GPS Set > GPS Select > Internal GPS (If you want to turn on and use the built-in GPS)
  • GPS > GPS TX Mode > GPS-A (DV-A)
  • GPS > Auto TX > 1 min (if you want to automatically report your position every minute)
  • Make sure your DSTAR repeater gateway is specified in the RPT2 field
  • SSID -7 is recommended for the ID-31A. APRS SSIDs.

These are products/pages that support the repeater directory feature within the ID-31A UHF DSTAR handheld transceiver.

Find out more by contacting:  rhashiro(remove this part)@hawaiiantel.net
Copyright © 1997-2015 Ron Hashiro
August 8, 2012 Updated: October 28, 2012

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