My Books
Copyright DEC 2023 Andrew Barron ZL3DW
The Radio Today guide to the IC-905 will be released on the 16th of May. The Kindle edition will be available for pre-order.

The IC-905 is a great radio and definitely worth considering if you are interested in the microwave bands. The longer I used it the more I liked it. Some say that it is expensive, but there are many things to consider, such as the price of buying a different radio, plus transverters, plus a GPS disciplined reference oscillator. The IC-905 covers the complete band not just the single frequency of some transverters, and it is far easier to configure. You even get D-Star, cross-band operation, and video (to another IC-905).

The book has a longer introduction than usual to help you decide if the radio is a good option for you. I have discussed how you can use the rig, and the positives and negatives for using it for the QO-100 satellite, or DX.
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