1. Participants
The VEFF program is open to the following participants:
- Activators
- Hunters
- SWLs
Activators are those amateurs who operate portable from within a
designated VEFF reference area.
Hunters are those amateurs who make contact with Activators who
are operating portable from within a designated WWFF reference area.
Short Wave Listeners are those who hear and log the activities of
Activators operating portable within a designated WWFF reference area.
2 Frequencies and Modes
The VEFF program encourages the use of all modes. The modes
used by an Activator will be the choice of the Activator.
General SSB and CW frequencies will be on, or near the following:
Phone: 3.744, 7.144, 14.244, 18.144, 21.244, 24.944, 28.444 MHz
CW: 3.544, 7.024, 10.124, 14.044, 18.084, 21.044, 24.894, 28.044 MHz
Digital/RTTY: within the current Canadian bandplan for these modes.
6 metres and up can also be used, but must be Simplex ONLY. The
use of repeaters will not be allowed (see 3.9)
3 Terms of activation of VEFF reference areas
3.1 WWFF program commencement date
The WWFF program commenced in November 2012. However, qualifying
logs from activations preceding this date can be provided for
upload to Logsearch dating back to 30th June 2008.
3.2 Appropriate licence to be held
All participating amateurs must hold an appropriate amateur radio
licence, and must abide by all licence issuer conditions.
3.3 Qualifying reference areas
Activators are only permitted to activate one reference area at
a time.
There are some instances where a VEFF reference area borders
Care must be taken to ensure that the correct reference is
3.5 References contained within another reference area
There are some instances where a VEFF reference area is located
within the boundaries of another VEFF reference area. In these
cases, activity is only allowed under one VEFF reference area at
a time.
3.6 Marine Parks
When activating Marine Parks and areas where the activation zone
is only a natural water area, all equipment must be kept on board
the ship or vessel, or on a coastal area located within 100 metres
(300 feet) of the protected High Water tidal mark.
3.7 Mobile operation
Operation from your motor vehicle is accepted.
3.8 Activations from buildings within park
Valid activations can be made from dwellings or other buildings
located within park boundaries, e.g. some amateurs reside within
park boundaries.
3.9 Forms of operation not allowed
3.9.1 Aeronautical mobile (AM) on board any aircraft (e.g. plane,
helicopter, hang glider, balloon, blimp, etc) located above a
VEFF reference area is not allowed.
3.9.2 Contacts via Repeaters, IRLP, Remote stations, Echolink do
not count for valid QSO's. Communication via Satellite like QO-100
is accepted.
3.9.3 Contacts via remote stations are not allowed.
3.9.4 Duplicate log contacts within the same UTC day (00:00 to
23:59 UTC) are not allowed. Example: same call, band and mode.
3.10 Power sources
There is no restriction on the type of power source that can
be used during an activation however green power is preferred.
3.11 Valid contact exchange
Valid contacts will include an exchange between the activator
and the hunter of their respective call signs, a signal report,
and wherever possible the WWFF reference number.
3.12 Time operating from the reference
There is no time limit that an activator must operate from
a reference.
3.13 Time between activations
There is no restriction with regards to time between one activation
and a subsequent activation (see 3.9.4).
3.14 In the spirit of VEFF
3.14.1 All participants are expected to be fully aware of the VEFF
rules and are expected to adhere to the rules.
3.14.2 If it is established that a participant has not complied with
the rules, the activation may be declared void.
3.14.3 The VEFF National coordinator or Log Manager reserves the
right to request documentary proof of an activation should the need
arise. Failure to do so may result in the activation being declared
3.14.4 The VEFF National coordinator also reserves the right to
impose possible sanctions on any participant who has not participated
in the spirit of the VEFF program.
4. Activator information
4.1 Only valid references will count
Ensure you are in a valid VEFF reference area that appears in
the current VEFF / WWFF directory listing.
4.2 Lawful access is required
It is the responsibility of the activator to ensure that access to
the reference area is permitted. This includes using lawful access
routes into the reference area, and compliance with all relevant
local laws and regulations whilst in the reference area.
4.3 Unlawful access to a reference area
Unlawful access may deem the activation to be invalid.
4.4 Working within boundaries of the reference
While activating a VEFF reference area, all equipment (including
antenna/s, transceiver/s, power supply/ies, etc) must be within the
boundaries of the relevant VEFF reference area.
Data can be found at https://www.protectedplanet.net/
WWFF suggests the use of Google Earth or Google Maps to display
and set area boundaries.
4.5 How to call CQ
Activators are encouraged to call 'CQ WWFF', 'CQ World Wide Flora
Fauna' or 'CQ parks', CQ 44 ....
Activators are also encouraged to explain the VEFF / WWFF program
to any hunters who call, who are unfamiliar with the program.
4.6 Forty four (44) QSOs required
4.6.1 For all VEFF activations, a minimum of 44 QSOs are required
for the VEFF activation to be valid.
4.6.2 Contacts with the same individual using a club call sign, a
vanity call sign, or a special event call sign for example, are
allowed and will count towards the 44 QSO threshold.
4.6.3 A contact with the same call sign on a different band or on
a different mode, counts as a separate QSO.
4.6.4 A contact with a station from a portable location who then
goes mobile, counts towards the 44 QSO total.
4.6.5 A duplicate contact (same call, band and mode) will not count
and will be deducted from your QSO total.
4.7 Accrual of 44 QSOs over multiple activation
4.7.1 The 44 QSOs can be accrued over multiple activations. They do
not have to be attained during one activation.
e.g. activate a VEFF reference area today and attain 22 QSOs. Then
return a week later and attain a further 22 QSOs. You have now
qualified the VEFF reference area.
4.7.2 Duplicate QSOs (same call, band and mode) will not count over
multiple activations and will be deducted from your 44 QSO total.
4.8 Invalid contacts
4.8.1 The exchange of call signs and a signal report are required
for the contact to be valid. Call signs and signal reports are not
to be relayed by other stations.
4.8.2 Activators and Hunters are encouraged to exchange accurate
signal reports, not just 5/9.
4.8.3 Duplicate log contacts will not be allowed. Example: same
call, band and mode. Duplicate contacts for a submitted log will
be deducted from your total QSO count for that log. This rule also
applies to repeat activity from a reference when an activator has
to do more than one activation to reach the 44 QSO per reference
4.9 Club call signs or special event call signs
4.9.1 For all VEFF activations undertaken by a club, a minimum
of 200 QSOs are required for the VEFF activation to be valid.
4.9.2 If an activation is undertaken using a club call sign or
a special event call sign, the operator using that call will also
get credit for the reference, provided that the call sign of the
operator is specified in the ADIF file or CSV file.
4.10 Consideration to other users of the reference area
VEFF activators will ensure that their operation does not impact
on the enjoyment and safety of other users of the reference area
that they are activating. This includes such issues as excessive
noise, tripping hazards from antennas, etc.
VEFF activators are to be cognisant that they are representing the
wider amateur radio community whilst activating. VEFF activators are
encouraged to engage with the community and park officials.
4.11 Consideration for wildlife and the environment
VEFF activators will ensure that they will observe due diligence
with regards to wildlife they encounter during any activation.
Activators are not to cause any damage to the environment in which
they operate. This includes deliberate damage or actions resulting
from recklessness. It also includes littering. Whatever you take to
the activation, please take home with you.
5. Safety issues for Activators
5.1 Safety of activator and others
VEFF activators are to ensure that any activation does not impact
on their own safety and that of other users of the reference area.
5.2 Participation in WWFF at own risk
VEFF activators participate in the WWFF program entirely at their
own risk. The WWFF Committee shall accept no responsibility for
injury, loss of life, or any other loss.
6. Providing Activator logs
6.1 Log must be submitted to claim the reference
For the accreditation of a VEFF area as an Activator, you are
required to submit an electronic log (ADIF file or CSV template)
of all QSOs made.
Only ADIF or the CSV template will be accepted. Other forms of
log, e.g. handwritten, typed, spreadsheets are not acceptable.
It is not the role of the National coordinators to convert logs
into ADIF or CSV. This is the responsibility of the activator.
6.2 Log submission to National coordinator
The log is to be submitted to the relevant National coordinator
or Log manager who in turn will upload the log to Logsearch.
Activators do not upload their own logs.
6.3 Vetting of logs for accuracy
Please vet your log for any potential errors prior to submitting it
to the National coordinator. Simple errors such as wrong reference
area quoted, incomplete or inaccurate call signs, dupes, or logs not
in the appropriate format, simply means delay in uploading the files
and additional work for both the National coordinator and the park
activator concerned.
6.4 ADIF files
The log may be submitted in ADIF format (Amateur Data Interchange
format). ADIF is an open standard for exchange of data between ham
radio software packages available from different vendors.
For more information on ADIF files, please see:
6.5 Fast Log Entry (FLE)
The WWFF Council highly recommend the use of the Fast Log Entry
(FLE) program, which will allow the creation of an ADIF file.
6.6 Naming of logs
Electronic logs are to be named in the following way:
callsign@reference YYYYMMDD
Using this file name is a very simplistic duplication check.
Logs simply named VEFF-0123.adi for example, are triggering
the 'dupe check' when a log of the same name is uploaded.
6.7 Uploading of logs by National coordinators
The VEFF National coordinator will load all relevant information
onto the WWFF Logsearch facility. Once the log is uploaded it is
difficult to remove - make sure your log is correct.
6.8 What if 44 QSOs are not attained?
As an activator, even if you do not attain the required
44 contacts during an activation, please still submit your
log for upload. Despite the fact that you have not reached
the 44 QSOs, your activation will still count for those
hunters that worked you, and for your future activation
of the same park.
7. Hunter information
7.1 Activator logs must be uploaded to Logsearch to claim
the reference
For hunters to claim a park contact, the activator's log
must be uploaded to WWFF Logsearch. There are instances
where park activators do not provide their logs for upload
to Logsearch. Unfortunately, in these instances, the contact
will not count towards WWFF global awards.
7.2 Valid QSOs
All QSOs are valid for Hunters, regardless of the number
of QSOs made during the activation by the Activator, provided
that the Activator log has been submitted and uploaded to
7.3 QSL cards not required
There is no requirement to exchange QSL cards in the VEFF
QSL cards are not required for VEFF and WWFF awards.
Valid QSOs between an activator and a hunter are displayed in
7.4 Please keep your overs short
A valid exchange of call sign, signal report and whenever
possible the relevant VEFF reference number is all that is
required. Protracted overs will potentially only frustrate
the activator and the hunters who are waiting to work the
activator. Remember, the activator is seeking 44 QSOs and
may often be working in adverse environmental conditions.
8. SWL information
8.1 How do SWLs participate?
Currently Logsearch will not allow SWL interface. SWL Hunter
certificates can be requested directly from the WWFF Global
Award Manager, or the VEFF National coordinator.
A list of stations heard, with relevant dates, times,
frequencies, signal reports exchanged, and relevant reference
numbers, is to be sent in XLS format (not XLSX) to WWFF Global
Manager and/or VEFF National coordinator.
http://wwff.co See Global Awards
9. Awards
9.1 Various award certificates on offer
There are many award certificates on offer within the WWFF program.
There is a WWFF Global award system, and many of the participating
National programs also offer their own award certificates.
9.2 National awards
For details on National programs please see:
http://wwff.co/ Go to National Awards
9.3 WWFF Global awards offered for free
The WWFF global awards are all available in electronic format
(.pdf or jpg) and are all free of charge. All WWFF global awards
are based on QSO information contained in the WWFF Logsearch
database. Other sources of information such as QSL cards, LOTW,
eQSL are not accepted for the global awards.
9.4 Global award categories
WWFF global awards can be claimed in three categories:
a. Activators (references, DXCC, Continents)
b. Hunters (references, DXCC per Continent, Continents)
c. SWL (references).
General WWFF Global Rules as a PDF file:
WWFF Global Rules v5.8 Approved 01 November 2022
Please use the VEFF Facebook Page if you have questions or for clarification.
Ammended November 1, 2022.