responsive website templates


The MEPT I have built can be easily programmed with an alternative sketch to the QRSS function through the Arduino programming port.

I have patched together a WSPR sketch that seems to work well. The code is "bare bones" and relies heavily upon libraries written by others. The transmission frequency and transmission timing is hard coded within the .ino file. I intend to include rotary encoder operation to allow for frequency changes, this is yet to be done at the time of writing.
My WSPR sketch is also large on memory space and I would like to expand this allowing me to combine WSPR and QRSS operation in a single sketch.

The .ino file is available on my Github space, use the link at the top right of this page.
I would welcome comments, suggestions and messages on how others find the use of my .ino files for WSPR and QRSS.

VK3EDW - 2018 - [email protected]