SX25DPI : special call for the Anniversary of 25 years of RAAWG

sx2004d qslRadio Amateur Association of West Greece is founded at 1985. So in 2010 was the 25th anniversary. We celebrate 25 years of  the foundation of our club using the special prefix SX25.

You can learn more for our club at

Many of our members could use the prefix SX25 and I did the same also.

Anyone amateur who will have at least 25 qsos in different bands with 5 different stations with the prefix SX25, will be eligible for a wonderful colour award.

Also anyone has completed qsos with SX25 stations more than a total of 250Km on 2m and up you will be also eligible, indepedent of SX25 stations you 've worked (that is even one is ok if the distance between you and him is more than 250Km).


Applications and copy of your log must be sent to RAAWG address:
RAAWG, PO Box 84, 30100 Agrinio, GREECE

The cost of the award is 5 euros.

Clublog give us the possibility to search the SX25DPI log. You can ask me also online for your qsl. I can send it via bureau or direct. PLEASE SEND ME YOUR QSL ALSO VIA BUREAU. I NEED IT FOR SEVERAL AWARDS I am chasing.