From São Tomé and Príncipe Islands for All over the World!

De São Tomé e Príncipe para Todo o Mundo!

Du San Tome et Principe pour tout le Monde!







What is North West Africa Adventure?

Why Rolas Island?


Propagation  Over View and Frequencies

Visit this Paradisiac Islands

QSL and Logs-on-line

Others Stations from S.Tomé e Principe


Enjoy DX

Malaria and Yellow Fever



Porquê o Ilhéu  das Rolas   

A localização

Propagação e Frequências  


QSL  e Diário da Estação

Outras Estações em S.Tomé

O Fascínio do DX 


Visite São Tomé e Príncipe

Um Paraíso Tropical 

Malária e Febre Amarela







   Marq,S92BWW & Bill Moore,NC1L

Visit US! Visit S. Tomé e Principe!

Rolas Island Sunset 

    CQ14BWW Special Event

I'm member and QSL Manager

I'm using a Vibro Keyer

Why Rolas Island?

During a Contest It's important to be "Punch"

On a DX´pedition it's important have  strong signal !

But more important is to be there!...

On this project we need to be There just to have a normal station and trying to give a "NEW ONE" for anyone interesting on

DX or on rare islands . With a Low Power station all conditions are limited, Everybody know's that, but it's true that we don't need to hurry . The station with a Kenwood TS480, Kenwood Power Supply PS52, Square Rass Iambic Vibroplex, Heil-PROSET Headphones, Dipoles Gustav Kelemen (10-80Mts Bands ) (40+80 Mts Bands) gave me a lot of fun. 



This time  we didn't take Triband Yagi 3 element, or R7 Multiband Vertical or HF2V Vertical (40 and 80Mts), and SB200 Heathkit Amplifier.

We prefer to use the famous German Manufacter antenna KURZ DIPOL with help of some native friends we mount

the 3 dipoles  from the top of coconuts .

With a map of the island on the hand and with all coordinatores defined , I decide try to have a first time operation with antenna 

pointed to Asia, than top Europe and finally to North America.

With about 200 JA Stations and a few UA0, move antenna a litle more 

I can conclude that all stations I work as a good hears.                                                                       
In the southern part of the São Tomé and Principe archipelago, right on the Equator line , is Rolas Island. With about 250 hectares are the setting for a tourist venture that has developed the potential of the region's characteristics, as well as taking full advantage of its unique location, from which it takes its name: Rolas Island Resort.        


A line, an island, a meeting of different origins and cultures, and with a history shaped by an environment of great natural beauty that  appeals in a unique way to all visitors who set foot here. All your senses are amplified, in a  space confined only by the vastness of the ocean and with time bounded only by the limits of you memory and your own imagination.                                                                                           
Let yourself be engulfed by new sounds, tastes, and smells. Keep an open mind and participate in different ceremonies, and experience new ways of being and of feeling. Leave behind your old ideas and escape into new experiences, unusual   contacts, and a great variety of activities.    
 Enjoy the special feeling of a people always ready to welcome you in a friendly and hospitable manner.                              
Rolas Island Resort, a well-planned agro-tourist development, is set in luxuriant vegetation with coconut and other palms, coffee bushes, and banana trees that grow right down to the beach. 
The visitor is offered the opportunity to  experience the workings of a roça (plantation), and thus learn of the living history and culture of the people. The plantation used to belong to a Portuguese producer of copra (that is, the    
oil-yielding kernel of the coconut, used in the manufacture of soap), but today it is part of the Rolas Island Resort tourist complex.        

The premises formerly used for copra production have been restored and refurbished so the  visitor can experience a functioning plantation 
producing copra, coffee, cocoa and spices.      
Rolas Island Resort has managed to combine these agricultural activities perfectly with its tourist function, while simultaneously preserving and presenting a rich historical, architectural and cultural heritage.                                                                                                                                      
Also on the line of the Equator - it goes almost  without saying - are the most beautiful beaches in the world, the warmest waters, and a whole   range of rare underwater fauna and flora to  explore. A genuine tourist paradise.            

The S.O.S. Turtles Project is yet another  initiative that offers the visitor a different   type of paradise, an ecological one, through becoming involved in efforts for the conservation of these animals.                  

Rolas Island Resort thus offers tourism on a wide scale. Besides all the marine activities that have been organized for you, there are also a bar and a restaurant, with traditional music  and cuisine, sports fields, a 2 300 m2 swimming pool with two sections (one for children and the other for adults), and a pool bar.              

Excellent accommodation guarantees the peace and relaxation that are essential for your holidays.

All tour details are managed by a department  whose responsibilities include negotiating flights, as well as organizing all accompanied transfers by land or sea in São Tomé.           

TAP Air Portugal and Air Luxor flies weekly from Lisbon at attractive rates. There are also daily flights from São Tomé to neighbouring African    countries, including Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire,  Angola, Nigeria, and Equatorial Guinea.         

In this resort for all your holidays, everything is plentiful and easy, for those who seek adventure as well as for those who simply wish  to relax and enjoy the pleasures that present   themselves. That is why Rolas Island Resort  would like to book your holiday here, in complete tranquility and security.   

São Tome and Príncipe is not CEPT member  , so if you decide to operate from here you must take a license before you came, including for importing equipments .        


Porquê o Ilhéu das Rolas?

Situado a sul da Ilha de São Tomé, o Ilhéu das Rolas possui excelentes infraestruturas turísticas , proporcionando aos visitantes uma variedade de escolhas em pleno Equador.

Assim, além dos desportos náuticos os turistas podem usufruir duma paisagem paradísiaca única, uma vegetação exuberante, e sobretudo

as suas gentes.

O povo São Tomense caracteriza-se pela sua hospitalidade tornando a todo o viajante uma relação de franca amizade .

A Linha do Equador atravessa o Ilhéu das Rolas, dando a possibilidade ao visitante estar no dois hemisférios na mesma altura no mesmo instante.

Existem pequenas ilhotas ou ilhéus que completam este Arquipélago , junto a S.Tomé temos: Ilhéu das Rolas, o Ilhéu das Cabras e as sete pedras junto a ilha do Príncipe temos: o Ilhéu Bombom, o boné de jockei, a Pedra da Galé, as Tinhosas e os Mosteiros. 

República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe       

Regime:República popular, em regime de partido único.

Capital: São Tomé (25 000 Habitantes)

Superfície: 970 km2

População: 150.000 Habitantes

Densidade populacional: 111,2 hab./km2    

Taxa anual de crescimento natural: 2,7% (entre 1980-1985)

Religião: católica (80%)

Principais exportações: cacau (80% das exportações), copra, café, óleo de palma e noz de coco.

As ilhas de São Tomé e Príncipe ficam situadas no golfo da Guiné, a pouco mais de 320 Kms da costa ocidental africana; o Equador "passa" pelo ilhéu das Rolas, a Sul de São Tomé , e a ilha do Príncipe situa-se a 2º de latitude Norte e a 140 NE da ilha principal do arquipélago, São Tomé (857 Km2).          

 As ilhas fazem parte, assim como Pagalu (Anno Bom) e Nguema (Fernando Pó), de um alinhamento vulcânico que, partindo do sul do lago Chade, se prolonga segundo a bissectriz do golfo da Guiné, por mais de 2.000 Kms. 

Na ilha de São Tomé as maiores altitudes encontram-se no centro oeste. A curva dos 2000 Mts envolve o maior maciço vulcânico fortemente dissimétrico, caindo abruptamente para o mar, a poente aonde se encontram os picod mais elevados: Pico (2024 mts) e Chaves (1636 mts).

A ilha do Príncipe, com os seus 114 km2, pode dividir-se em duas áreas  bem distintas; o sul, de relevo vigoroso e complexo, quase inacessível, culmina a 984 mts. no pico do Príncipe mais ou menos no centro da ilha.

O arquipélago foi descoberto pelos navegadores Portugueses respectivamente a ilha de São Tomé em 21 de Dezembro de 1470 e um ano mais tarde a 17 de Janeiro as caravelas Portuguesas ancoraram ao largo do Príncipe.

As ilhas estavam desertas, sendo o seu povoamento oficial em 1485 quando o rei D.João II doou a ilha de S.Tomé ao Fidalgo D. João de Paiva. Em meados do século XVI, usando escravos africanos, os colonos fizeram daquela ilha o maior produtor de açucar do Mundo.

Algumas especiarias são originárias daquelas ilhas e algumas culturas agrícolas levadas de Portugal tiveram ali sucesso como a vinha , o trigo e mesmo a figueira. Mas sem dúvida foi na cultura do café e do cacau que no século XIX obteve as maiores produções.

Em 1960 na sequência dos movimentos de libertação das ex colónias portuguesas surge o Comité do  Movimento de Libertação de São Tomé e Princípe.

A partir de Abril de 1974 após o golpe militar que em Portugal derrubou a ditadura, o governo Português reconhece esse Movimento de Libertação como representante  legítimo do povo santomense.

A 12 de Julho de 1975 nasceu a República Democrática de S.Tomé e Príncipe.


Beaming heads with S.Tomé pointing in the center of the earth of the Azimuthal Map:




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Last changed: Junho 06, 2006